[page 234]
Unless otherwise stated, references are to paragraph numbers. The Appendices in Volume II have not been indexed in detail but a few major references are included in this index. The introduction and summary of conclusions and recommendations have not been indexed.
Ability Range, 79-81, 88, 263, 278
(see also Comprehensive Policy)
Academic Attainment, 79-81, 88, 263, Appendix 6
Academies, 288
Placing of pupils at, 337, 463
Administrative Costs of lntegration; 406, 407
Admission of Pupils (see Placing Arrangements)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Boarding Education, 162, 163
Age of Entry (see also Tiering)
To boys' public schools, 76
To girls' public schools, 112
To integrated schools, 270
Age of School Foundations, 66, Diagram 6
Aided Status, 296, 297, 474
Anglican Schools, Chapter 13
Appeals, 463, 480
Applications for Assisted Boarding Places, 321, 322
Armed Services Children (see Services Children)
Assistance with Boarding Education (existing)
Local education authorities, 176, 177, 386, 387, 413, 439
Central government, 179, 382-385, 416, 417
Scotland, 178,415, Chapter 18
Assistance with Boarding Education (proposed), 393-400
Cost per pupil, 401-410
Pupils at schools not integrated, 417, 455, 475
Total cost, 411-437
Assisted Pupils
Boarders (existing), 176-180
Day pupils (existing), 349
Placing of, 325-337
Proportion in an integrated school, 252-255
Association of Education Committees
Report on boarding, 194
Attitudes Towards Boarding Education, 146, 147, 165-167
Ballet Schools (see Academies)
Beating, 235-237
Boarding/Day Schools. 272, 316,473
Boarding Education
Existing provision, 60, 170-174
Arguments for and against, 162, 163
Parents' attitude, 146
Boarding Houses, 61
Boarding Need, Chapter 6
Alternative ways of meeting it, 159-160
Categories of need, 15S-158
In independent schools, Chapter 8
Numbers, Chapter 7
Boarding School
Definition, 261 (footnote)
Organisation, 61
Boarding Schools Corporation, 320
Functions, 463, 464
Membership and staffing, 467, 468
Sources of income, 438-447
Britlsh Nationals Overseas, 168, 335, 463
Buildings of Public Schools, 90
Bursaries, 453
Cadet Force, 239
Cambridge University, 35, 59, 95, 96
Capital Expenditure, 402, 403, 451, 452, 463
Careers, 93-95, 116-123
Certificate of Secondary Education, 261, 278-280
Chaplains, 343, 345
Charitable Status, 352-367
Children's Departments and Child Care Organisations, 307, 321
Choice of School, 142-144, 330
Church of England Schools, Chapter 13
Civil Service, 95, 179, 384
Clarendon Commission, 35
Co-education, 64, 91, 127, 148, 244, 268, 301-302, 429
Common Entrance, 310
Compulsion, 478
Compulsory Charges in Addition to Fees, 399, 400
Comprehensive Policy, 130-132, 259-291
Exception to, 273-276
Sixth form provision, 281-287
Size of schools, 279 .
