[page 223]
The references are to paragraphs except where otherwise indicated.
Abraham Moss Centre 9.38
Abridged Version of the Committee's Report 13.2
Administrative Memorandum No. 25 (1945) (see also Model Instrument and Articles of Government) 2.2
Admissions 9.2-9.5
consultation with governors 9.3, 9.4
formal responsibility of governors for 2.4
local education authority control of 9.17
model provision 9.2
Advisory Centre for Education 2.17, 3.6
survey of the use of school premises 9.27
Advisory/Inspection Service (see Local Education Authority)
Agenda (see Procedural Arrangements)
Aided Schools 12.2
Apparatus 7.2
Appointments (see also Headteacher, Teachers and Supporting Staff) Chapter 8, 13.6.8
formal responsibility for 2.4
governors' involvement in 8.2-8.5, 8.9, 8.10
model provision 8.1, 8.3, 8.18
position following 1902 Act 2.12
practice in 1965-1969 2.8
selection committee 8.10, 8.11
Approved Duty for Allowance Purposes (see Payments)
Articles of Government (see also Model Instrument and Articles of Government) 2.2, 2.11, 4.1, 13.4, 13.11
headteacher's power of suspension 9.10, 9.13
Assistant Masters' Association 6.13
Association of County Councils 5.2, 11.16
Association of Education Committees 3.5
Attendance 9.7, 9.11, 9.12, 9.17, 9.18
records 6.35
Attendance Allowance (see Payments)
Auld, Robin QC (see Tyndale Report)
Baron and Howell (The Government and Management of Schools 1974) 1.7, 2.6-2.11, 2.18
admissions 9.3
finance 7.4-7.6
holidays 9.41
parent representation 1965-1969 2.21
teacher representation 1965-1969 2.21
use of premises out of school hours 9.25
Boarding Schools 4.32-4.34, 11.20
Board of Education 2.2, 2.12
Board of Education of the General Synod of the Church of England 12.4, 12.7
Books 7.2
British Broadcasting Corporation 10.2
Building Projects (see Finance)
Bullock Report (A Language for Life) 7.18
Butler RA 6.2
Care and Maintenance of School Premises 9.20-9.22
Caretakers (see also Supporting Staff) 5.14
Catchment Area Boundaries 9.4
Catholic Education Council 12.4, 12.7
Central Advisory Councils 7.18
Central Government
relationship with local government 1.12
supervisory function of 6.54, 13.9
Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) 6.12
Chairman of Governors (see also Governing Body) 11.12-11.13, 13.6.10
Church of England (see Board of Education of the General Synod of the Church of England)
Cleaners (see also Supporting Staff) 5.14
Clerking 11.14-11.18
central clerking 11.16, 11.17
local clerking 11.15, 11.17
White Paper suggestions 11.14
Communication Chapter 5
between schools 5.35
channels of 5.2
with the community 5.31-5.34
with parents 5.28-5.30, 13.6.5
Community 3.8, 3.9, 5.31-5.33
governing bodies of boarding schools 4.34
governing bodies, representation of 4.10-4.12, 4.27-4.31, 5.33
Community Councils 4.36
Community Relations Commission 4.29
Community Schools 9.35-9.39
constitution of governing body 4.35-4.36
DES sponsored studies of:
Coventry's Community Colleges 9.38
Nottingham, Sutton Community Centre 9.37
DES study of Abraham Moss Centre, Manchester 9.38
survey by HM Inspectorate 9.38
Community Use of Schools 9.24, 9.26
Composition of Governing Body 4.6, 4.7, 13.1, 13.6.2.i
Confederation for the Advancement of State Education (CASE) 2.17, 10.7
Confidentiality 11.9
Consultation 5.5, 5.7
about the Report 13.2, 13.3
[page 224]
between governing bodies 5.39
between head teacher and teaching staff 5.7-5.13, 13.6.3
with governors on admission arrangement 9.2-9.4
with supporting staff 5.14-5.16, 13.6.3
