[page 323]
Academic bias 83
Accommodation, provision of (see also Buildings) 56, 69, 91
Accuracy 104
Peel's Factory Act 1802 1
Grammar Schools Act 1840 269
Elementary Education Act 1870 14, 18, 38, 140, 263
Education (Scotland) Act 1872 38
Elementary Education Act 1876 16-17
Elementary Education Act 1880 17, 141
Intermediate Education Act (Wales) 1889 20, 269
Technical instruction Act 1889 20, 157, 160
Elementary Education Act 1891 23
Technical Instruction Act 1891 157, 160
Board of Education Act 1899 25, 157, 267
Elementary Education Act 1900 141
Education Act 1902 26, 27, 156-7, 160-1, 265
Education (Administrative Provisions) Act 1907 147, 159
Education Act 1918 33, 41, 50, 75, 141-2, 156-7, 161, 164
Education (Scotland) Act 1918 39
Education Act 1921 48, 50-3, 75, 142, 147, 160-3, 165-6, 169, 263-4, 267, 270
action 72
problems 153
recommendations 164-5
distribution of adolescent population 46, 51
early efforts to provide for suitable education during 4
needs of children entering on and passing through 36, 71, 76, 94
protection during 146, 149
supervision by headteachers during 91
transition from childhood into 74
views of witnesses on education during 72-3
Advanced Divisions (Scotland) 40
Advanced instruction, courses of
accommodation for 56
development of 36, 49, 53-4
provision for in education act 1918 34, 52, 285
organisation and provision of 55-6
statistical data regarding 8, 51-2
see also Courses of advanced instruction
[page 324]
mental and chronological 71
of entry to junior technical schools 66
Agricultural colleges 130, 153
Agriculturalists, views of 116
Agriculture 109, 119, 121, 125
Algebra 215, 217
Apparatus and equipment
encouragement to pupils in devising 218, 223
general 131
geographical 205-6
historical 203
see also Equipment and apparatus
Applied art - see Drawing
Arithmetic (see also Mathematics) 216
Arnold, Matthew 7, 10
clubs, school 228
courses in appreciation of 114, 229
schools 128
Artistic industries 69
Association of Assistant Mistresses 74
Association of Directors and Secretaries of Education 73, 84, 95
Association of Headmistresses 74
Association of Municipal Corporations 81, 92, 163
Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions 66
Association of Teachers of Physical Training 189
Association of Technical Institutions 66
Astronomy 222
Atlases 205
advance in 106
consolidation of 124
differences marked at age of 11 or 12 74
leaving certificate as 'hall-mark' of 151
Attendance - see School life
Austria 38, 295
Backward children - see Slow and backward children
courses in rural studies in 130
post-primary education in 297
Bellairs, Rev HW 8-9
Bent 106
definition of practical 121
double 114
existing practice in matter of 112-4
[page 325]
introduction of 86, 114, 117, 119, 121
witnesses views upon 114-9
see also Commercial bias, Industrial bias and Rural bias
Biology 222, 224
Birth rate 50, 144
Blair, Sir Robert 155
Board of Education
administrative divisions of 155, 158
enquiries in connection with courses of advanced instruction 48, 285
establishment of 25
initiation of examining boards by 153
inspectorate 158
Ministry of Agriculture and 130
statistics of 47
Bookkeeping 112-3, 118
Books (see also Libraries and Textbooks) 203, 207, 236
Boroughs and Urban Districts 56, 157, 160
Botany 224
Bradford 60
British and Foreign School Society 2, 5, 277
British Bee Keepers' Association 130
British history - see History
Broadcasting 242
Building trades 66, 120
availability out of school hours 247
cost and simplification of 91
extension of school life and 144, 148
necessity of additional 91
the art room 230
the geography room 205
the modern foreign language room 214
the practical instruction rooms 103, 131, 231
the science laboratory 131
Burgerschule - see Prussia
Cabinet making 69, 120
Cambridge, University of 153
Carnarvonshire 51, 58, 163
Central Classes (see also Central School) 53-4, 264
Central Departments 80
