[page 383]
ADMIRALTY SCHOOLS, Revised Code regulating inspection of, 366.
Age of school children: in England, 180; in France, 194.
Agricultural districts, schools in, Minute (April 2nd, 1853), relating to grants for support of, 300-310.
Arithmetic, Teaching of, and tests in, 93, 97, 128, 141, 180.
Art, schools and departments of, establishment of, 26 (note).
Assistant teachers - See under Teachers.
Attendance, School, 74, 111-112, 154, 172-173, 179.
BAUDOUIN, M., report of, to French Government, on primary and secondary schools in Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium, 129.
Bible, teaching of the, 81; as literature, 139; in British schools, inefficient, 139; in German schools, 262-265.
Birmingham schools, 56.
Books, School:
Necessity for control of, 23-24, 119-121, 142, 143-145.
Purchase of, by children themselves, 72 -73, 120, 121.
Reading, necessity for good, 81-83; improvement in, 97-98.
Borough Road training College, extracts from Reports on, for the years 1855, 239-241; 1858, 242-248; 1861, 249-251; 1864, 252-253; 1867, 254-255; 1870, 266-267.
British Schools:
Bible teaching in, 139.
Class of children attending, 150, 151.
Comparison of, with National Schools, 150-152.
Plan of organisation of, 13, 42.
Fees in, 8.
British system of school organisation, 13.
Buildings, School:
Grants for, text of Revised Code referring to, 334-338.
Improvement in, 41, 79.
[page 384]
Butler, Right Rev. Joseph, Lord Bishop of Bristol, sermon by, preached in 1745 on behalf of charity schools of London and Westminster, 229-230.
CENTRAL SCHOOL OF DESIGN, establishment of, in 1837, 26 (note).
Certificated teachers - See under Teachers.
Chemistry, instruction in, at Borough Road and Stockwell Training Colleges, 250.
Class Subjects:
Grants for, 208-209.
Introduction of, advantageous, 167-170.
Classes, need of well defined, 54-55; sizes of, in French and English schools, 77.
Cleanliness, lack of, in London schools, 41, 79-80, 84.
Revised Code of 1862, 90, 103, 131-132.
Aim of, 93.
Effect of, on inspection and examination of schools - See Inspection and Examination of Schools.
Effect of, on instruction in elementary schools, 111-114, 155, 172; on teaching staff, 103-111.
Text of, 331-352.
Code of 1871, working of, 141-142.
Code of 1876, working of, 166, 168, 171-172.
Code of 1882, working of, 226-229.
Co-education, advantage of, 14-15, 24.
Comenius, educational ideal of, 207.
Royal Commission on Education (Duke of Newcastle) 1861, 89, 102, 103, 130, 135-136.
Schools Inquiry Commission of 1865, 102.
Compulsory education, 23, 117-118, 138-139.
Continental schools, comparison of, with English schools, 77-81, 102, 111, 121.
Cookery, teaching of, 215.
Cornwell, Dr., 240, 241.
Cost of School Maintenance:
In England, 195, 196, 198, 199, 217.
In France, 195.
Suggested reasonable limit per scholar, 199.
[page 385]
Country schools, voluntary and State-aided, difficulties of, 59-63.
"Cramming", 129, 227.
Culture, lack of, in pupil teachers and students in training, 16-17, 98-100, 176; desire for, among teachers, 100-101.
Curriculum of elementary schools, 46-47, 114- 115, 169-170, 226-227; for children of from ten to thirteen years of age, 206-210. See also Extra Subjects.
DAME SCHOOL METHODS, retention of, in National schools, 152.
Desks, School, 42-43, 69- 70, 76; importance of fixed places at, 43.
Discipline, effect of high fees on, and need of, for elementary school children, 5-6.
Domestic Economy, teaching of:
At Borough Road Training College, 245 -248.
At Stockwell Training College, 249.
Desirable in curriculum for girls, 171, 215.
Letter and Memorandum (1858), to managers of schools in regard to, 245-246.
Parents of middle and richer classes indisposed towards, 247.
Drawing, teaching of, 27.
Drawing schools, establishment of, 26.
Drill, teaching of, 152.
Duport, Mr., on Elementary School Education, 131.
Elementary instruction, aims of, 226-230.
Endowed schools, grants for, Revised Code of 1862 regulating, 363.