The Contribution of Schools to Preparation for Working Life 6.16 (footnote)
Cooks (see also Supporting Staff) 5.14
Cost of Implementation of Recommendations 1.14, 13.15
practice in 1965-1969 2.6-2.11
County Boroughs
practice in 1965-1969 2.6-2.11
Court Report (Fit for the Future) 5.37
Coventry (Community Colleges) 9.38
Curriculum, Chapter 6, 13.6.6
central control of 1.12, 6.12
formal responsibility of governors for internal organisation and 2.4
model provision 6.2, 6.4
practical responsibility for, in 1965-1969 2.9
teachers' control of 6.2, 6.5-6.7, 6.11, 6.12-6.20
Delegation 3.16, 3.17
Dentists 5.37
Department of Educational Administration, University of London Institute of Education 1.7
Department of Education and Science (DES) 1.7, 7.18, 7.23, 9.37, 9.38
Devolution 1.13
Direct Grant Schools 2.12
Discipline 6.32, 13.6.6.ii, 9.10
Dismissal of Teachers and Other Staff
model provision 8.1, 8.18
responsibility of governors for 2.4
Disqualification for Office as School Governor 4.37
Dissemination of Information 11.10, 11.11, 13.6.10.ii,
Divisional Executives 2.13
Doctors 5.37
Dual System 12.1, 12.4, 12.6, 12.9
Dual Use of Schools 9.24
Education Act 1902 2.12
Education Act 1944 1.12, 2.2, 2.4, 2.13, 4.1, 4.10
Section 18 2.3 (footnote) 13.11
Section 20 3.19, 3.24
Section 36 5.26 (footnote)
Section 54 9.8
Section 114 2.3 (footnote), 12.6 (footnote)
Education Committees
general financial policies of 7.15
implications of the new approach for 6.52-6.54
Elementary Schools 2.12
Employment Protection Act 1975 8.15, 11.7
Equipment (see also Books) 2.10
Estimates (see also Finance)
governors responsibility:
in 1965-1969 2.10
in the future 7.13
model provision 7.3
position at the time of the Baron and Howell study 7.4
review following approval of 7.20
White Paper suggestions 7.2
witnesses' views 7.9
Evidence (see also Visits) 1.5, 3.4-3.7, 3.26
witnesses' views on:
appointment of teaching staff 8.5-8.6
clerking 11.15, 11.16
composition of governing bodies 4.5
consultation 5.9
curriculum 6.3-6.11, 6.13, 6.15
distinction between managers and governors 3.26
finance 7.8-7.12
need for governing bodies to exercise specific functions 3.4-3.6, 5.2
political domination of governing bodies 4.4
training of governors 10.2, 10.4
use of premises out of school hours 9.29
Excepted Districts 2.13
Exclusion (see Statutory Regulations)
Expenditure (see Finance)
Expulsion (see Suspension and Expulsion)
Finance (see also Estimates) Chapter 7
articles of government, provision in 2.4
budget for the individual school 7.15, 7.19-7.21
building projects 7.22-7.26
capitation allowance 7.2, 7.10, 7.17, 7.25
centralised budgeting techniques 1965-1969 2.13
centralised financial control 7.11, 7.17
estimates 2.10, 7.2-7.4, 7.9, 7.13, 7.19, 7.20
involvement of managing and governing bodies in, 1965-1969 2.10-2.13
LEAs' timetables 7.7
model provision 7.3, 7.4, 7.13
role of LEA, after 1902 2.12
salaries and wages 7.7
school-controlled expenditure 7.21
statutory duty on LEAs to make arrangements for 13.6.7
virement between heads of approved estimates 7.9, 7.19
[page 225]
White Paper 1944 7.2
witnesses' views 7.8-7.12
Financial Loss Allowance (see Payments)
France 1.8
General Certificate of Education (GCE) 6.12
Germany 1.8
Gittins Report (Primary Education in Wales) 3.25, 7.18
Governing Body
admission arrangements, consultation with 9.4, 9.5
appointment of teachers, involvement of 8.3, 8.5-8.11, 8.13
chairman of 11.12-11.13, 13.6.10.i
composition of 4.6,4.7, 13.1, 13.6.2.i
