RE Framework (NCC 1991)

RE Local Framework (text)

See also:

Spiritual and Moral Development (NCC 1993)

Religious Education
A Local Curriculum Framework

National Curriculum Council
York: 1991

Background notes

Historical context

The National Curriculum Council and the School Examinations and Assessment Council were established by the 1988 Education Reform Act. They were abolished by the 1993 Education Act which combined their roles into the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

The 1988 Act set out new rules on religious education: every day was to begin with an 'act of collective worship' (Section 6(1)), a majority of which were to be 'wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character' (7(1)). Every LEA was required to set up a standing advisory council on religious education (SACRE) (11(1)) consisting of representatives of religious groups, the Church of England, teachers and the local authority (11(4)). Agreed Syllabuses for Religious Education should 'reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain' (8(3)).

Religious Education: A Local Curriculum Framework sought to fulfil the NCC's duty to 'offer advice to SACREs, agreed syllabus conferences, and LEAs who wish to consider the desirability of drawing up attainment targets and programmes of study for religious education in their authority, and to offer advice on their construction' (page 1).

Contents of the paper

The paper includes:

  • an outline of provisions of the 1988 Education Reform Act;
  • a short description of the National Curriculum framework;
  • guidance on the issues to be considered when writing attainment targets, statements of attainment and programmes of study;
  • advice on applying a National Curriculum framework to RE;
  • advice on planning the RE curriculum;
  • tasks for groups working on a National Curriculum framework for RE.

The paper online

This brief paper was published as an A4-size booklet. Some pages had little content, others had none. Blank pages have been omitted.

The sections headings and page numbers were printed in white against a yellow background. I have not reproduced this arrangement.

The above notes were prepared by Derek Gillard and uploaded on 15 December 2012.