English, teaching of, advisable in Welsh schools, 11, 12; importance of study of, 17, 155-164. See also Grammar, Poetry, Reading, Recitation.
Evening schools, 223-225.
Examination of Schools - See Inspection and Examination of Schools.
Annual, of students in training colleges, Regulations as to, 322-329.
Excessive use of, as tests, undesirable, 134.
For grants - See under Grants, Government.
Labour Acts, in connection with, 173.
[page 386]
Examinations - cont.
In normal schools, Revised Code of Regulations, 1862, as to, 360-363.
Teachers' - see Teachers.
University of London, recommended as tests for teachers, 100-101, 164-165.
Extra Subjects, 141-142, 143, 170, 181, 185, 205-206.
English Literature most popular of, 200.
Grants for, 208, 211.
Recitation produces best results, 147-148.
Fees, School:
Check to popular education, 19- 23, 118.
In Wesleyan schools, 2-3.
Results of, on class of scholar, 4-7, 8, 19-23; on discipline and instruction, 4-7.
In French schools, 1I8, 195.
In Prussian schools, 118.
In Voluntary schools, 221.
In Wesleyan schools, amount of, 2-3.
Prepayment system of, advantageous, 118.
Subscription system of, adopted in the Llynvi Iron Co.'s school, 9.
Total contributed per annum in France and in England, 195.
Value of, 220-221.
Variation of standard of, in different districts, 22.
Fitch, Sir Joshua G., Vice-Principal of Borough Road Training College, 241; Principal, 243.
Fittings, School, 53-55, 56, 70, 76.
Fraser, Right Rev. James, Lord Bishop of Manchester, opinion of, as to Revised Code, 154-155.
Free education, 138-139, 220,
Freedom in instruction and examination, importance of, 115.
French, teaching of, 162, 185, 211.
French schools:
Books used in, 81.
Classes, size of, in, 77.
Cleanliness, of, 79-80.
Communal, under municipal control, 198.
Cost of maintenance of, 195.
Fees, in 118.
Teachers in, number of, 77.
[page 387]
GALLERIES: use of, in schools, 41- 42, 69-70, 152.
Geography, teaching of, 114, 129-130, 168, 210.
German, teaching of, 185.
Educational control in, 121.
Gymnastics taught in schools of, 255.
Inspectors of Schools are members of School Boards, 144.
Report by M. Baudouin to French Government on primary and secondary schools in, 128-129.
See also Prussia.
Girls' schools:
National, in London, 151.
Glasgow, system of school organisation, 13.
Failures in, at Queen's Scholarship Examination, 84.
For fourth standard children, 212-214.
Given a larger place in examination papers of the Borough Road Training College, 266-267.
Importance of a uniform text-book in, 23-24, 86.
Papers in, at Pupil Teachers' Examinations, disappointing results of, 156-162.
Teaching of, advantageous, 85, 86-87, 168, 192, 210, 213.
Grants, Government:
Attendance of school children as a condition. affecting, 172-173.
Augmentation, 67, 108, 145.
Conditions of, 115.
Country schools and, 60-62.
Effects of, on elementary school education, 62-63.
Examinations under Revised Code for, 97, 113, ITS, 126, 132.
Failures in, 114, 125, 128, 140-141, 180.
Practical working of, effect of, 97, 132.
Proportion of children presented for, 113, 115, 125-126.
For class subjects, 208, 211.
For extra subjects, 208, 211.
For music, 208.
Maximum, to be earned per scholar as proposed by Newcastle Commission, 135; actual, in 1869, 136.
[page 388]
Grants, Government - cont.
Minutes regulating - See Minutes.
Pupil teachers, in respect of, 7, 108, 110, 145.
Revised Code of Minutes and Regulations, 1862, affecting, text of, 331-366.
Schools receiving, two classes of, 58-59.
Superannuation, for teachers, suggested, 138.
System of, proposed, 136-137.
Total amount of:
In England (1878), 194-195.
In France (1878), 195.
Gymnastics, lessons in:
At Borough Road Training College, 266.
At Stockwell Training College, 254, 266.
Health, care of, instruction in, desirable, 171, 178.
History, teaching of, 114, 130, 168, 210.
History, Universal, teaching of, needed, 259-261.
Assistant teachers in, 78.
Pupil teacher system in, 78.