delegation of powers to 3.16, 3.17
future responsibilities of, in relation to general school activities (including curriculum) 13.6.6
information system 6.34-6.36, 6.44-6.46
power to extend period of suspension 9.18.vi
procedures, to be determined by 3.27
responsibility for authorising establishment of pupil organisations 5.18
responsibility for ensuring adequate consultative arrangements within the school 5.12, 5.16
disqualification for office 4.37
limit to number of bodies on which eligible to serve 4.42, 13.6.2.iv
responsibility for ensuring the involvement of parents 5.19-5.30
retirement age of 4.43
term of office of 4.39-4.41
1902 Act 2.12
1944 Act 12.2a (footnote)
Groundsmen (see also Supporting Staff 5.14
Grouping 2.3, 2.6, 2.18, 3.19-3.24, 4.3, 4.8, 7.4, 12.5, 13.12
progressive replacement of, during period of transition 13.12
provision in Section 20 Education Act 1944 3.19
White Paper suggestion 3.20
Handbook of Guidance (see Training)
appointment of 8.3, 8.5, 8.7-8.11, 13.6.8.i
with governors 6.49, 6.50
with supporting staff 5.14-5.16
with teaching staff 5.7-5.13
day to day responsibilities 6.48
inclusion on governing body 4.13-4.16
relations and communication with the individual parent 5.26-5.30
Hidden Curriculum 6.19 (footnote)
HM Inspectorate
demands on 6.39
survey of community schools 9.38
responsibility of governors for fixing occasional 2.4, 9.41, 9.44, 12.5
Home Office Standing Committee on Crime Prevention 9.22, (footnote)
Howell DA (see Baron and Howell)
Industry 9.42
Information System (of Governing Body) 6.34-6.36, 6.44-6.46
Inner London Education Authority
definition of minor authority in relation to 2.3 (footnote)
In-service Training (see Training)
Instruments (see also Model Instrument and Articles) 2.2, 2.11, 13.4, 13.11
Internal Organisation and Curriculum (see also Curriculum)
governors, formal responsibility for 2.4
Juvenile Delinquency 9.11
Legislation 9.18, 13.1, 13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 13.8, 13.13
Lettings (see Premises)
as part of community complex 9.35
reference facilities for governors 10.7
school library allowance 7.2
Local Education Authority
advisory/inspection service 2.8, 6.38-6.43
consequences of new approach for 6.51-6.55
constitutional position of 4.38, 4.41
control of:
admissions 9.17
expenditure on school buildings 9.22
managing and governing bodies 2.7, 2.13, 4.4, 4.8
structure of school budget 7.15
representation on:
appointments selection committees 8.10, 8.11
boarding school governing bodies 4.33
governing bodies 4.8, 4.11, 4.36
responsibility for:
county school instruments, rules of management and articles of government 2.2, 2.4
safety of premises 9.21
role after 1902 2.12
statutory duties 3.14-3.16, 13.6
Local Government
future structure of 1.12-1.13
reorganisation of, in 1974 2.15
[page 226]
Local Government Act 1972
definition of 'minor authority' 2.3 (footnote)
LEA powers under 11.19, 11.20
London Government Act 1963 2.3 (footnote)
Managers and Managing Bodies 2.2, 2.12
responsibilities of, discussed in Tyndale Report 3.13, 3.27, 6.4 (footnote)
Maintenance (see Repairs and Maintenance of Premises)
Manchester (Abraham Moss Centre) 9.38
Membership of Governing Body Chapter 4, 13.1, 13.6.2.i
limit to number of bodies on which eligible to serve 4.42, 13.6.2. iv
Middle Schools 6.36
Ministerial Advice and Guidance 1.1, 1.4, 5.7
Minor Authority
definition of 2.3 (footnote)
representation of 4.10, 13.6.2.iii, 13.11
Minutes (see Procedural Arrangements)
