[page 176]
Accidents, Chapter 12
at home, 104
at school, 105
common causes, 103 fol.
road, 106
schools' part in prevention of, 104 fol., 110
Adolescence, 43 fol., 57, 58, 62, 97, 100
Adult Education and Health Education, 67 fol.
Air pollution, 88, 91 fol.
Air purity and health, 90 (see also Fresh air)
Alcohol, 62, 112 fol.
Anatomy, in courses of health education, 75
Animals, care of, 30, 41, 43
as source of infection, 30, 123, 141, 148, 15 I, 154
Arderne, John, 11, 87
Area Training Organisations, 76
Bacteria, 140, 153
Bacteriology, foundation of science of, 7
Bathing, 4, 39, 58, 65, 85, 87 fol.
B.B.C., 49
B.C.G. Vaccine, 150
Bedding, cleanliness of, 86
Bedroom, child's, 99
Bedtime, 99 fol., (see also Rest)
Biology, v fol.
and health education in training colleges, 74
and sex instruction, 55 fol.
basis of health education, Chapter 3
in secondary schools, 44, 109
social, in training colleges, 76
Black Hole of Calcutta, 90
Body, care of, Chapter 16
cleanliness, 85
structure, study of, 26, 42, 46
Bowels, 137
Breathing, 91
Bronchitis, 93, 113, 144
Camping, 63, 65, 85, 98
Carbohydrate, 1I8
Carefulness and craftsmanship, 108 fol.
"Carriers" of infectious diseases, 140 fol.
Central Council for Health Education, 17
Chadwick, Edwin, 6
Chickenpox, 147
Child Care, 51 fol. (see also Mothers and Mothercraft),
help from maternity and child welfare services, 9, 69, 70
Child Guidance Clinic, 17, 164 fol.
[page 177]
Child, and society, 34, 44, 53 fol., 64 fol., 98
discipline and training, see Discipline and Habit training
growth and development, see Development
need for security, 34, 38, 158 fol., 163 fol.
relationships with parents, teachers and others, see Personal Relationships
Welfare Services, 13, 15, 17, 18, 69 fol.
Cholera, 5 fol., 47, 88, 142
Cigarette smoking, 112 fol.
Classrooms, heating and ventilation, 90 fol.
Clean Air Act, 1956, 94
Cleanliness, environmental, Chapter 10 (see also Environment)
in food preparation, 46, 85, 155
personal, 10 fol., 84 fol., 87 fol., 131, 135
and infectious diseases, 144, 148 fol.
at school, 42, 46
young people, 62, 65
Clostridium Botulinum, 154
Clostridium Welchii, 154
Clothing, 42, 129 fol.
at nursery and infant school, 39 fol.
cleanliness of, 86, 131
materials, 129 fol.
Coffee, 111, 121
Communicable diseases (see also under names of diseases), Chapter I7
notification of, 142
transmission of, 139 fol.
Cookery lessons, 52
Cooperation, parent (home)/teacher (school), v, 36 fol., 40, 49,52, Chapter 8, 102, 163
alcohol and tobacco, 115
medical inspections, 71 fol.
sex education, 56
parent/health and welfare services, 10, 37, 68, 71
teacher (school)/health and welfare services, 17 fol., 164
Cosmetics, 45, 131
County Colleges, 63, 66
Cowpox, v
Crimean War, 4
Darwin, 24
Daytime rest, 40, 100
Dental health, 134 fol.
Dentist, School, 17,20,42,50
Development of Child, 19, Chapter 4, 62, 97, 117
emotional, 43, 57 fol., 62, Chapter 18 especially 158, 164
mental, 37, 40, 43, Chapter 18 (see also Mental health)
normal, 158, Appendix
Diet, 52, 117-124
Diphtheria, 17, 19, 123, 139, 142, 145 fol., 148
effect on mental health, 162 fol.
self, 33, 44 fol., 57, 64, 113-116
(see also Habit training)
Droplet infection, 140 fol, 144 fol., 148
[page 178]
Drugs, 111
Ear defects, 18, 133 fol., 164
Ears and hearing, care of, 133 fol.
Ecology, 46
Education Act, 1870, 9
Education Act, 1944, 13, 16 fol., 22, 63, 127 fol.
