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Week commencing
3 February 2025

Welcome to Education in the UK. I hope you'll find it useful.

The info page contains background information about me and about the site.

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Comments or questions? Contact details are here.

Education in the UK was previously Education in England. Please update links and bookmarks.

Derek Gillard

why are these here?


Education in the UK aims to provide students, teachers, lecturers and researchers - and anyone else who is interested - with information and original source material relating to the development of schools, colleges and universities in England and Wales, Scotland (which has its own education system) and Northern Ireland.

The site is divided into three main sections which can be accessed using the buttons at the top or bottom of every page. (Clicking on the Education in the UK logo always brings you back to this page.)


In Education in the UK: a history I describe the development of schools, colleges and universities in the United Kingdom from AD43 to 2018: half a million words containing references to 550 sources and links to the texts of almost 400 documents. There is a printer-friendly version of each chapter.


The full texts of almost a thousand documents are here, including almost all the important reports on education in Great Britain since 1860 (Hadow, Plowden, Bullock, Warnock, Cockcroft, Swann and Elton etc); more than 300 Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments; plus Official Papers, education department, HMI and Ofsted publications; and a handful of books.


Here are all the articles and book reviews I have written since 1987. Among the articles are pieces on the history of primary education, pupil grouping policies, academies, school meals, faith schools, creationism, and religious education in Oxfordshire.

Historic Newspapers I'm decluttering! My grandfather and mother collected newspapers on special occasions between 1901 and 2000 - there's a list here. If you'd like any of them, drop me an email and let me know which ones.

I do my best to ensure the factual accuracy of all information on this website
but cannot accept responsibility for any use made of it elsewhere.
If you notice any errors, please let me know. The views expressed on this website are mine.
Nothing on this site was created with the use of artificial intelligence (AI).
All material on this website, except where otherwise indicated, is © copyright Derek Gillard 1987-2025 and is not to be used in the training of AI systems.