English for Adults
In recent years practice and thought and research have led to certain conclusions about the principles that should govern the teaching of a foreign language. Complete unanimity among modern language teachers and specialists in applied linguistics about methods of instruction has not of course been reached, and even generally agreed principles will vary somewhat in application according to the often widely differing needs, abilities and circumstances of the adult student in this country. But experience of inspecting the teaching of English to adult students from overseas in various classes and institutions in this country has shown that even the broad and established principles are as yet by no means universally accepted, with consequently disappointing results and unduly slow progress, especially in the early stages when efficient techniques of instruction are of paramount importance. The advice offered in this chapter is based on observation of the best work being done in this country, and accords with the main conclusions so far reached by those studying the principles of language learning. These principles are of course in essence the same for adults as for pupils of school age, and have already been stated or implied in the
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preceding chapter, but the application is sometimes different. In any case they are of such importance that repetition, albeit in a different context, is inevitable.
However important the techniques of instruction may be, it must be emphasized at the outset that the teacher of English, and the institution in which the teaching takes place, can play a vital role in influencing the attitude to this country of the overseas student. A sympathetic and helpful approach by the teacher will create a more lasting impression than any number of lectures on the British way of life, useful though these may be. A friendly reception in the institutions where the lessons are held, invitations and encouragement to take part in social activities and to attend classes in cultural and practical subjects, can do much for international relations; this can also provide occasions for learning and practising a wider variety of vocabulary and speech patterns than may be possible in the English lessons proper. Much of the best work is being done by teachers and institutions who have given thought to such matters. The British Council takes a particular interest in the welfare of overseas students who are in Britain for the purpose of full-time study and who intend to return to their own countries at the end of their courses. A wide range of social and cultural activities is available at Council centres in most large cities.
Unless the teacher is fortunate enough to work in an institution where the number of overseas students learning English is large enough to allow careful grading into several classes, he may have to cope with a wide variety of nationalities, abilities and stages of proficiency in English. If all the students are to take an active part in the lesson, a considerable amount of group work has to be organized. For part of the time the teacher might well concentrate on oral work with one group while a second group is reading, a third writing, and a fourth, if facilities are available, using some teaching aid such as a gramophone, a film-strip, a film, or a tape-recorder. On the other hand, it is desirable at some time during the lesson to have the whole class together for such activities as drama, singing, and even the kind of general conversation which can be conducted by a skilful teacher so as to suit a fairly wide range of proficiency. It is obvious that such work requires careful preparation in advance and will make considerable demands on the teacher's time and resourcefulness. The smaller
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the class the easier it is to do efficient work, and every effort should be made by all concerned to keep classes down to a reasonable size.
The fact that there may be in the class a variety of mother-tongues need not embarrass the teacher, because the only methods possible with such a class in the earlier stages are fortunately those which do not involve translation and are yet the most efficient. It is true of course that some students find the pronunciation and intonation of English harder than do others, but the skilful teacher will try to understand the particular difficulties of each student, and will know how to provide extra practice for him. Like all teachers of foreign languages the teacher will find a knowledge of the way in which sounds are produced by the vocal organs to be of great value in helping his students, and especially those whose powers of mere imitation are insufficient to produce the correct sounds.
It would be not only misleading but wrong to suggest that there is only one effective way to teach English as a second language. The phrase "direct method" is not meant to indicate a detailed method as much as a general approach, an attitude on the part of the teacher, a determination to use English as much as possible without an intermediary language and to give the students every possible opportunity to hear, speak and write English. New material can be introduced in various ways so that the meaning is clear. Meanings can often be demonstrated by real objects, by pictures, by drawings on the blackboard. or by mime. "Money", "my money", "your money", "my money is in my pocket", "your money is on the table" can be successively demonstrated without difficulty. A teacher need not rely on a text-book for such an approach, but the most careful preparation is required. Whenever possible, the sentences should be realistic and useful. It is an illuminating exercise to examine the sentences given for practice in many text-books, and to try to imagine real-life situations in which they could be of any conceivable use.
