The main issues
21. Some issues, such as the differentiation of content and the provision of practical work, which are perceived as important by HMI, received relatively little comment. Other matters raised in the document, such as the provision for pupils of both sexes and different cultures and the likely influence of modern technology on the mathematics curriculum, were taken up vigorously. Additional issues which received little or no attention in Mathematics from 5 to 16, such as resourcing and the effects of public opinion, were mentioned as matters of importance by a significant number of respondents. We regard all three types as main issues and they are discussed in the following paragraphs.
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22. Relatively few commented on the related issues of reducing mathematical content for some pupils and achieving better understanding. Principle 2 (paragraph 4.3), which argues for a firm conceptual basis, was found particularly encouraging for teachers of infants and strongly supported elsewhere, with one secondary response stressing that such a foundation was important for all age groups. Another comment suggested that the principle oversimplified matters and wanted it to be recognised that the practice of skills and the dawning of understanding went hand in hand. Although it was agreed by many that a reduction in content could be valuable in the interests of better quality work, there was some feeling from secondary schools that full implementation of the ideas in the document would prove disadvantageous to pupils likely to progress to A-level courses in mathematics; for example: 'Pupils may well finish with a better understanding of what mathematics in general is ... but I do seriously question whether they would be able to do very much ...' We accept that it is important for abler pupils to cover sufficient content for their subsequent work but it is our view also that firmly established foundations enable subsequent progress to take place much more quickly and confidently (see paragraph 4.3 in italics).
23. None of the replies from primary schools referred specifically to differentiation of content but writers in other groups gave general support to the Cockcroft principle of the development of a syllabus 'from the bottom upwards'. This envisages the development starting with the range of work which is appropriate for lower attaining pupils and extending this range as the level of pupils' attainment increases. One or two respondents were apprehensive that pupils who were potential mathematics specialists would suffer and that standards would fall if such principles were adopted. The desirability of minimising pointless failure for a child was acknowledged but some felt that this might not be compatible with the need to ensure that the subject was taught in a challenging way. In fact the document supports both viewpoints: work leading to persistent failure is unlikely to be seen by pupils as a challenge; furthermore, where failure does occur it should be treated in a positive way. Some writers suggested that, on issues such as these, teachers and HMI might be in conflict with some parents and employers and requests were made for more detailed comment on both matters. We accept that this is the case and have already referred to the need to inform public opinion (paragraph 12 above), we refer to it again in paragraphs 30 and 31 below.
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24. It has already been noted that few respondents referred to practical work. Of those who did, support was forthcoming from both primary and secondary schools and one LEA suggested that the section on practical skills did not go far enough. However, two secondary replies expressed disquiet, one noting that 'older children sometimes find practical work in mathematics childish whereas the opposite is probably true in other subjects' and another suggesting that practical mathematics had been taken too far in the document at the expense of the theoretical. In fact, the document refers to 'appropriate practical work' - appropriate both in terms of the topic and the needs of the pupils concerned - which helps pupils to understand abstract mathematical ideas and to apply them in a variety of contexts.
25. Principle 4 (Encouragement to all pupils of both sexes and of different cultural background) of Section 4, Classroom approaches, prompted a response to the effect that insufficient attention had been given to these important matters. Many thought that they needed more prominence; that they were more complex than the document implied; that issues arising from differences of gender and culture should be more directly confronted and in some sense should pervade the whole document. We believe that the multicultural aspects of mathematics are best considered within a school's carefully constructed cross-curricular policy as suggested in Curriculum Matters 2 (1). Mathematics provides, for example, opportunities to discuss the words and symbols used by various races and cultures for numerals and other mathematical concepts and to make pupils aware of the achievements of different races. Such matters need to be addressed more vigorously at all levels within the education service.
