Teaching mathematics in secondary schools (1958) Teaching mathematics in secondary schools (pdf file) The pdf file of Teaching mathematics in secondary schools was created by Derek Gillard and uploaded on 6 June 2022. |
Teaching mathematics in secondary schools (1958)
London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1958
The Ministry of Education was established as a result of the 1944 Education Act and immediately set about publishing a series of pamphlets giving advice to schools and local education authorities on a wide range of subjects. The Ministry continued to publish pamphlets until 1964, when it was replaced by the Department of Education and Science (DES). Pamphlet 36 contains numerous mathematical symbols and formulae which are beyond my ability to render in HTML. It is therefore presented here as a pdf file. The text is copiable and searchable. As the text was created by optical character recognition (OCR) software, I cannot guarantee that copied text will be 100% accurate, though on the whole the software does seem to have done a good job. And while the software did not recognise many of the mathematical symbols, they are displayed correctly in the pdf. |