The superstition that one must know the grammatical rules and terminology of a language before being able to speak it dies hard, and overseas students themselves fall into this error. It is true that our appreciation of a language which we can already use may be deepened by an understanding of its grammatical structure, and the more able students at the later stages may find it helpful to co-ordinate their knowledge; it is equally
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true that for many students grammatical terminology and explanations are of no practical value at any of the stages they may reach. The stress must be on oral and written practice of English in everyday usage, with appropriate reading at each stage, and with the sentence as the unit of speech. Whatever their ability and knowledge, the students can only acquire proficiency in speaking the language and in writing it easily and idiomatically by actually using the language and not by grammatical analysis. Many students who arrive in England with a "book" knowledge of English are pathetically inarticulate and may be almost unintelligible for want of training in pronunciation and intonation. The orderly and progressive presentation and practice of speech patterns in groups which have structural or idiomatic similarities should shape the course, and the teacher will have grammatical structure very much in mind. But in the earlier stages of learning, grammar as an analysis and codification of a language already known has obviously no meaning and is a waste of valuable time.
The wise teacher will take care, especially in the early stages, to use a limited active vocabulary and to enlarge it at a carefully controlled rate. Whenever possible, a new word should be introduced in such a way that it becomes fixed in the memory by an active or a visual method, e.g. by the performing of an action or by the seeing of an object or its picture. Practice should then be given in the use of the new word in sentences so that it becomes an active and not a passive element in the student's expanding knowledge. The building of families of related words enlists the valuable aid of the association of ideas, an essential function of memory. In such ways a series of interesting and vital topics or centres of interest can be planned and vocabulary enlarged in a systematic way, with frequent oral revision to consolidate the ground already won. In considering the vocabulary to be introduced at any particular stage the teacher will obviously pay attention to the needs and interests of his students. On the other hand, limitation of active vocabulary demands a certain ruthlessness, since the very process of limitation is reminding us that we cannot teach everything at once, however necessary or desirable it may seem to be. In this limitation of vocabulary the teacher may be interested to refer to the essential vocabularies which have already been compiled by various experts in the field of semantics and are the foundation of the better text-books available.
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While the active vocabulary must be limited and systematically built up, with constant rehearsal of what has already been introduced, there is no harm in the student increasing his passive or "recognition" vocabulary at a rather faster rate. In any case the student living in an English environment will constantly be hearing and seeing English words over which the instructor has no control. Provided there is an active core of controlled vocabulary which has been thoroughly assimilated and can be used fluently and correctly, the more extensive vocabulary of recognition will be drawn into the controlled patterns without undue confusion. In the later stages, of course, every effort should be made to encourage and guide the student in enlarging his vocabulary and his feeling for shapely expression by reading widely and with discrimination. The reading in the very earliest stages will be limited to the words and sentences mastered orally.
It is evident that mere knowledge of individual words does not result in an ability to speak a language. Very often the student from overseas who has amassed a knowledge of single English words presents a greater problem to the teacher than the veriest beginner, just because the growth of his vocabulary has so far outpaced his, understanding of sentence structure. The structural pattern of a typical English sentence, the way in which individual words are fitted together to convey as exact a meaning as possible, is often surprisingly like and often disconcertingly unlike the sentence structure of the student's native language. So in this sphere as well the wise teacher will make use of a limited range of structural patterns in the early stages, seeking to establish each type by constant practice and revision and introducing new types in a controlled and systematic manner. For example, the earliest sentence patterns which must be learned are of the type "I am a ....... , he is a .......", "my name is ......., my address is .......", and so on. Then might come the very typical English sentence "I am putting my book on the table", subject, verb, direct object, adverbial phrase. We may note in passing how the negative and interrogative forms of the sentence entirely change the structural pattern and hence present frequent sources of confusion to the beginner. The teacher will find it interesting and illuminating to listen carefully to ordinary conversation and to read some colloquial English with a view to analysing the structural patterns involved. Such an analysis will be an invaluable aid to the process of teaching them systematically and organically.