Central Schools
alleged effect on secondary schools 81, 162
bias in 67-8, 112-3
development of 44
[page 326]
for girls 112
in London and Manchester 31-2, 211
in seaboard towns 113
non-selective, existing types 53-4, 57
note on 264
provision of by local education authorities 55
selective, existing types 53-4, 57
see also Non-selective Central Schools and Selective Central Schools
Certificated teachers 126
Certificates, intermediate (Scottish) (see also Leaving Certificates) 39
Charity Commission 25, 157
Chemical and soap manufacturers 115
Chemistry 118, 225
Cholmeley, Mr RF 73, 78
Choral singing 239
Chrestomatic scheme 5
Cinematograph 207
Circulars, of Board of Education
1350 (Organisation of Public Elementary Schools) 75
1353 (Infant Care and Management) 225
1365 (Rural Education) 129, 237
Citizenship and civics 196
Classes primaires - see France
Cockerton Ruling 1900 and Judgements 1901 (see also Higher Elementary Schools) 26, 274
Cocoa and chocolate manufacturers 115
College of Preceptors 150, 152
Commerce 110, 121, 125
Commercial bias 68, 112-3, 210
Commercial School 6, 278
Commissions and Committees, etc, Reports of Official
Royal Commission of 1858-61 10
Schools Inquiry Commission 1864-68 12, 13, 24, 267
Royal Commission on Technical Instruction 1882-84 19
The Cross Commission 1886-88 17, 21, 267
Royal Commission on Secondary Education 1894-95 23-25
Consultative Committee on Higher Elementary Schools 1906 29
Consultative Committee on Attendance Compulsory or Otherwise at Continuation Schools 1909 41
Poor Law Commission 1905-09 41, 143
Departmental Committee on Juvenile Education in Relation to Employment after the War 1917 41, 141, 143
Ministry of Reconstruction - Employment during the War and after 1918 41, 143
Departmental Committee on Scholarships and Free Places 1920 79
Consultative Committee's Report on Psychological Tests of Educable Capacity 1924 71
[page 327]
Competition, between Secondary and other types of Post-Primary School 81
Completion of course 82
English 192
French (or other modern foreign language) 213
Constructive interests 108
Continuation School 270
Continued education 111, 114, 149, 237
Cookery 118, 235
between Board of Education and Ministry of Agriculture 130
between local education authorities 161-4
between local education authorities and voluntary organisations 170
between teachers and employers 116
Co-operative activities 231
Corporate activities 125, 246
Counties 50, 143, 157, 160
County Boroughs 50, 56, 157, 160
Courses of Advanced Instruction
in new post-primary schools 86-7, 125
initiation by head teachers of 125
period required for satisfactory 49, 140, 145
witnesses' views upon 110
see also Curriculum and Post-primary schools
Crafts 110, 229, 233
Craftsmanship 65, 128, 234
Craftsmen - see Teachers
Cramming 137
development of a 'realistic' 85, 101, 118
effect of leaving examination on 87, 150
in Junior Commercial Schools 68
in Junior Technical Schools 65, 68
in new post-primary schools 82-4, 102, 125, 188
in Scottish Advanced Divisions 40
local colouring in 107, 119
overcrowding in 104
specialisation in 109-10
suggestions on teaching various subjects of 188-247
unification of 104, 110
Czechoslovakia 298
Davies, Mr Salter 73, 78, 156, 157
Davies, Sir Walford 240
Dawson Mr AJ 275
Day schools - use of for evening schools 247
[page 328]
Day Technical Classes 33, 279
Day Trade Schools 32, 65-6, 79, 85, 272, 279
Debates 191
Degrees - possession of by teachers 127
Design 229
Devonport 113
Dialect 191
Distributing firms 116
Distribution of adolescent population 46
Dockyards, Royal 113
Domestic courses for girls
in Day Technical Classes 279
in Urban Central Schools 113
teachers in 124
Domestic Economy School 279
Dorsetshire 62
Dramatic work 191
Drawing and applied art 222, 226
Dress making 120
Dual control 156, 166
Durham County 61, 275
East Midlands Educational Union 152
Écoles primaires supérieures - see France