Model Instrument and Articles of Government (see also Administrative Memorandum No. 25) 2.2, 3.12
provision for:
appointments 8.1, 8.3, 8.18
composition 4.1, 4.2
constitution 4.1
curriculum 6.2
dismissals 8.18
finance 7.3, 7.13
head teacher's responsibilities 5.9
holidays 9.40
use of premises out of school hours 9.23
Morris, Henry 9.36
National Association of Governors and Managers (NAGM) 2.17, 10.7
NAGM News 2.17
NAGM Survey 2.20, 2.21
National Association of Headteachers
views on:
consultation with teaching staff 5.9
headteacher as governor 4.14
head teacher's role 4.13
National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisors 6.40
National Association for Multiracial Education 3.5, 4.29
National Association of the Teachers of Wales 3.4
National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers (NAS/UWT)
views on:
curriculum responsibility 6.7
need for governing bodies 3.4
National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations 2.17
National Society for Promoting Religious Education 12.4
National Union of Teachers
views on:
community use of buildings 9.29
consultation with teaching staff 5.9
curriculum responsibility 6.7
Non-Teaching Staff (see Supporting Staff)
Norway 1.8
Nursery Schools 1.2
Nurses 5.37
Open University 10.7
communication with 3.9, 5.19, 5.29, 13.6.5
governors 5.20, 5.24, 13.6.2.ii
idea of letter from governing body to 5.29,5.30
organisations 5.20-5.25, 13.6.4
present position of 4.2
representation on governing bodies:
in 1975 2.20
in future 4.19-4.23
rights 5.27
statutory duty of 9.7, 9.17,
Parents and Schools 2.17
Parent/Teacher 2.17
Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) 5.22
Pastoral Care 6.28, 6.32, 6.35, 6.45
Payments 11.19-11.21, 12.5, 13.6.10.iii
Physical Activities 9.26, 9.34
Playgrounds 9.30
Plowden Report (Children and their Primary Schools) 3.25, 7.18
Premises 9.19-9.39
ACE survey 9.27
charges for lettings 9.34
community use 9.24-9.34
governors responsibility for:
care and upkeep 2.4, 2.12, 9.20-9.22
repairs 9.22
inspection by governors 9.21
maintenance costs 9.29
model provisions 9.19, 9.20
National Union of Teachers, views on community use 9.29
use for electoral purposes 9.33
use out of school hours 9.23-9.34
voluntary schools, implications of community use 12.6
Pre-school Provision 6.36
President of the Board of Education (see Butler RA)
Primary Schools (see Schools)
Prime Minister (speech at Ruskin College) 1.12
[page 227]
Procedural Arrangements Chapter 11, 13.6.10
agendas and minutes 5.11,11.9, 11.10, 13.6.10
Fourth Schedule EA 1944 11.2-11.4 11.6
frequency of meetings 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 13.6.10
meetings and proceedings 3.27, 11.2, 11.3
quorum 11.2-1 I.3
time of meetings 11.7, 11.8, 13.6.10
Professional Association of Teachers 3.5
Protection against Vandalism 9.22 (footnote)
Public Health Act 1936 9.8
Public Schools Commission (Second Report) 2.15
communications within the school 5.17-5.18
representation on governing bodies:
1965-1969 2.22
at present 4.2, 4.24
in future 4.24-4.26
Pupils' Registration Regulations 1956 9.8
Quorum (see Procedural Arrangements)
Radio and Television (see Training)
Rate Support Grant 2.13
Registered Pupil 9.7, 9.18
Regulations (see Statutory Regulations)
Repairs and Maintenance (see also Premises) 2.10, 9.19-9.22, 9.29
to Governing Body 6.35
to local education authority 6.55
DES sponsored studies of:
Coventry's Community Colleges 9.38
Nottingham, Sutton Community Centre 9.37