Homerton College, Special Report on, for 1868, extract from, 256-258.
INCOME OF SCHOOLS, 1852, 2; 1897, 195.
Industrial schools, 26.
Industrial training, 215-216.
Infant schools, age of admission to should be raised, 76; want of, 14, 24, 69.
Inspection and examination of schools:
Compulsory, valuelessness of, 58-59.
Denominational, abolished, 141 (note).
Examinations as inspection tests, disadvantage of, 134-135.
Influence of Minute of 1867 on, 115, 129-130.
Influence of Revised Code of 1862 on, 90-97, 113, 116, 126-128, 131-135.
Inspectors of Schools:
Duties, functions, methods, powers, principles to be followed in reports of, 28-34, 91-92, 132-133.
Instructions to, 1862, 367-382.
Senior, 114.
[page 389]
Effect of high fees on, 6-7.
Effect of Revised Code of 1862, etc., on, 114-116.
Governing aim of, 228-229.
Suggested programme of, 210-212.
Intelligence of school children, development of, neglected in English elementary schools, 128-129, 188-192.
Küssnacht Primary Normal School:
Gymnasium of, 255.
Instruction in history of religion at, 261.
LABOUR ACTS, examination for purposes of, 173.
Lancaster, Joseph, monitorial system of, 13.
Languages, foreign, less important than English in instruction of pupil teachers, 17; suggested as an extra subject under Code, 171. See also French, teaching of; Latin, teaching of.
Latin, teaching of, desirable in elementary schools, 148-150, 162, 185, 211.
Laundry, instruction in, 249.
Learning by heart, value of, 88, 98. See also Recitation.
Lecturers, grants for, in Normal schools, Revised Code, 1862, regulating, 386.
Legislation, school See Elementary Education Act of 1876, Codes, Minutes.
Lessons, sketches of, given by students at training colleges, 252-253.
Literature, character forming attributes of, 83, 142- 143, 147-148, 251.
Local school authorities, desirability of, 174.
London School Board, policy of, in regard to supply of teachers, 145-146; cost of education under, 196, 217; evening schools of, 225.
London schools:
Accommodation of, unsatisfactory, 40.
Class of scholar attending; 150.
Cleanliness lacking in, 41, 79-80, 84.
Improvement in, 56-57, 70, 84.
Inferior on the whole to country schools, 35.
Supervision of, by ministers of religion, wanting, 38.
[page 390]
London, University of, examinations of, recommended as tests for teachers, 100-101; 164-165.
Lubbock, Sir John, on subjects of instruction, 201, 206-209; on teaching of scientific subjects, 158, 214-215.
Cost of - See Cost of school maintenance.
Grants for, text of Revised Code regulating, 338-343.
Management, School, in British, Wesleyan and National Schools, 151; lectures on, at the Borough Road Training College, 243-244.
Managers of voluntary schools, influence of, on schools, 221-222.
Manchester, Bishop of - See Fraser, Right Rev. James.
Manchester schools, 36.
Method, instruction in, at Borough Road Training College, 242-244.
Middle class schools - See Private middle class schools.
Middle classes, children of lower, undisciplined, 5.
Military exercises at Küssnacht Primary Normal School, 255.
In regard to:
Assistant teachers, grants to (July 23rd, 1852), 298-299.
Certificated teachers in training schools, grants to (August 6th, 1851), 296.
Erection of schools, grants for (August 29th, 1833), 269-270.
Grants, appropriation of (September 24th, 1839), 273.
Pupil teachers and stipendiary monitors and support of normal schools (August 25th and December 21st, 1846), 279-295.
Queen's scholars and annual examination of students in training colleges (June 2nd, 1856), 322-329.
[page 391]
Minutes - cont.
In regard to - cont.
Queen's scholars, apprentices, and certificated teachers (August 20th, 1853), 311-321; Minute (May 4th, 1859), cancelling Section 9, of Minute of August 20th, 1853, 330.
Schools in agricultural districts and unincorporated towns of England and Wales, grants for the support of (April 2nd, 1853), 300-310.
Mixed schools - See Coeducation.
Monitorial system in schools, 13.
Municipal control of education, 118, 198.
Grant for, 208.
Instruction in, 148, 210, 250.
NATIONAL SCHOOLS, comparison of, with Wesleyan and British schools, 150-152.