Economic conditions - effect on school life of 50-1, 82
Economic history 201
of the adolescent in foreign countries 37, 295-313
progress of 42, 142
regrading of 70, 76, 94, 96, 140
stages in 36, 72, 74, 76, 92, 97-8
see also Elementary education, Higher education, Post-primary education, Primary education, Secondary education, Secondary and elementary education
Education Department, The 16, 17, 157
administration 36, 96, 155-162, 164
law 96, 141, 155
opinion 72
organisation 72, 74-5, 79, 89, 144
terminology 94
visits 209
Educational Handwork Association, The 189
Education other than elementary - see Higher education
Electricity 222
Elementary education 36, 43, 72, 76, 95, 155, 165, 263, 266
Elementary education - primary grade 96
[page 329]
Elementary education - secondary grade 96
Elementary Schools 16, 42, 48, 80, 96, 147, 263
Employees - requirements looked for in 115
and school records 150
evidence on vocational bias by 115
Employment 47, 141, 143, 145, 147
Endorsement of leaving certificate 154
Endowed Schools Commission 277
Engineering 66-7, 113, 119-20
Engineering firms 115
Engineers 128
English, treatment in curriculum 190
English history - see History
Entrance tests to post-primary schools 55, 132-9
Environment, curriculum and 109, 118-9, 222
Equipment and apparatus
for practical instruction 232, 235
for science 220, 223
general 131
see also Apparatus and equipment.
Eurythmics 242
Evening classes
effect on of teaching modern foreign language in post-primary schools 211
use of day schools for 247
academic 151, 153
desirability of compulsory entrance 138-9
in practical subjects 154
standardisation in marking in 134
stimulus caused by 151
used for determining admission to existing post-primary schools 135
see also First school examinations, Free place examination, Leaving examinations, Matriculation examination, Oral examinations, Preliminary examinations
Examining boards 153
Exchange of teachers 213
Farm institutes - see Agricultural colleges
First School Examination 86, 127, 139, 150-1-2
Fletcher, Mr WC 81
Foreign language - see Modern foreign language
Formulae, in mathematics 217, 219
France 37, 299
Fraser, Rev J (afterwards Bishop of Manchester) 13, 276
Free Place Examination 75, 133, 135, 137
[page 330]
Free Places
system 44
to secondary schools from modern schools 139
French 85, 112, 211, 213
Games (see also Corporate activities) 125, 213, 243, 245
Gardening 226, 237
Gardens, school 237
General education
in new post-primary schools 84-5
in relation to bias 119
General hygiene 225
Generalisations in history teaching 195, 202
Geographical Association, The 189
importance of 204
qualification of teachers of 204
treatment of 208
Geology 223
Geometrical and mechanical drawing 217, 228
Geometry 215, 217
German 211
Girls, importance of learning to use tools 232
Girls' Public Day School Company 276
Gower Walk Free (Industrial) School 3
Graduate teachers 126-7
Grammar 194
Grammar Schools
and the proposed leaving examination 154
as part of recommended nomenclature 95, 99
Note on 268
see also Secondary Schools
Gramophones 214, 239, 241
Grants, State 3, 11, 23
Grouping of older pupils 43
Gymnasia 244
Gymnastic training for boys schools other than elementary 244
Hallam, Mr JH 73, 84
Handicrafts 232
Handwork 233
Harmonisation 240
Head Teachers
qualifications desirable 125
recommendation of pupils by 137
Hersley, Thomas 276
Heuristic, method of teaching 221
High School 276
[page 331]
Higher education 47, 155, 157, 160, 165, 265
Higher Elementary Schools 26, 28, 30, 54, 130, 156, 271
Higher Grade Elementary Schools 17, 22, 23, 54, 271, 274
Higher Grade Schools - Scotland 39
Higher (or Upper) Tops 44, 53, 57, 80, 275
High Schools 276
Historical Association, The 189
History 195
Holborn Trade School for Girls 279
Home management 236
Honour Certificates - see Scholarships and Free Places
Hornsey 62
Horticulture 238
Housecraft 113, 234, 236