26. Many respondents were critical of Appendix 1 (Mathematical objectives for most pupils at the ages of 11 and 16) in principle, finding it difficult to reconcile with the 'seven year difference' enunciated in Mathematics counts. More support for the Appendix came from primary schools than elsewhere. Most of their replies approved of the inclusion of age-related objectives, indicating that it would provide a useful basis for staff discussion. Indeed there were requests for a similar list to be produced for pupils at the age of seven and one respondent would welcome a specific curriculum
(1) The curriculum from 5 to 16. HMSO, 1985
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for mathematics in primary schools. There was some division of opinion in the response from secondary schools. At one extreme, a preference for a 'nationally-determined curriculum' was expressed but others were much less convinced by the Appendix although several responded positively to the section dealing with personal qualities. Some noted an ambiguity in the final paragraph on page 54 which they suggested could have been resolved had it been followed by a sample list only; there was a feeling that many readers might well overlook that paragraph anyway. Several respondents were concerned that the Appendix would be taken as a checklist and consequently encourage an unduly restricted view of a school's mathematical programme; others suggested that the list of objectives for 11 year olds was too ambitious. Those who wrote from a further and higher education background - largely teacher trainers - also offered little support for this section, believing that it detracted from the rest of the document. Almost half the LEA responses commented on the Appendix and most were critical of one aspect or another. It was referred to in turn as vague, ambitious and limiting, and doubt was expressed as to how it could be consistent with the principle of a differentiated curriculum which had been expounded earlier in the document. Those representative bodies who commented were, in all cases but one, critical of the Appendix. One LEA commented that 'a sound basis for this only exists when there is a series of stages for development - supported by research evidence - with proportions of pupils for which they are appropriate'.
27. The age-related nature of objectives is a feature of the Curriculum Matters series as a whole. It is difficult for those professionally concerned with education to argue convincingly on grounds of principle against an attempt to define, in broad terms, what pupils might achieve at key points in their education. Certainly, setting out educational expectations needs to allow for a range of performance if they are to take proper account of the diversity of ability and rates of development which obtain among children. However, in their detailed planning teachers need to build on their knowledge of their pupils, so as to be more specific about the expectations and to differentiate tasks accordingly. It is hoped that the documents in the Curriculum Matters series offer a frame of reference for this work.
28. The frame of reference for mathematics offered in Mathematics from 5 to 16 is contained in the document as a whole and not
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just in Appendix 1. In fact, the criticisms of Appendix 1 were aimed at sections A to C (Facts, Skills and Conceptual Structures respectively) and, indeed, usually only at certain parts of these sections, with little reference to sections D and E (General Strategic and Personal Qualities respectively). The stated purpose of the lists in this Appendix, as explained in the text, was to provide 'an illustration of mathematics objectives' (paragraph 2.2), a point which is amplified on page 54 where it is emphasised that the lists are 'not definitive', but should be reduced or extended according to the abilities of the pupils. In our view this meets the range of criticism, from being 'too ambitious' on the one hand to being 'too limiting' on the other.
29. Moreover, we also think that there is no conflict, in principle, between the notion of 'the seven year difference' and the 'listing of objectives attainable by most pupils'. For example, the notion of the seven year difference is not incompatible with our saying, on page 56, that most - by which is meant at least 75 per cent of the pupils in a typical all-ability school - pupils at the age of 11 should be familiar with the symbols 0-9 and the place value notation (for whole numbers) and also confident in their use. It would be surprising if a very high percentage of the population had not achieved such objectives. It is recognised, however, that there are serious inherent difficulties in stating age-related objectives in any great detail. The DES has funded a research study, based at King's College, London, to look at the feasibility of setting attainment targets in mathematics for 11 year olds. If the results of this study lead to a major research project it would complement work already done at the secondary level.
