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Relevant publications
'Education and Training for the 21st Century', HMSO (Cm 1536) May 1991 'Competitiveness: Forging Ahead', HMSO (Cm 2867) May 1995
'Consultation document on the future funding arrangements for Youth Training and Modern Apprenticeships from April 1996', DfEE October 1995
'The GNVQ Assessment Review': final report of the review group chaired by Dr John Capey, November 1995
'Effective sixth forms': a report from the Office of Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, HMSO January 1996
'Developing Responsiveness: College-Employer Interaction', The Institute for Employment Studies, January 1996
'Review of 100 NVQs and SVQs': a report submitted to the Department for Education and Employment by Gordon Beaumont, January 1996
'The Annual Report of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools: Standards and Quality in Education 1995-96', HMSO February 1996
'Review of Qualifications for 16-19 Year Olds': full report (by Sir Ron Dearing), SCM March 1996
'Departmental Report 1996: Department for Education and Employment and Office for Standards in Education', HMSO (Cm 3210) March 1996
'Equipping Young People for Working Life: a consultative document on improving employability through the 14-16 curriculum', DfEE April 1996
'National Funding for GM Schools: A Discussion Paper', DfEE May 1996
'Competitiveness: Creating the enterprise centre of Europe', HMSO (Cm 3300) June 1996
'Competitiveness Occasional Paper - The Skills Audit: A Report from an Interdepartmental Group: A Summary', DfEE and Cabinet Office, June 1996
'Self-Government for Schools', HMSO (Cm 3315) June 1996
'Maximising Potential: New Options for Learning after 16', DfEE July 1996
'Funding 16-19 Education and Training: Towards Convergence', DfEE July 1996
'Skills for 2000': report on progress towards the National Targets for Education and Training, National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets July 1996
'Strengthening Self-Assessment and Introducing an External Inspection Regime in Government Funded Training: A Consultation Paper', DfEE August 1996
'The Careers Service Annual Report 1995-96', DfEE September 1996
'Inclusive Learning: Report of the Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Committee', The Further Education Funding Council (England), HMSO September 1996
'Choice and Opportunity - a learning future for 14-19 year olds', DfEE September 1996
'Quality and Standards in Further Education in England': Chief Inspector's Annual Report 1995-96, Further Education Funding Council (England) October 1996
'Part One General National Vocational Qualification Pilot Interim Report 1995-96': a report from the Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools, SO November 1996
'Annual Report 1995-96', The Further Education Funding Council (England) November 1996
'A Passport to Learning: a consultation document on Learning Credits', DfEE December 1996