House of Commons 72, 74, 144, 148, 210
Housewifery 235
Hygiene 118, 222, 224
Illustrations 203, 206, 214
Imperial history - see History
Individual teaching 43
Individual work 92, 103
Industrial bias 66, 112-3, 123, 229, 232
Industrial conditions, effect on school life 50
Industrial districts, science courses in 223
Industrial training, Rev HW Bellairs on 9
entry of children into 145
extension of school life and 144
school and 41, 121, 125
specialist teachers from 128
Institute of Mechanical Engineers 67
Intellectual development 136
creation and development of 104, 106, 118, 204
practical instruction and 117
Intermediate Schools 39, 53, 57, 269
Journeys, school - see Educational visits
Junior Art Departments 69, 120, 279
Junior Commercial Schools and Classes 68, 278
Junior secondary education 96
Junior Technical Schools 33, 48, 64, 79, 85, 120-1, 271, 279
Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James 8
[page 332]
Laboratories - see Buildings
Lancashire 63, 160
Lancaster National School 15
Lantern slides (see also Cinematograph) 206
Late development 93
Laundrywork 118, 235
League of Nations 203
Leaving age - see School life
Leaving certificates 150, 154
Leaving examinations
effect on curricula 87, 150
recommendations in connection with 151-3
types of 152
witnesses' views upon 150
Leeds 63
Leicester 61, 90-1
Leisure 110, 114
Letter-writing 192
Libraries, school (see also Municipal and County Libraries) 194, 214, 226, 241
Light, heat and sound 222
Ling Association, The 189
Literature 192
Local Education Authorities
administration by 96, 157
arrangements for conducting entrance examinations to post-primary schools 139
arrangements for transfer of children at 11 90
consultative committees of 159
co-operation between 161
duties in respect of advanced instruction 75
extension of leaving age in areas of certain 143
leaving examinations and 153
provision of courses of advanced instruction by 47, 49-50, 52, 54-5, 94
provision of Junior Technical Schools 65
regrading of schools by 75
views on lengthening of school life 143-4
views on 'marking time' 43
Local industries and occupations 66, 114, 118, 119
Local organisations and clubs 125
London (see also Central Schools) 31, 49, 50, 56, 60, 65, 112, 127
London Central School of Arts and Crafts 69
London Chamber of Commerce 150, 152
Lowestoft 113
Lycée - see France
[page 333]
Machinery, occupations involving 65
M'Kenna, the Rt Hon R 135
Maintenance allowances 147
Managers 169, 170
Manchester 31
Manchester Church Education Society 6
Manual instruction 20
Maps 203, 205, 208, 214
Marking time 42-3, 101, 118
Mathematical knowledge, need for 215
Mathematics 117, 214
Matriculation examination 67, 151
Mechanics 222-223
Medici Society 203
Memory drawing 228
Mensuration 215, 218
Merit Certificate - see Scotland
Metallurgy 222
Metalwork 117, 232
Meteorology 222
Middle Schools 5, 64, 276
Millinery 120
Mining areas 109, 119
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 128, 130
Misfits 139
Mistakes 246
Mittelschule - see Prussia
Mixed schools and classes 91
Models, construction of 218
Modern foreign language
in Junior Technical Schools 67
in London Central Schools 112
in new post-primary schools 85, 88, 210, 213
teachers of 123, 129, 212
Modern Schools
and the First School Examination 154
bias in 112-121
curriculum in 101-111
definition of 95-6, 100
use of term in schemes of Charity Commission 277
Modern social and economic life 125
Mothercraft 225
Municipal and County Libraries 194
Museums and art galleries 203, 229
Music 114, 238
National Poultry Association 130
National Society Schools 2, 5, 277
National Union of Teachers 73, 90, 184
[page 334]
Nature study 221
Needlecraft 118, 223
Newcastle-under-Lyme High School 276
Newspapers, foreign 288
New Zealand, Dominion of 214
Nomenclature 93, 155, 262
Non-graduate teachers 127
Non-provided schools (see also Dual control) 15, 166, 169