Conclusions and Recommendations, 28, 29
Confederation for the Advancement of State Education (CASE), 369
Conscience Clause, 347
Consortia of Local Education Authorities, 323, 338, 339, 463
Consortia of Schools, 271, 294, 295
Constraints, Chapter 5
Contribution - Parental (see Parental Contribution)
Corporal Punishment, 235, 236
Corporation (see Boarding Schools Corporation)
Corps, 239
Cost of Integration, Chapter 16
Administration, 406, 407
Full scheme, 423
Interim scheme, 435
Per pupil, 410
Methods of finance, 441-445
Covenants, 357, 372, 375
Developments and experiments, 306
Of public schools, 75-81
Day Places in Integrated Boarding Schools, 316
New provision by local education authorities, 272, 473
Day Schools, 47
[page 235]
Declaration of Human Rights, 144
Denominational Schools, Chapter 13
Desire for Boarding, 165-167
Development Plans, 465
Diplomatic Service, 95, 179, 385
Direct Grant Schools, 47, 51, 214, 459, 460
Disadvantages of Boarding Education, 163
Boys' schools, Chapter 3
Girls' schools, 110-115
Dormitories, Partitioning of, 239
Dress, 239
Emotionally Deprived Children, 276
Endowments, 113, 357-367, 453, 463
Entry, age of, 76, 112, 270 (see also Tiering)
Ethos of Public Schools, 82-84
Exception to the Comprehensive Principle, 273-275
Exchange of Teaching Staff, 111, 232, 312
Exchequer, Possible Savings to, 416-423
Experiments, 139, 306
Fagging, 238
Level of, 73, Tables 15 and 16, 401, 422, Appendix 12
Approval of, 448-450, 463, 471
Assistance with (see Assistance with Boarding Education)
Federal Schemes, 293-295
Fleming Committee, 37-39, 42
Foreign Pupils, 309
Foundation, Dates of, 66, Diagram 6
Friends Education Council, 294, 296, 297, 341, Appendix 11
Schools, Chapter 13
Games, 239, 241
General Certificate of Education
'O' level, 76, 79, 88, 123, 197, 263, 277
'A' level, 76, 117, 118, 121, 197,278,280, 282,291
Gifted Children, 289, 290
Girls' Schools, Chapter 4
Factors affecting integration, 298-300
Priority for integration, 428
Transitional arrangements, 455
Glennerster, H., 358, 362, Appendix 12
Governing Bodies, 313-315, 466, Appendix 10
Grants to Avoid Hardship, 397
Grounds of Public Schools, 90
Group Schemes, 293-295
Handicapped Children, 153, 456, 476
Headmasters Conference (H.M.C.), 44, 49, 478
Headmistresses, Association of, 110
Holiday Arrangements, 307
Immigrant Children, 308
Income of Boarding Schools Corporation, 438-447
Income of Minors, 371-375
Income Scale Assessments (see Parental Contributions)
Independence, 35, 134-138, 142-144
Industrial Fund, 90, 354
Inspection, 311
Integration, Chapters 10 and 11
Intelligence and Attainment, 79-81, 88, 263
Inter-authority Payments, 379
Interim Scheme, 435-437
Kalton, G., 87, 88, 263
Lambert, Dr. Royston, 155, 206-209, 227, 244, Appendix 9
Legislation, 470-480
Links with Home, 62, 240
Loans, 451, 458
Local Education Authorittes
Assistance with boarding, 176, 177, 386-388, 413, 414
Assistance to day pupils, 349
Consortia of, 323, 338, 339, 463
Pooling of cost by, 438, 442-445
Location of Public Schools, 65
Maintained Schools, 52, 92
Boarding places at, 179, 214-216, 329, 459, 460
New boarding schools, 328, 457, 458
Previous attendance at, 253
Religious instruction and worship, 343, 347
Martin Report, 154, 155, 386
Methodist Schools, Chapter 13
"Mushroom" Schools, 267, 284
Music (see Academies)
Need for Boarding Education, Chapters 6 and 7
Projection of future need, 181-211
Negotiating Panels, 469
Negotiations with Schools, 463-469
Non-integrated Schools (see Schools not Integrated)
Options, Chapter 5
Overseas Pupils, 335, 463
(see also Foreign Pupils, British Nationals Overseas and Immigrant Pupils)
Oxford University, 35, 59, 95, 96
Parental Contributions, Chapter 15
Existing arrangements, 386