Nature Study (Natur-kunde), introduction of, desirable, 169-170, 181-184, 210.
Inspectresses of, required, 166-167.
Teaching of, 25, 45, 47, 75, 167.
Normal schools .:
Grants to, Revised Code of Regulations, 1862, referring to, 354-363.
Support of, Minute Of 1846 in regard to, 292-295.
Norwood District School, 215.
Numbers of school children:
In England and Wales, 193.
In France, 193.
Obligatory Subjects, 208.
Oral teaching, 214-215.
Order in Council creating the Committee of the Privy Council on Education, 271-273.
Organisation, school:
Battersea plan of, 41, 52-54.
Glasgow system of, 13.
Importance of, 13, 43- 45.
In British and Foreign School Society model schools, 13, 42-43.
In National schools, 45, 151-152.
In Wesleyan schools, 13, 41, 69-70.
"Standard" system of, 13, 92.
[page 392]
In elementary schools, exaggerated ideas as to, 45-47.
PARAPHRASING, criticism of exercises in, 87, 157- 159, 176.
Parents of school children, inquiry as to means and position of, 96.
Paris, cleanliness of schools of, 79-80.
Parsing, 162, 212-214.
Payment by results, 132, 209; injurious effect of, 103, 116, 125-126, 143; Revised Code of 1862, regulating, 339-341.
Pensions, for schoolmasters and mistresses, Minute of 1846 in regard to, 295.
Pestalozzi, doctrine of, as to education, 189.
Physical training, importance of, 215-216.
Playgrounds, school, 41.
Character forming attributes of, 186-188, 200-205, 228-229.
Choice of, 120-121, 163-164, 191, 202-203.
Poor Law schools, Revised Code of Regulations, 1862, as to inspection of, 364-366.
Practical art, department of, establishment of, in 1852, 26 (note).
Private middle class schools, comparison of, with elementary schools, 122.
Privy Council on Education, Order in Council creating the Committee of the, 271-273.
Programme of instruction - See Curriculum.
Compulsory education in, 117, 139.
Fees, school, in, 118.
Pupil teachers - See Teachers.
Examinations for, 36, 84, 87.
Grants for, Revised Code of Regulations, 1862, as to, 356-360.
Minute (August 20th, 1853), in regard to, 311-321.
Regulations (MInute, June 2nd, 1856), as to, 322-329.
Reading, teaching of, and tests in, 36, 81, 93, 97, 121, 126-127, 141, 180, 191; at Borough Road Training College, 245.
Recitation, instruction in: good results of, 88, 99, 147-148, 163, 186, 200.
Recreation, 41, 215-216.
Religion, history of, need of instruction in, in training colleges, 259-261.
[page 393]
Religion, ministers of, supervision of schools by, 38-40.
Religious and moral instruction:
In schools of the Congregational Board, 256-258.
Gallery in Wesleyan schools, as a factor in, 41-42.
Inefficiency of, 139-140.
Need of, 262-265.
Regulation previous to 1870, as to, 1 (note).
Wesleyan Education Committee's principles with regard to, 232-233.
See also Bible Teaching.
Reports, inspectors', method of - See under Inspectors.
Revised Code - See under Codes.
Roman Catholic Schools 151.
Royal Commissions - See under Commissions
SALARIES, TEACHERS' - See under Teachers.
Scholars, class of, attending elementary schools, 3, 19, 46, 74. 150-151.
School Boards, procedure of, unpractical, 197, 198.
Schools Inquiry Commission, 102.
Science, criticism of demand for teaching of, 177-178; best taught as Natur-kunde in elementary schools, 184; method of instruction in, 214; civilising effect of, 250.
Science and Art, Department of, South Kensington, establishment of, 26 (note).
Scotch students in training, culture less lacking in, than in English students, 100.
Scott, Rev. John, address to students of the Wesleyan Institution, 1856, quotation from, 235-236, 237, 238.
Senior inspectors - See Inspectors, Senior.
Short-time system, 215.
Simplicity in method of teaching and school administration, desirability of, 181, 190, 192-193, 197, 199.
Singing, instruction in, at Borough Road and Stockwell Training Colleges, 250.
South Staffordshire schools, 51-53, 56.
Specific subjects - See Extra Subjects.
Spelling, reform in, proposed, 174-176.
"Standard" system in schools, 13 (note), 92.