Non-selective Central Schools
existing types 53-4
nomenclature of 96
type recommended 79
Normal Schools - see Middle Schools
Nottingham High School 276
Nunn, Professor T Percy 72, 76
Object drawing 228
Observation 227
Occupations 42, 83, 107, 109, 113, 119, 121, 125, 146
Office routine 112
Ontario, Province of 289
Oral examinations 133, 136, 139
Orchestras, school 241
Organised Science School - see School of science
Oswestry National School 15
Oxford, University of 153
Parallel forms 88
and commercial training 68
and corporate activities 247
and education 42, 51, 77, 94, 109, 142
and extension of school life 51, 145-6-7
Part-time education - see Continued education
Percy, Lord Eustace - see President of Board of Education
Personal hygiene 224
Phonetics 191
Physical education 243
Physical training 242
Physics 221
Physiography 221
Physiology 222, 224
Pictures - see Illustrations
Playing fields 246, 247
Plymouth 113
Poetry 192
Portsmouth 113
[page 335]
Post-primary education
definition of the term 71
foreign and colonial developments in 37
historical data regarding 6-35
problem of 36, 40, 45, 47, 52, 57
proportion of children capable of profiting by 44
provision of by Local Education Authorities 47, 54, 98
public demand for 44
recommendations in connection with 70, 77
types of school required 78
witnesses' views upon 72-3-4
see also Advanced instruction
Post-primary schools
aim of 123
as training ground for future teachers 126
courses in 86-7, 125
curriculum in 83, 87, 188
equipment in 131
establishment of 82, 88
non-provided 167
Practical bias 85, 121, 128
Practical instruction
appeal and significance of 84, 117
as defined in the Education Act 1921 34, 230
co-ordination with courses in science 221, 225, 235, 237
encouragement of 92, 218
examination in the various branches of 154
in new post-primary schools 83-4, 88-9, 103-4, 108, 231
Practical work rooms - see Buildings
Preliminary 'weeding out' examinations 133-4, 139
Preparatory Department 275
Preparatory School 273
President of Board of Education 144, 168
Primary education 42, 44, 71, 74, 95, 96, 273
Primary Schools
adjustment of work of with post-primary schools 41, 89
geography in 207
historical data regarding 1-6
history in 197
mathematics in 217
music in 239
nomenclature regarding 95
note on 273
Private commercial schools and business colleges 68
Private reading 193
Private Schools 280
Prussia 13, 38, 305
Psychological tests of intelligence 133, 137, 139
Public Elementary Schools 155, 157, 163, 263
Public opinion 99, 149
[page 336]
Qualifying examinations - see Preliminary examinations
Reading 110, 203
Realistic education and bias 85, 101
Realschulen (see also Prussia) 100
Records, school 138, 150, 154
the Lowe Code 1862 11
for further education 66, 67, 278
for secondary schools 22, 66, 71, 131, 133, 159, 268, 273
for technical schools 67, 271, 279
for training of teachers 129
Religious knowledge and instruction 168, 189
Retarded development 71
Royal Horticultural Society 130
Royal Society of Arts 150, 152
Rural bias 116, 119, 128, 210
Rural schools
courses for teachers in 129, 130, 221
imparting 'local colour' to curriculum in 107
'marking time' in 43
organisation of 43, 91
practical instruction in 232, 235
science courses in 223
specialist teaching in 92
teachers in 123, 128
Rural studies, courses in Belgium in 130
Rutland 59, 60, 91
St Gallen, Canton - see Switzerland
Salaries of teachers in post-primary schools 127, 130
Scarborough 113
School Boards 14, 53, 140
School life
effect of a bias on 118
effect of a leaving examination on 151
effects of existing provision for advanced instruction on 50
historical data regarding 140-1
in London Central Schools 51
reasons for recommending compulsory extension of 140, 145-6
statistical comments on 50, 141
tendency to lengthen 42, 50, 77, 83, 142
School of Science 18, 272
Schools Inquiry Commission - see Commissions