Education, Board of, 10, 76
Education (Provision of Meals) Act, 1906, 127
Emotional development, see Development strain, 100 fol.
English as a school subject and health education, 48 fol.
Environment, at home and in school, 40, 48
effect on child's mental health, 159
human, and health, 8, 13 fol., 16, 24, 26, 72, 86
Environmental cleanliness, Chapter 10
studies, 45 fol.
Epidemic disease, 4, 7, 9, 139
Evening Institutes, 63
Evolution, 24, 25 fol.
Exercise, 9, 29, 39 fol., 42, 129, 142, Chapter 11
Eye defects, 18, 132, 164
Eyesight, care of, 132, 133
Factory, Acts, 7, 63
safety in, 108 fol.
Family, and child relationship, 34
cycle, 67 fol.
head lice, 71, 150
responsibilities, school studies as foundation for, 53
social services help, 16, 67 fol.
study of in training colleges, 76
(see also Home)
Fatigue, 100 fol., 148
F.A.O. (Food and Agriculture Organisation), 48
Fats, 118
Feet, 136 fol.
First aid, value of teaching to children, 75, 109
Fleas, 31
Flies, 30 fol., 141, 155
Fluids, 121 fol.
Fog, 92
Food and Drugs Act, 1938, 8
1955, 16, 152
Food, and growth, 29, 32, Chapter 14
contamination of, 30, 141, 153 fol,
cost of, 125
handling and preparation, 46, 52, 85, 155
in nursery schools, 39
normal bodily needs, 32, 124, 129, 149
poisoning, 152 fol.
protection of, 126, 143
sources and distribution, 126
world supply, 27, 48
[page 179]
Footwear, 39, 41, 131, 136 fol., 152
Free play, 162
Fresh air, 9, 29, 39, 91, 142
Further education and health education, 63
General Board of Health, 8
General Practitioners, 15
Genetic inheritance, 26 fol.
Geography, as a school subject and health education 47 fol., 55
German Measles, 146
Germs, disease, 6 fol., 42, 89, 139 fol.
food contamination, 152 fol.
immunisation against and resistance to, 142
Growth, 117 (see also Development)
Habit training, vi, 26 fol., 33 fol., 39, 41, 44, 84 fol. 138 (see also Cleanliness and Discipline)
Hæmolytic Streptococcus, 139, 145, 151
Hair and head, care and cleanliness, 85 fol., 150, 151
Handicapped children, 17 fol., 71, 77
Health, definition of, vii, 13
Health Education Board of Studies, 76
Health Education, importance as a school subject, 35 fol., 37 fol., 69
in nursery school, 38
in infant school, 39
in junior school, 41
in secondary school, 43 fol.
relationship with other subjects in secondary school:
English, 48
geography, 47
history, 47
housecraft, 46
science, 45
in further education and youth organisations, 63
in adult education, 67 fol.
advanced courses in training colleges, 76 fol.
qualifications, 75
Health, mental see Mental health
Health, Ministry of, 8
Health Services see National and School
Health Visiting, 9, 13, 18, 67, 69 fol.
Hearing, see Ears
Heat, see Warmth and Temperature
Heredity, 25 fol.
Highway Code, 107
Hippocratic Oath, 3
History, as a school subject and health education, 47, 49, 55 (see Chapters 1 and 10 for historical background of health education)
Home, accidents in, 104
cleanliness of, 86
environment, 45
habit training, 84
management, study of, 46
(see also Cooperation, Family and Personal relationships)
[page 180]
Hospital Service, 5, 8, 15 fol.
and health education in college, 74, 105
and health education in school, 43 fol., 46, 56, 105, 126
Housing, 5, 11 fol., 15 fol.
Hygiene, 9 fol., 35, 38, 44, 45 fol., 75, 85
Immunisation, 15, 142
diphtheria, 145 fol.
poliomyelitis, 147 fol.
Immunity to disease, 141, 146, 149
Impetigo, 86, 145, 151, 154
Industrial Revolution, 5, 88
Infant mortality rate, 9, 70
Infant school, 39 fol., 76
Infection, prevention of, 142 (see also Communicable diseases)
Inoculation, 7, 14, 142
International Office of Public Health, 143
Jenner, Edward, 7
Junior school, 41 fol.