Standards, higher, abolition of, recommended, 173, 188.
[page 394]
State aid to schools - See Grants, Government.
Stipendiary monitors, education of, Regulations (Minute of 1846), as to, 287-292.
Stockwell Training College, extracts from Reports on: 1861, 249-251; 1864, 252-253; 1867, 254- 255; 1870, 266-267.
Sunday schools, Wesleyan, attendance at, 235.
Gymnastics invariably taught in schools of, 255.
Report by M. Baudouin to French Government on primary and secondary schools in, 129.
Certificated, grants for, Revised Code of Regulations, 1862, as to, 355.
Grants to, Minute relating to, 298-299.
In Holland, 78.
Need of trained, in higher class schools, 63-64.
Grants to, Minute of August 6th, 1851, relating to, 296-297.
Minute (August 20th, 1853), in regard to, 311-321.
Revised Code of Regulations, 1862, referring to, 345-347.
Revision of certificates of, 73.
Effect of Revised Code of 1862 on spirit of, 103-107.
Examinations for, mode of conducting unsatisfactory, 254; recommendation of University of London, 100-101, 164-165.
Importance of high standard of attainment in, 47.
In French schools, number of, 77.
Independence of, 71- 72.
Principal, 63.
Pupil teachers instructed by, gratuities in respect of, 105-106, 110, 145, 153.
Promotion of, 73-74.
Culture lacking in, 16-17, 98-100.
Difficulty in procuring, 68.
[page 395]
Teachers - cont.
Pupil - cont.
Education of Regulations (Minute of 1846) as to, 291-292.
English a more important study for, than languages, 17.
Exhibition to normal schools, for, Minute of 1846 in regard to, 292-295.
Ill-health of, to be considered a disqualification, 15-16.
Government grant for - See under Grants, Government.
Improved attainments of, 67.
In Holland, 78.
Minutes in regard to: August 20th, 1853, 311-321; May 4th, 1859, cancelling Section 9 of Minute of August 20th, 1853, 330.
Number of, in 1852, 5; restricted by Minute of May 4th, 1859, 77-78; in 1861, 103-104; in 1866, 104.
Of South Staffordshire schools, 52.
Requirements as to, 104-105.
Revised Code of Regulations, 1862, referring to appointment, etc., of, effects of, on, 103-111; text of, 347-353.
Salaries of, 68-69, 108, 109.
Supply of, inadequate, 68; suggested remedy, 137-138; improvement in, 145, 153.
Welsh, proposal as to training of, in English, 12.
Salaries of, 63-64, 103, 105, 106, 107, 145, 209.
Training of, 47-48, 64-66. See also Borough Road Training College, Homerton College, Stockwell Training College, Wesleyan Training College, Westminster.
Teaching, exercises in, performed by students before inspectors, unsatisfactory as tests, 252-253.
[page 396]
Timidity in scholars' examination, 97.
Training Colleges, criticism of methods employed in, 241, 242-244, 249-253.
Training of Teachers - See under Teachers.
Regulation previous to 1870, as to, 1 (note).
Unincorporated Towns, schools in, Minute (April 2nd, 1853) relating to grants for support of, 300-310.
VOCABULARY, scanty, of elementary school children, 155, 187-188, 204.
Voluntary Schools:
Comparison of, with public schools, 218- 223.
In the country, 59-62.
WAGES, a school supported out of, 9.
Weights and Measures, system of, employed in instruction, an absurdity, 180.
Welsh language, disappearance of, 11.
Welsh Schools:
Class of scholar attending, 10.
English language teaching in, advisable, 11, 12.
Generally British schools, 10.
Wesleyan Schools:
Attendance at, 51, 235.
Class of scholar attending, 3, 19, 150.
Co-education in, advantages of, 14-IS.
Comparison of, with National schools, 150-152.
Fees in, 2-3.
Galleries in, use of, 41-42, 69-70.
In Westminster, spacious playgrounds of, 41.
Infant, 14-15, 69, 235, 236.
Organisation of - See under Organisation, School.
Supervision of, usually by ministers of religion, 39-40.
Wesleyan Training College, Westminster, Reports on: for the year 1853, 231-234; for the year 1856, 235-238; for the year 1868, 259-265.
Westminster, voluntary schools in, 218-225.
Writing, teaching of, and tests in, 93, 97, 127, 141, 180.