DES study of Abraham Moss Centre, Manchester 9.38
study to monitor progress of new arrangements 13.8
Retirement Age of Governors 4.43
Returning Officer 9.33
Roman Catholic Church 12.1
Royal Commission on Local Government in England 1966-1969 2.15
Rules of Management (see also Model Instrument and Articles of Government) 2.4, 2.11
School Boards 2.12
aims and goals 6.22-6.28, 6.34, 6.45, 6.51-6.53
appraisal of progress 6.22, 6.23, 6.34, 6.35, 6.45-6.47, 6.55, 13.6.6.i
bus services 9.42
community view of 6.36
councils 5.17, 5.18
meals 9.42
meals staff (see Supporting Staff)
financial arrangements at time of Baron and Howell 7.6
management practice 1965-1969 2.6
management practice in the future 3.25, 3.26
records 5.28 (footnote), 6.35
secondary reorganisation 2.14, 2.16, 9.3
secretary (see Supporting Staff)
Schools Council 6.14
Schools Regulations 1959 9.8
Scotland 1.8
Secondary School (see School)
Secretary of State 1.1-1.4, 1.12, 1.13, 5.7, 6.14, 12.1, 12.2 (footnote) 13.2
instrument, rules of management and articles of government, responsibility of 2.2, 2.4
powers of 13.10
Social Workers 5.37
Society of Education Officers 5.2 (footnote)
Special Agreement Schools 12.2
Special Schools 1.2
Spiers v Warrington Corporation (1953) 9.8 (footnote)
Sport (see Physical Activities)
Standards of Conduct 6.32, 6.33
Stationery 7.2
Staff (see also Teachers) 3.9
consultation 13.6.3.
terms and conditions of service 7.15, 8.15, 8.16
Statutory Regulations
essential requirements to be laid down 13.5
'exclusion' as a term used in 9.18
Supporting Staff
appointment and dismissal 2.4, 8.18, 13.6.8.ii
consultation with 5.14-5.16
representation on governing bodies 2.22
1965-1969 2.22
at present 4.2
in future 4.17, 4.18
Suspension and Expulsion 6.35, 9.6-9.18
Sweden 1.8
Teachers (see also Staff)
appointment and dismissal of 2.4, 8.12-8.17, 13.6.8.ii
consultation with 5.7-5.13
probationary service 8.17
representation on governing bodies
1965-1969 2.21
at present 4.2
[page 228]
in future 4.17, 4.18, 5.10, 8.14
Teachers' Centres 10.2, 10.7
Teaching Methods 6.17, 6.22, 6.26, 6.29, 6.30
Technicians (see also Supporting Staff) 5.14
Term of Office of Governors 4.39-4.41
Trade Unions & Industrial Relations Act 1974 8.15
Training Chapter 10, 13.6.9, 13.12, 13.15
Confederation for the Advancement of State Education 10.7
courses 10.2, 10.4
handbooks and manuals 10.3
in-service training 6.30, 6.38, 6.41, 10.8
National Association of Governors and Managers 10.7
Open University 10.2, 10.7
radio and television 10.2, 10.7
reference library 10.7
voluntary schools 12.5
Workers' Educational Association 10.7
Transport 9.42, 11.7
Travelling and Subsistence (see Payments)
Tyndale Report (William Tyndale Junior & Infants School Public Inquiry, 1976) 1.10, 2.23
conditions of service of teachers 8.16 (footnote)
managers' responsibility 3.13, 3.27, 6.4 (footnote)
United States of America 1.8
Universities 10.2
Vandalism 9.22, 9.30
Village Primary School 5.13
Virement (see Finance)
Visits 1.7 2.23
Voluntary Educational Associations 10.2
Voluntary Schools Chapter 12, 2.12
Wales 1.1, 2.3 (footnote), 2.6, 4.36
Warnock Committee 1.2
Welsh Joint Education Committee 3.5
Where 2.17
White Paper (Cmnd 6523) Principles of Government in Maintained Secondary Schools 2.2
suggestions on:
composition 4.1, 4.2
constitution 4.1
finance 7.2
grouping 3.20
size 4.1
Who Can Use Your School 9.27 (footnote)
The Whole Curriculum 13-16 6.14 (footnote)
Witnesses (see Evidence)
Workers' Educational Association 10.7