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Conversation, which is sometimes given a whole period in time-tables, requires much thought and ingenuity on the part of the teacher if it is not to be desultory, boring and of little lasting value. Questions which are received in a numbed silence and answered only after a long and painful pause by one bright student can hardly be described as conversation. If questions are asked, they should be so framed as to elicit an immediate response from the majority of the students; this means that the teacher should be certain that the class have had ample practice in the vocabulary and speech patterns involved. When the students have once mastered the ordinary forms of questions, they should be encouraged to ask questions of the teacher and of each other. Topics of conversation might well be prepared by the students beforehand. Forewarned is forearmed, and the cut and thrust of conversation could thus be much more lively than it often is.
On the other hand, it should be remembered that the question presents a quite different sentence pattern from the ordinary statement and some teachers do not expect the student to use it in the early stages. Further, the question may elicit a brief one- or two-word answer, which is not always the best type of practice in the early stages. While the student's command of vocabulary and structure is still limited, oral practice and commentaries may be attempted on matters that are not intrinsically interesting, for example, an exchange of statements about a situation existing in the classroom or illustrated in a picture. It is likely that the student's satisfaction at his growing mastery over the spoken word will be sufficient to compensate for the apparently trivial subject matter.
As the student's command of English becomes more extensive, interesting subjects for conversation can be provided by wall pictures or by good illustrated magazines. The better students can be encouraged to discuss an interesting picture at some length, while even the weakest members of the class can contribute a sentence or two, even if it be only a repetition of something already said. The oral reproduction of simple stories and anecdotes told by the teacher is often a successful exercise, and many other subjects will suggest themselves to the teacher who gets to know the interests, mentality and occupations of the members of the class. Preparation by the students themselves of brief talks or lecturettes on everyday topics can be useful and stimulating; students can attempt them with success surprisingly early in the course.
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Dramatization in its various forms can be a useful teaching aid. In its most elementary form a dramatic method will be employed when the teacher demonstrates the meaning of such a sequence as "I will (or I'll) take, I am taking, I took my hat off the table" by appropriate actions and when the student gives a similar running commentary on his own actions. Incidentally, it is interesting to observe how often the doing of an action can distract the student from his natural nervousness in handling the language element.
At a more advanced stage the performance of everyday scenes from real life can be a most profitable and pleasurable activity, and there need be no fear that the students will consider such lessons childish. "Playing shops", to take but one example, with patient training in the correct and natural English required, and practical experience in the use of weights, measures and money can provide a stimulating and amusing lesson. Other possible situations are the purchase of a railway or theatre ticket, a visit to the doctor, or an interview for employment. In fact the good teacher may have to provide a variety of apparatus for topics that he wishes to introduce. A good deal of English can be learnt in the singing of well chosen songs, and singing can help to make the lesson varied and attractive. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that the vocabulary and sentence structure of some song material is often complex and idiomatic to a degree.
Whatever the attitude of the students to written work, it is certain that some written work is a most valuable complement to the oral lessons as long as the teacher is careful to avoid the formal and artificial type of English exercise which is still too prevalent. The teacher who devises his own material along the lines already suggested will have no great difficulty in determining the most useful type of written work to accompany it. Probably the most useful form in the early stages is the committing to paper of the new vocabulary or new speech patterns introduced in the oral part of the lesson, and the students should be encouraged to memorise what they have noted. Short dictations of work already mastered orally can vary the lesson and are an excellent exercise from many points of view. The latter part of more advanced lessons could sometimes be devoted to free composition, the students writing on one of the topics dealt with earlier in the lesson. This work gives the instructor the opportunity of taking another group, or of giving individual help, especially to the weaker students.
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A lesson on letter writing is of practical use to many students, and practical instruction in the filling up of forms will often be gratefully received; to the earlier stages the teacher can devise his own form, so that it may be a useful exercise on the material he is teaching.
For practice in reading, apart from the material referred to earlier and devised by the teacher in the preliminary stages, there is useful material in some of the manuals and supplementary readers available, but they should be chosen with care. Another source of material is the reader originally devised for the older English pupil who is backward in reading; there are several of these readers on the market, containing interesting subject matter treated in simple English. The enterprising teacher who has given thought to an approach depending on a carefully controlled intake of vocabulary and structure patterns will no doubt be prepared for the further enterprise of composing reading material which takes account of his own systematic methods.