Recommended, 393-396, 463
Parents' Choice of Schools, 142-144, 330
Placing Arrangements, 325-334
Plowden Council, 289, 533
Pooling, 438, 442-445
Pragmatic Solution, 139
Prefects, 234
Preparatory Schools, Table 2, 101, 303, 304, 424, 436
Primary Age Boarding, 194, 196, 200, 206-208, 226, 303, 304, 424
Priorities for integration, 425-434
Privacy, 239
Public Schools
Definition, 49
Description of, Chapter 2
Punishments, 235-237
Quota of Teachers, 449
Range of Ability (see Comprehensive Policy)
Rates Relief, 355, 361-367
Recognition as Efficient, 50, Chapter 19
[page 236]
Recoupment, Local Education Authority Payments, 379
Regional Consortia of Local Education Authorities, 323, 338, 339, 463
Regional Distribution
Of pupils, 65, Table 12, Appendix 14
Of schools, 65, Table 11, Appendix 14
Religious Worship and Instruction, Chapter 13
Freedom of parents to opt out, 346, 347
Freedom of pupils to opt out, 348
Research, 48, 206-209, 290, 463
Reviews of Income Scale, 392
Right to Private Education, 142-144
Robbins Report, 105
Roman Catholic Schools, Chapter 13
Royal Commission on the Taxation of Profits and Income, 374
Rules 16 (see Recognition as Efficient)
Scholarships, 453
Schools not Integrated, 256-258, Chapter 19
Approval of fees at, 450
Assistance of pupils at, 417, 455, 475
Scotland, 174, 178, 225, 487-515
Selection of Pupils (see Placing Arrangements)
Selective Employment Tax, 356
Services Children, 179, 383
Short-term Boarding, 140
Sites of Public Schools, 90
Sixth Form Colleges, 281-282
Placing of pupils in, 336, 463
Sixth Forms, 58, 59, Table 7, Table 20, 263-269, 281-287
Placing of pupils in, 336
Size of Schools, 63, Tables 9, 18 and 19, 279
Social Class, 74, 85, 88
Society of Friends, 294, 297, Appendix 11 Schools. Chapter 13
Society of Headmasters of Independent Schools (S.H.M.I.S.), 294
Staffing, 67-72, Tables 13 and 14, 231-233
Levels at integrating schools, 449
Take Over of Schools, 136-138
Taunton Commission, 35
Tax Reliefs
To parents, 368-375
To schools as charities, 353-367
Education, 87
Exchange, 111, 232, 312
Qualifications, 71, 72
Quota of, 449
Staffing of schools, 67-72, Tables 13 and 14, 231-233
Terms of Reference, pages 40, 41, 46
Timing of Integration, 250, 482-486
Tiering, 149, 264-270
Transitional Arrangements, 454
Tuition Fee Payments, 377-379
Unrecognised Schools, 50, 219, Chapter 19
Uniforms, 239
Universities, 59, Table 8, Diagrams 5 and 7, 94, 96
Universities Central Council on Admissions, 325, 407 (footnote)
University Awards Scales, 388, 389, 393
Voluntary Schools (see Maintained Schools)
Waiting Lists, 145
Wales, 516-527
Weekly Boarding, 240
Welfare Services, 307, 321
Woodard Corporation
Group scheme, 294. Appendix 11
Schools, Chapter 13
Working Party on Assistance with the Cost of Boarding Education, 154, 155, 386
[page 237]
1. Method of working
2. List of schools included in terms of reference
3. Schools visited
4. Foundations of boys' public schools
5. Trends in numbers of pupils and schools
6. Questionnaires to schools - a survey of the replies
7. Evidence - lists of bodies and individuals submitting evidence and quotations from it
8. Careers of former public school pupils
9. Need and demand for boarding education - by Dr. Lambert and Mr. Woolfe
10. Schemes of government
11. Group arrangements
12. The finances of the public schools - by Mr. Glennerster and Miss Wilson
13. Assessment of parental contributions for the purpose of university awards
14. List of schools with boarding places in England and Wales and regional summary tables
15. Map of England and Wales showing position of public schools with boarding places
16. Map of England and Wales showing density of boarding places
17. Scotland statistics and map showing public schools with boarding places