Some Matters of Organisation
The teacher
A number of practical considerations remain to be discussed. Most of what has so far been said affects the teaching, and the teacher's difficulties have been much in mind. At this point an important principle in primary education must be re-stated. To the primary school child knowledge need not be sub-divided into subjects; geography, history, literature, mathematics and science may at any time overlap, one fact throwing light on another; all remain very much in the province of the class teacher. The scientific qualities to be
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cultivated in the primary school are ones which children already possess to a large degree; curiosity, acuteness of observation, a desire to experiment, to collect and to sort. Thus the best teacher of science at this stage is not always the science expert, but is often the good class teacher with an interest in the subject and wanting to know more. He will realise that the science he learnt at his own secondary school, invaluable background though it be, is very different from the work his class undertakes. In many of the examples quoted, the teacher was learning with the children and, provided that he knew where to turn for help, this was no bad thing. (There is great scope here for books to be written specially for the primary teacher who is attempting science with his class, books concentrating on single topics, giving information and suggesting a line of enquiry which the children could follow - such trains of thought as have been indicated, briefly, in many of the examples in this pamphlet.) Other teachers in the school who may have greater knowledge, and the specialists in neighbouring secondary schools, are usually very willing to discuss a problem; it is an accepted tradition in science teaching where no one can pretend to know all. Bodies like the Science Masters' Association and the Association of Women Science Teachers exist to help teachers of science*.
The value and place of recording is often discussed. Before starting to make records of work that has been done, the child and the teacher need to be clear as to the purpose of the record. In research, the scientific worker, because he must use his observations to test his ideas, enters all new information immediately and honestly. This rule, born of experience, can hardly be transferred blindly to the primary school. There would be times when a conventional record would serve no useful purpose and when the effort of making it might weaken the picture being recorded in the mind. Sometimes an oral report will suffice. By discussion the teacher and children will build up a vocabulary together, and the common vocabulary will ease communication. At other times a model, map or diagram can replace words. The children who ranged the rainwater bottles side by side had by that means published their findings. Obviously there are times when one method is more appropriate than another. Plaster casts are probably the best way of recording the tracks left by an animal in the mud, but a poor way of noting the characteristics of leaves and twigs. As far as written records go, the pattern for recording experiments' common in secondary schools has little place in the primary school, but the heading 'My Experiment' has frequently been followed by writing that is very much
*See Science in the Primary School, John Murray.
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to the point. Children who are interested and who have something to say, when they are writing about things they have seen and done, can produce work of real merit, but for them to explain exactly what they saw, to give no more than the truth and yet enough for the listener or reader to understand, which is the essence of all clear communication, needs an art not easily acquired. The right phrase and the precise word become important and the child must select them with care. Such composition can provide a useful complement to the freer writing which is a well-established feature of the primary school. The same is true for the descriptive drawing. Its very simplicity masks the skill needed for its making, when only the lines essential are drawn, whether for a bird's claw or for the circuit of an electric torch. The most potent stimulus in the development of this art is a strong desire to tell, and the work in science will often provide just such an urge. Simple science at the observational level can be the stuff of literacy. From a common experience, shared by the children and the teacher, arises one of those all too rare occasions for discussion when we can be sure that we all know what we are talking about. Too often there is faulty communication because this is not so.
The place of books
Books for children are now being produced in quantity. In the early stages of an enquiry, a teacher will be more concerned with helping a child to arrive at his own conclusions in the light of what evidence he can collect directly, than with encouraging him to resort to books. Nevertheless, books have an important place, for they can augment our information and sometimes suggest new things to find out. Suitable books of reference for juniors are not easy to find. It is, however, usually safe to assume that, provided it is well illustrated, a book of quite an advanced character can be usefully consulted at a comparatively early age. Indeed young children soon discard the simple and often less accurate books written specifically for them, in favour of well-illustrated adult books.
Not even adult books are infallible. A ten-year-old boy, an enthusiastic naturalist, read in a book on British mammals that only the back of a rabbit's front teeth are covered with hard enamel. This statement he doubted and straight away he examined the teeth in the skull of a rabbit, to find that the enamel was stronger on the front than on the back. He wrote to the author and received a kindly reply accepting the correction of a mistake which had been handed down from book to book, and admitting that all too often authors had not time to check their facts.
Less valuable are the books that 'explain'. Often they explain facts by referring to laws which only a study of these facts has established,
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so putting the cart before the horse. Sometimes they use theories, especially theories of the structure of matter, which the child is expected to accept, and unfortunately frequently does, without a shred of evidence; an unscientific imposition. Sadder still are the books which tell all that will happen, which, by removing the need for the enquiry and much of the joy of it, only deflate enthusiasm.
With all the warnings it is still true that a number of good books, specially written for junior schools, are becoming available, and more can be expected as experience grows. Some give useful ideas to the teacher, some suggest new possibilities to the children. It is not the business of this pamphlet to recommend this or that book, the teacher will find many in the publishers' lists and must decide for himself which are valuable for his own shelves and which should find a place in the classroom.
Finally something should be said about apparatus and equipment. Since primary school science is predominantly a matter of first hand enquiry by the children it follows that topics for study will lie in familiar everyday surroundings. No costly apparatus is needed. Much of the work will originate out of doors in hedgerow, park, garden or waste ground. In school the work does not demand a special room; indeed it would be detrimental for it to become tied to a laboratory. What is needed is a good-sized classroom with adequate storage facilities, a sink and running water, some level desks or tables, ample wall space for the display of illustrative material, and a sturdy table where children can undertake their individual or group investigations and leave their work in safety.