The more advanced students will welcome guidance in wider reading. Recommendations by the teacher of authors whose style is the best suited to the student's needs and stage of proficiency can be most valuable. The student's oral proficiency can be much improved by reading and study at the appropriate stage of such masters of simple yet idiomatic and realistic dialogue as Shaw, Galsworthy and Priestley, and of the best of the contemporary writers. The introduction of idioms at work in a dramatic context is much to be preferred to their presentation in abstract isolation, as they so often are in a manual. On the other hand, advanced students should be warned against the use, in conversation and writing, of inappropriate English culled from the classics that they may be studying for examination.
The cheapest and most easily obtainable of all visual aids is the blackboard. "Stick" men and the most rudimentary sketches and diagrams (to illustrate, for example, the notion of positive, comparative and superlative) can overcome many difficulties in comprehension in the early stages and can afford no little amusement. New words and new structure patterns are better remembered if they are written on the board or otherwise presented to the eye after being heard and spoken. Since learning a language is largely a matter of memorization in the earlier stages, every means of impressing new material on the student's memory must be used. The memories of ear, eye,
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speech and action must all be enlisted. The teacher should have the use of an episcope, a film-strip projector or even a cine-projector; with these aids the lesson can be much enlivened, and the picture or linguistic material on the screen can stimulate commentary or conversation and can provide useful material for written work. It has been noticed that the tension which often inhibits fluency in class is much relaxed when students are fixing their attention on a screen and are speaking in the dark.
The tape-recorder is a most valuable aid in learning a foreign language, and its use is rapidly developing in this country. For training in pronunciation and, equally important, in intonation, it can be invaluable and can bring home to a student the mistakes indicated by the teacher in a way that is most convincing. It is a mistake, however, to allow students to use tape-recorders unsupervised before they have acquired good speech habits. At a later stage the recorder can take over from the teacher some of the drudgery of repetition for memorization, and can be used by students for practice when the teacher is engaged with other groups. The time is coming when systematic courses built up on text-book, filmstrip projector, and tape-recorder or records will be more easily available. When they have been tried, in America, Russia, France, and increasingly in this country, the progress of the students in the early stages of learning a foreign language has been surprisingly rapid. Meanwhile the principles on which these aids are based can inspire the teacher even when he has not all the equipment at his disposal. The use of the twin-track tape recorder has been explained and advocated in the penultimate paragraph of the preceding chapter.
The record-player is a useful aid for students who wish to do extra work alone, or for accustoming the students to a new English voice. In a homogeneous class it can be used for following a graded course, but is no substitute for the friendly and resourceful teacher.
At this point it is interesting to record the conclusions on audio-visual, aural and visual aids generally reached by the members of a seminar on the teaching of Modern Languages held in London under the auspices of the Council of Europe in March, 1962, and attended by delegates from fifteen European countries. They considered that these aids do not replace the teacher but may well make it possible for him to enrich the material of his courses and may lead him to modify his technique
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of teaching. It is most desirable that teachers should find out all they can about the aids and their possible uses, and local and central authorities should make a point of seeing that teachers can get the information that they need. Many of the aids are evidently very well suited for use with adults learning a foreign language, especially perhaps television transmissions and radio broadcasts if they can be linked with the work of organized classes. Such transmissions, broadcasts and twin-track tape recorders would do much to overcome what is otherwise an almost inevitable handicap to work in evening courses, namely, the comparative infrequency of lessons with the teacher.
Although a few references to more advanced work have already been made, much of what has been suggested so far is concerned mainly with the earliest stages. As the students make progress certain difficulties become less important, but other considerations need to be borne in mind. The need for guidance by the teacher in the choice of books to be read by the student has already been mentioned. A substantial number of more advanced students study for examinations in English, and there is a tendency to concentrate on book work at the expense of oral practice; this tendency should be resisted, if only because incisive and progressive oral work can do much to improve the student's fluency and command of idiom in writing. It is sometimes taken for granted that, once a student can understand every-day words and sentences, further comprehension of English can safely be left to wider reading and the use of a dictionary. In fact, however, many students need help from the teacher in comprehending passages of English: even when the words and idioms are known, the thoughts expressed may need discussion and elucidation because they are foreign to the student's own modes of thought.