Koch, Robert, 7
Lavatory, W.C., etc., 3, 39,41, 65, 86, 87, 138, 147, 155
Leisure-time, activities for young people, 65, Chapter 11 especially 102
Lice, 6, 31, 85, 86, 141, 150
Life saving, value of teaching to children, 109
Lighting, effect on eyes, 132
Litter and landscape, 85
Local Government Act, 1888, 8
Lunacy and Mental Treatment Acts, 17
Lung cancer, 113 fol.
Lungs, 91
Maladjusted children, 17, 71, 164
committee report, vi, 158, Appendix
Malaria, 31, 47, 141
Malnutrition, 18
Marriage, education for, 11, 51 fol., 68
Materials for clothing, 129 fol.
Maternal instinct, 32, 72
Meals at school, 39 fol, 47, 126 fol.
behaviour, 125
Measles, 102, 144
Medical Inspection, 17, 20, 71
Medicine, preventive, 9, 14, 18, 21 fol.
patent, 111
Menstruation, 58
Mental health, 10, 13, 15, 17,75, Chapter 18
of teachers and effect on children, 160
Mental ill-health, 159
Milk, 122 fol., 128
contamination of, 123, 141, 154
infection (T.B.), 148 fol.
[page 181]
Milk, continued
in school, 126 fol.
safety of, 123
value of, 122
Minerals, 119
Mosquitoes, 31, 141
Mothercraft, at school, 5 I fol.
and maternity and child welfare services, 9, 69 fol.
Mothers, 32, 52, Chapter 8, 69, 158
Mothers' Clubs, 70
Movement, 39 fol., 97 fol. (see also Physical education)
Mumps, 147
Municipal Reform Act, 1835, 8
National Council of Social Service, 21
National Health Service, 7, 8, 13, 15 fol., 20 fol., 29, 67
Normal development, 158, Appendix
Notification of Births Act, 1908, 9
Nurture, 26
Nursery schools, 38 fol., 76
visits to for rnothercraft lessons, 52
Nutrients of food, 118
Nutrition, 10 fol., Chapter 14
Out of door activities, 91, 97 fol.
nursery and infant schools, 39 fol.
youth organisations, 64 fol.
Over-stimulation at school, 101 fol.
Parentcraft, 10, 51 fol., 59, 68 fol.
Parent, and child and school and teacher relationships, etc., see Cooperation and Personal relationships
Parents, 14, Chapter 8
Parent Teacher Association, 36
Partnership, school/parent/health and welfare services, see Cooperation
Pasteur, Louis, 7
Patent medicines, 111
Pediculosis, 150
Personal cleanliness, see Cleanliness
Personal relationships, boys and girls, 58, 66
parent and child, 32, 34, 52 fol., 62, 158 fol.
teacher and child, v, 35 fol., 43, 53 fol., 58, 74 fol., 159 fol.
teacher and parent, Chapter 8 especially 71 fol., 77 fol., 116 (see also Cooperation)
youth worker (and others) and young people, 66
Pests, 30 fol., 48, 139, 141
Pets, care of, 41, 55
Physical education, 10, 19, 42 fol., 45, 74, 78, 97 fol.
bare feet, 137, 152
(see also Movement)
Physiology, 8, 55 fol., 75
Plague, 4, 11, 47, 142
Plant life, 30
Plantar warts, 136, 151 fol.
[page 182]
Play, importance of, 32, 38 fol., 162, Chapter II
Poliomyelitis, 20, 139, 147
Posture, 26, 41, 42, 91, 132
defects, 98
Primary schools, 38 fol.
Protein, 118
Psychologist, school (or educational), 17, 164
Public Health Act, 1848, 8
1936, 8, 16, 142
Puberty, 43, 55
Pulmonary disease (see also Tuberculosis),
risk from measles, 144
Quarantine, 143 fol.
Radio-activity, 46
Reading in bed, 132
Red Cross, 48
Refuse and sewage disposal, 89, 143 (see also Sanitation)
Remedial work, 98
Reproduction, 27 fol., 55
Resistance to disease, powers of, 142, 149
Rest, 29, 39 fol., 98 fol., 117, 142
Rickets, 10, 18
Ringworm, 18, 151
Road accidents, safety instruction, 106 fol.