The same principle governs the choice of apparatus. Specialised science equipment, such as is found in every secondary school laboratory, has little place in the junior school. The simpler and homelier the apparatus the more telling the experiment. With juniors precision instruments are unnecessary. The purchase of standard science equipment might well be limited to a few specific pieces for which there are no substitutes. It seems advisable to start with a minimum of such apparatus and to build up a stock gradually as the need arises. Most schools possess a clock, grocer's scales, a measuring tape and thermometers. Gentle sources of heat, such as small spirit lamps that will not spill or hot water from a tap or from a vacuum flask, generally suffice. It is neither necessary nor advisable for these children to use appliances running at mains voltage.* The dangers of a naked flame need no elaboration.
*See Ministry of Education Pamphlet No. 13 Safety Precautions in Schools.
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Primary School Science and
Secondary School Science
If the kind of work which has been outlined can provide a stimulating educational medium in the primary school, no further justification for it is necessary, but as it will be followed by a course in science in another school it may be advisable at this point to consider the effect of the one on the other.
Perhaps those who think that the primary school work will hamper the later work are as much at fault as those who hope that it can cover systematically the early parts of the secondary course. There are some who fear that what is done in the primary school will take the zest out of early secondary work. This could be true only if there were a limited number of topics and enquiries available and if the primary school could exhaust them. But the trained science teacher in the secondary school, with his laboratory and special apparatus, knows the wealth of material at his disposal and how little time he has. He has, in any case, to adopt a rather different point of view. With his help the boys and girls are learning to appreciate generalisations and in time they see that the general rule covers a large range of phenomena and perhaps is of universal application. The force of this realisation depends upon the fund of experience on which they can draw. Some of this can come from work done in the primary school, and could have a special quality through being firmly based. Another fear is of mis-learning, of inaccurate ideas which the secondary school will have to unravel. This is a danger in all subjects at all stages. In the secondary school the science teacher is accustomed to meeting within a new class a great range of knowledge, and half-knowledge, which he proceeds to use to good effect in early discussions, building up by such means an appreciation of the elements of scientific method.
There is another side to the picture. Children who have learned to enquire boldly are ready to reap the benefit of the secondary course. Their attitude should be an asset in the laboratory. Their curiosity about nature has been developed and they have found some of the ways of satisfying it. It does not follow that their knowledge at the end of the secondary course will therefore be greater than that of their contemporaries, but it might be surer, and at least the possibility of starting that course confidently will have been enhanced.
No more than this need be claimed to justify primary school science. There will always remain wider aspects of scientific work which these schools cannot touch. Science as a body of systematised knowledge, organised into a subject, or subjects, is a study for the secondary stage, often for the later secondary years. Most of the greater scientific
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generalisations which have led to man's control of nature are beyond the grasp of the child we are discussing. Even if he makes their acquaintance, by his conversation, reading, films or television, he can have only a superficial knowledge which he may accept or deny, but which he can hardly test for truth. The profounder thought, which some day he must entertain, that certainty in science is likely always to be out of reach and that sooner or later every theory breaks down, at his age could only bewilder.
This pamphlet has discussed what form of science might be included in the primary school curriculum and the ways in which it might be studied. A final question remains to be answered by each school for itself: 'Is science entitled to a place here?'
If science is to be included in the programme it must be accepted as part of the core of the child's learning, fitting into place with the rest. This pamphlet has argued that the pursuit of science, as here described, is no more than a natural extension of a process already developed in other environmental studies and is in keeping with children's interests, sometimes their dominating interests. It can be grouped naturally with, and indeed will overlap, other informative subjects such as history and geography, and like them it will make good use of the tools of speaking, reading, writing and mathematics. It can knit well with the child's whole education.
The teachers who have already answered the final question in the affirmative would claim more than this for science as part of the curriculum. It makes a special contribution by directing attention to the immediate environment, accessible through close observation and experiment, as a source of information. Using familiar material, well within their compass, the children take first steps towards an understanding of scientific method, and in so doing gain experience of a discipline capable of much wider application.
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A teacher in a junior school invited his eldest pupils to bring him questions they would like to ask. Within a short time he had collected, among others, the following:
1. How does a fly walk on the window or a ceiling?
2. Why does bread taste sweeter when you chew it?
3. How is mortar made?
4. Why is there a double wall to a house?
5. Why is there a hole in a teapot lid?
6. How is a rainbow made?
7. Why does a river not sink into the ground?
8. Why does a bitten apple go brown?
9. Why is a black man black?
10. If rain comes from the sea why isn't it salty?
11. Why are things and people lighter in water?
12. How do fishes breathe?
13. What is gravity?
14. Why does electricity get into your hair?
15. Wood will burn, but not bricks, why?
16. How do cats see in the dark?
17. What is a volcano?
18. What makes the tide go in and out?
19. Why does it thunder after lightning?
20. Why do flowers smell?
21. Why does the moon change shape?
22. Why has a house foundations?
23. How is paper made?
24. What is a Plimsoll line?
25. What is a geyser?
26. Why does a tooth ache?
27. Why does a tree die when the bark is ringed?
28. How does a vacuum flask keep tea warm?
29. What is a light year?
30. What makes an echo?
31. Why does an iron ship float?
32. How do they get sugar out of sugar beet?
33. How does a magnifying glass work?