It is at the advanced stages, when the students have achieved a reasonable mastery of colloquial English, that some study by the student of the structure of the language may be profitable and helpful, but even so a course of grammar should not be followed at the expense of practice in using the language. Nevertheless, specific instruction should be given in the use of English idioms, many of which defy grammatical explanation. Stress on meaning in context, which lies at the heart of all significance in language, can be and is often a vital part of the instruction at the advanced stage. Play reading can be of great help here and can afford a mine of examples in action. The caution required in teaching grammar is also needed in allotting
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time to a study of phonetics, which, although valuable to the teachers, and useful to explain difficulties in pronunciation, can lead to a great waste of precious time if the students are expected to transcribe passages into phonetic scripts, or read passages written in it. The writing of coherent and lucid English in free composition or essays is a skill, or perhaps an art, that cannot be acquired without much help from the teacher. Time spent on composing, with the class and on the blackboard, a paragraph or short composition on a given topic is time well spent indeed: many of the students' mistakes or clumsy expressions can be dealt with before they are firmly established by being committed to paper. The suggestions offered by the more able students can encourage and enlighten the others. Careful correction by the teacher of the written work and subsequent discussion with the class of the more important points should complete the process.
In conclusion, it might be well to summarize briefly the principles of language teaching that are explicitly formulated or are implicit in what has gone before. In the early stages oral work should precede reading and writing, and should accompany them throughout the course. Constant drill on limited vocabulary in speech patterns is essential. The student should hear the normal intonation and rhythm of the language from the start. At all stages intuitive learning through ever widening listening and reading should accompany the more restricted active use. Speech patterns to be drilled should be used as meaningful communication and not as an empty linguistic exercise. The text-book should be an aid and not the master in the classroom, and teachers should prepare and grade their lessons to suit the students. Translation from the mother-tongue into the foreign language is best avoided until a later stage. Written work should consist of learning to write what has been mastered orally and of practice in using it in composition of increasing individuality. The memorization of new material, where possible in playlets and scenes, can give a heartening sense of mastery and can encourage fluency. It is ironical that the ancient adage "Practice makes perfect" should be the essence distilled by the latest research on language learning and should be the simple idea behind the most elaborate electronic language laboratory.
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The following list of books may be found helpful; it does not pretend to be exhaustive, nor does the omission of any book imply that it is inferior to those included.
A Books about principles and practice of teaching English as a second language:
Language Pamphlet No. 26 Ministry of Education H.M.S.O. 1954
Problems and Principles Abercrombie, D. Longmans 1956
Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language Fries, C. C. Ann Arbor Press 1945
Teaching English Frisby, A. W. Longmans 1957
English as a Foreign Language Gatenby, E. V. Longmans 1944
The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Gurrey, P. Longmans 1955
The Art of Teaching English as a Living Language Morris, I. Macmillan 1954
The Teaching of Oral English Palmer, Harold E. Longmans 1940
The Teaching of English Palmer, Harold E. Murray 1930
The Teaching of English (Studies in Communications - 3) Quirk, R. and Smith, A. H. (Eds.) Secker & Warburg 1959
B Books which provide some background knowledge of the countries or areas from which many immigrants come:
The Living Commonwealth Bradley, Kenneth (Ed.) Hutchinson 1961
Jamaica Henriques, F. Macgibbon & Kee 1957
My Mother who Fathered me (a study of community life in Jamaica) Clarke, Edith Allen & Unwin 1957
With a Carib Eye (an account of life in the islands of the Caribbean) Mittelholzer, E. Secker & Warburg 1958
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Dark Strangers (a study of West Indian Immigrants in Brixton) Patterson, Sheila Tavistock 1963
They seek a Living (a study of West Indian Immigrants in the United Kingdom) Egginton, Joyce Hutchinson 1957
India: Mirage and Reality Schmid, Peter Harrap 1961
The Heart of India Campbell, A. Constable 1958
The Pakistani Way of Life Qureshi, I. H. Heinemann 1956
How People Live in East Pakistan Johnson, B. L. C. Educ. Supply Association 1961
Young Pakistan Khan, A. M. and Stark, H. S. O.U.P. 1951
West African City (a study of tribal life in Freetown) Banton, Michael O.U.P. 1957
Cyprus Luke, Sir Harry Harrap 1957