30. Comments on the use of calculators and microcomputers provoked a varied reaction, but they were broadly acceptable to most respondents with some indication that the advice was felt to be timely and sound. However, there was some disagreement over the nature and degree of the influence of calculators. Some felt that the introduction of calculators was fraught with difficulties and that it needed to be controlled carefully to ensure competence and understanding in number work. Longhand calculations, it was said, formed part of the thinking process and a writer from a primary school referred to 'the valuable discipline of formal written calculations'. In the experience of one teacher, pupils' facility with number and understanding of basic concepts were not improved by the use of calculators; another expressed a need for research to be
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carried out into such use (1). Others referred to the dearth of material which promoted the calculator as an aid to learning rather than simply as an aid to calculation; to the insufficient emphasis on the place of mental calculation; and to the belief that reliance on calculators diminished the ability to perform mental arithmetic. It was evident from letters received that members of the public had been misled by some of the media coverage of the sections on calculators. Several people writing from schools thought there was a need to inform parents and to promote public debate on the potential benefits of calculators. We accept that the demise of operations such as long division is likely to reduce the opportunities for mental arithmetic and that it will be important to practise mental calculation in other contexts; and we accept the need for informed public debate. We also stand by our view that, used sensibly, calculators will help to make pupils better at mathematics, not worse.
31. In the context of the references to microcomputers, two matters prompted comment from respondents. First, the issue of programming, whether in BASIC, LOGO or otherwise, turned out to be contentious, with the need to program at all being rejected by some and a role for mathematics teachers in this setting being turned down by others. We suggest that the document does not ask for highly sophisticated programming: very short programs can be devised to help with a wide range of mathematical topics. We see no need for either teacher or pupil to have followed an elaborate programming course in order to develop and use such programs. Nearly every useful elementary technique can be discovered at the keyboard as programs are modified to deal with mathematical tasks. Another writer acknowledged that programming could aid reasoning and another thought that microcomputers should feature in Objective 20 (page 21) which concerns reasoning. Programming apart, there was a fair measure of support for the sections dealing with microcomputers in mathematics teaching. One writer made the valid point that added emphasis should have been given to the role of the microcomputer in mathematical exploration. But not everybody was convinced by the argument: it was said that many teachers remained to be persuaded, that more needed to be written
(1) In May 1985, the School Curriculum Development Committee announced the setting up of a project which would aim to develop a primary mathematics curriculum to take full account of the impact of the new technology. This project, known as PrIME, is now in operation.
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on the subject and that in-service courses were required. More than one reference was made to the lack of good software but we are not convinced that this is the serious difficulty which some writers claim; we stand by the views expressed originally in Microcomputers and mathematics in schools (1) and developed in Mathematics from 5 to 16 about the the use of microcomputers to support mathematics teaching.
32. Although Section 6 on Implementation is essentially advice to schools and their mathematics departments on the methods/strategies which might be employed to develop an appropriate mathematics programme for pupils, many respondents have taken the opportunity to widen the discussion considerably. Before considering these wider matters, it is appropriate to say that the identification of a mathematics coordinator or consultant within the staffing structure of a primary school is an essential prerequisite of good practice throughout the school, and that in every school the mathematics coordinator (primary phase) or head of mathematics (secondary phase) is crucial to the formulation and implementation of a successful mathematics programme.
33. In addressing themselves to the climate in which schools work, respondents referred to national, local and school pressures and to the interrelated considerations of public opinion and resources. At a national level, activity has been stimulated by the publication of Mathematics counts, the establishment of national criteria for GCSE mathematics examinations, the use of Education Support Grants to enable LEAs to appoint advisory teachers in mathematics and, we hope, by the appearance of Mathematics from 5 to 16. Considerable efforts have been made to ensure that these form a coherent strategy to improve the teaching of mathematics in schools. But are there arrangements within each LEA and school which can give more support to the implementation of an effective mathematics programme? Schools could for example opt for a higher contact ratio resulting in smaller classes and pressures on accommodation. Alternatively they could work to a lower contact ratio resulting in larger classes but less pressure on accommodation and more time for mathematics staff to meet together to plan, review and coordinate their work. This may be a very difficult decision since, for example, the effective use of calculators and
(1) Microcomputers and mathematics in schools: a discussion paper by T.J. Fletcher, HMI. HMSO, 1985
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microcomputers may be frustrated if classes are too large, or accommodation is scattered. The resource limitation mentioned most frequently was time: '... time for in-service, time for discussion with fellow teachers in school, time for preparation and planning and, perhaps most important of all, time for reflection and analysis of one's own teaching ...'. In addition the crucial problem of 'the recruitment and retention within the education service of teachers of the right calibre and qualification' was often raised. We share concerns about both these vital matters.