Schools, statistical data of attendance at various types of 46, 51
Schools of Industry 3
Science 117, 220
[page 337]
Science and Art Department 14, 24, 25, 157, 272, 274
Schola grammaticalis 268
Scotland 23, 38
Scottish Education Department 39
Second Examination - see Free Place Examination
Secondary and elementary education 19, 22
Secondary education
common use of term 95, 97
expansion and effect of 44
note on 266
recommended definition and use of term 71, 95
Secondary Schools
differentiation with other post-primary schools 86-88
alleged effect on by Central Schools 81, 162
need for development of 77, 79, 80, 82
nomenclature recommended 95
note on 266
proportion of children to be transferred to 80
school life in 83, 147
statistical data 48, 81
Sekundarschule - see Switzerland
Selective Central Schools
courses in 77
existing types 53
nomenclature recommended 95
type required 79
use of Free Place Examination in determining entrants to 135
Senior Classes
definition of 96, 100
development of 88, 92
type required 79
Senior Schools 43, 55, 275
Senior Standard Schools 22, 54, 57
Shipbuilding 66
Shoreditch Junior Technical School 32, 69, 279
Shorthand 112, 113, 114, 118
Sick nursing 118
Sight reading 239, 240
Size of classes 56, 92, 214
Skill, attainment of 108
Slow and backward children 89
Smith, Mr JC 38
Social activities - see Corporate activities
Social history 199, 201
Societies, local 125
Solo playing 238
Solo singing 238
Songs 213, 239, 241
South Africa, Union of - see Transvaal
Spanish 211
[page 338]
Specialisation 84, 103, 110, 120
Specialist teachers 103, 126, 128
Speech training 190
appointment and selection of 92, 124, 171
assistant teachers 124, 126
extension of school leaving age and 144, 148
head teachers 124
in Modern Schools and Senior Classes 103, 131
note on existing arrangements 123-4
specialist teachers 126, 128
Stimulus caused by leaving examination 151
Supplementary courses for teachers 129
Survey work 208
Sweden 308
Switzerland 13, 310
Tastes of pupils, differences in 106
and corporate activities 246
assistant 126
certificated 126
conferences between 103
craftsmen as 128
exchange of 213
graduate 122, 126-7
head 124
non-graduate 127
of domestic subjects 124
of geography 204
of history 202
of modern foreign languages 68, 123, 129, 212
of music 238
of practical subjects 130, 212
of physical training 245
probationary period of graduate non-trained 127
salaries of in new post-primary schools 127, 130
sources of supply 126-7, 212
supplementary courses for 129
visiting 123
witnesses' regarding 122
Teachers Registration Council 159
Technical Colleges 128, 153
Terminology - see Nomenclature
Textile manufacturers 115
Textile trades 109
Third year courses 128, 212
Time chart 203
Trade Schools - see Day Trade Schools
[page 339]
Trades Union Congress 74
Training Colleges and Departments 123, 126, 128, 129
between different post-primary schools 89, 93, 139
of children at 11+ 55, 75, 80, 89, 90
of children remaining beyond 15+ 83, 93
Transport 91, 109
Transvaal, Province of 290
Trigonometry 215
Typewriting 112, 113, 114, 118
Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes 150, 152
United States of America 37
Universities, Departments of Agriculture in 129
University examining bodies 150, 152
University Training Departments 127
Upper (or Higher) Tops 53
Urban Districts - see Borough and Urban Districts
Urban schools 43
Vacation courses 129-30, 245
Vaud, Canton - see Switzerland
Victoria, State of 292
Visiting teachers 123
Vocational education, definition of 120
Vocational instruction
Committee's views upon 67, 88, 101
employers' views upon 115, 120
historical data 4
in Day Technical Classes 66
Voluntary bodies - see Dual control
Voluntary schools - see Non-provided schools
Warwickshire 59
Wattie, Dr JM 38
Wesleyan Schools 7
Woodwork 117, 232
World history 200
Yeoman School at York 5
Yorkshire (West Riding) 64, 277
Zürich, Canton - see Switzerland