Royal Commissions, 6, 9 fol.
Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 75
Safety precautions, education in, 42, 104 fol.
Salk, Jonas E., 148
vaccine, 148
Salmonella organisms, 153 fol.
Sanitation, 3, 5, 6, 16, 75, 86 fol., 89 fol., 143
Scabies, 85 fol., 151
Scarlet Fever, 6, 123, 145
School Health Service, 10, 13, 17 fol., 37, 49, 71 fol., 78, 164 fol. (see also Medical Inspection)
School, accidents at, 107 fol.
dentist, 17, 20, 42, 50
exclusion from for communicable diseases, 143
home cooperation, see Cooperation
meals, 10, 39 fol., 127 fol., 152, 155 fol.
medical officer, see School Health Service and Medical Inspection
nurse, 18, 20, 150
precautions against communicable diseases, 144
psychologist, 17, 164
Secondary schools, subjects in, 43 fol.
Security, child's need for, see Child
Sex, instruction in, 44, 49, 54-61, 65 fol., 76
Science and health education in schools, 43, 45 fol., 55
Shoes, 39, 41, 131, 136 fol., 152
Skin infections, 18, 150
Sleep, 39 fol., 62, 99 fol., 142
[page 183]
Sleeping Sickness, 47
Smallpox, 6 fol., 17, 142 fol.
"Smog", 93
Smoke, abatement, 11, 94
air pollution, 91 fol.
Smoking, tobacco, 62, 112 fol.
Snow, John, 7
Social, biology, 76
inheritance, 26 fol.
Socks, 131, 137
Soft drinks, 121 fol.
Soot, 94
Special Educational Treatment, 18,76
Staphylococcus, 153 fol.
Starch, 118
Sugar, 101, 118
effect on teeth, 134 fol.
Sunlight, 29, 95, 142
Sweet eating, 135
Swimming, 45, 65, 133, 148, 152
Tapeworms (Tærnia solium), 31
Tea, 121 fol.
Teacher, importance of personal health, 160
relationships with children, parents and health and welfare services, see Cooperation, Personal relationships and Teamwork
training and health education, 10, Chapter 9
Teamwork, health education in training colleges, 75
school/parent/health and welfare services, v, 17 fol., 37, 49, 71 fol., 164 fol.
Teeth, care of, 42, 134 fol.
Tetanus, 142
Temperance, 10, 112 fol.
Temperature, body, 129
room, 90 fol. (see also Ventilation)
Threadworms (Oxyuris), 31
Tobacco, 62, 112 fol.
Town and Country Planning, 84, 88, 149
Training Colleges, health education in, Chapter 9
sex education in, 60
Training of child, 162 fol. (see also Discipline and Habit training)
Truthfulness, 163
Tuberculosis, 8, 17, 19, 48, 91, 101, 123, 141, 148 fol., 154
Typhoid, 6, 89, 123, 139, 142, 153
Typhus, 6, 86, 141
Ulcers, duodenal, 14
Ultra-violet Rays, 95, 132
United Nations, 12, 48
Vaccination, 7, 15, 17, 19, 142, 148, 150
Vaccine, Salk (poliomyelitis),. 148
BCG (tuberculosis), 150
Ventilation, 14, 46, 75, 87, 90 fol., 99, 144
Vermin, spread of disease, 6, 30, 86, 141, 153 fol.
[page 184]
Verminous condition in schoolchildren, 18,71, 85 fol., 150
Virus infections, 23, 31, 139 fol., 144, 146 fol., 151
Vitamins, 10, 29, 95, 119 fol.
Voluntary organisations, 11, 20 fol., 44, 64
Warmth of body, importance and conservation, 29, 42, 129
Warts, 136, 151 fol.
Water, and cleanliness, 84
body's need for, 121 fol.
pollution and purity of supply, 4, 6, 13, 88 fol., 143
requirements and supply, 75, 89
Whooping Cough, 145
World Health Organisation, 12, 48, 142
X-Ray, 18 fol., 149, 151
Yellow fever, 31, 47
Youth clubs and organisations, 44 fol., 63 fol.
Youth leaders, 66