34. The role played by public opinion, especially the views of parents and employers, in setting the scene both for levels of resourcing the service generally and for the acceptance of the value of the type of mathematical education proposed by Mathematics from 5 to 16 was recognised by the person who wrote: 'I believe that to implement successfully the recommendations of this paper, there must be a major public relations exercise to educate parents and the media about the true mathematical needs of society, and what is good practice in schools, and why ...'. There is evidence (1) to indicate that many employers are moving significantly towards acceptance of some of the major recommendations of Mathematics counts and this should encourage teachers to speak with more confidence to local employers, parents and others in the community about the aims and methods of implementing a school's mathematics programme.
35. It is inevitable that a document of the nature and scope of Mathematics from 5 to 16 should attract some critical attention; indeed its main purpose was to inform and stimulate discussion. Many respondents clearly gave the document detailed consideration and did not always agree with all that they found in it. Responses have revealed substantial disagreement about the setting of age-related targets in mathematics and some disagreement concerning the implications of modern technology for the mathematics curriculum. There is considerable scepticism regarding the general development of a broader repertoire of teaching styles within
(1) The report New technology and mathematics in employment Dept. of Curriculum Studies, University of Birmingham, 1985 is helpful in giving an up-to-date picture of practice in industry and commerce. (A summary of the report is obtainable free of charge from: Publications Despatch Centre, DES, Honeypot Lane, Canons Park, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 1AZ.)
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current staffing and resource limitations. However, what emerges, despite the areas of difference reported in this paper, is an unequivocal message that the recommendations and broad strategies proposed in Mathematics from 5 to 16 command a considerable measure of support and agreement at all levels within the education service.
36. Mathematics from 5 to 16 was addressed to the partners in the education service, an audience which can be divided into two main categories which are not entirely distinct: those who have to decide on policy, both locally and nationally; and the teaching profession, including those responsible for the initial training of teachers and their subsequent professional development. In our judgement the broad areas of agreement reported in this paper provide a secure foundation on which to base policies and actions.
37. If the existence of such broad agreement is to be translated into policies for the teaching of mathematics that can be acted upon in schools, the policy makers will need to consider, at local and national levels, how best to secure improvement in:
- supply, quality and deployment of teachers of mathematics at all levels;
- provision of time and opportunities for teachers to develop and evaluate new teaching strategies for mathematics, including the increased use of modern technology;
- the provision of appropriate initial and in-service training;
- provision of adequate and appropriate resources;
- dissemination of information to parents, employers and the public at large regarding the objectives and nature of the mathematical work of schools.
38. An abiding challenge for the teaching profession is to improve the quality of pupils' work in mathematics. It has interest in, and responsibilities related to, all the issues raised in the preceding paragraph, not least in helping to inform parents, employers and the local community. In addition, the profession needs to maintain its efforts to:
- improve pupils' understanding of and confidence in mathematics by reducing content where necessary and differentiating assignments according to levels of attainment;
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- develop the purposeful use of calculators and microcomputers to transform mathematics teaching and learning;
- optimise the appropriate use of resources of all kinds to ensure that pupils' grasp of mathematical concepts is soundly based on practical experience;
- ensure that all pupils, irrespective of gender and ethnic origin, are enabled to participate fully in mathematical activities at every stage.