School Health Services (Middlesex County Council c1960) I am grateful to Michael Clayton who sent me a pdf copy of this pamphlet which was given to his parents when the family lived in Potters Bar. He believes it dates from the late 1950s or early 1960s. As a result of the 1963 London Government Act, which provided for the creation of the Greater London Council (GLC), Middlesex County Council ceased to exist in 1965.
The text of School Health Services: Notes for Parents was prepared by Derek Gillard and uploaded on 6 June 2023. |
Middlesex County Council (c1960) School Health Services: notes for parents © Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland. [front page]
[page 3] The following notes are supplied for the guidance of parents of school children in Southgate, Wood Green, Friern Barnet and Potters Bar. They should be carefully studied and kept for reference. 1. SCHOOL MEDICAL INSPECTIONS All school children are inspected by a doctor at regular intervals in schools. Height, weight and vision are checked on these occasions. Parents are informed of the time of inspections and are invited to be present. In addition, every child's hearing is tested periodically, using special apparatus. 2. MINOR AILMENT CLINICS Minor Ailment Clinics are held regularly on premises near the schools. Details are to be found on next page. 3. DENTAL SERVICES Children's teeth are inspected regularly during their school life. The dental clinics listed on next page are open from MONDAY to FRIDAY of each week, and in some cases on SATURDAY mornings. Treatment is by appointment with the Dental Officer, or in a case of emergency, through the Head Teacher. Orthodontic treatment (correction of the position of the teeth) is also available. Parents are given particulars of all appointments and are invited to be present. 4. SPECIAL SERVICES AND ADVICE The following special services are available for school children:-
Appointments are made by the School Medical Officer for children requiring specialised attention to attend at anyone of the clinics listed on next page. [page 4] 5. CLINIC TABLE [page 5] 6. VACCINATION AND IMMUNISATION Special immunisation sessions are held for carrying out inoculation against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and poliomyelitis. Schools are regularly visited in order to give reinforcing injections to ensure full protection against diphtheria. Parents are notified of these visits, and their prior consent obtained. A reinforcing injection is normally required at the age of 5 years when a child starts school, and at the age of 10. B.C.G. vaccination against tuberculosis is available to secondary school pupils in their fourteenth year where a skin test shows this to be necessary. 7. SPECIAL SCHOOLS, CONVALESCENCE AND HOLIDAYS Arrangements are made according to the recommendation of the School Medical Officer for handicapped pupils requiring special educational facilities to be transferred to day or residential special schools. Recuperative holidays for children recovering from illness and special holidays for diabetics and epileptics can also be arranged on a doctor's recommendation. 8. HOURS OF SLEEP For the guidance of parents who have requested advice on the hours of sleep which children require at different ages the following particulars are supplied:-
Adequate rest and sleep are essential to a child's physical and mental development. In the child's own interest the hours set out above should be strictly adhered to, the only exception being that, in the case of children of 15 or over, they might be allowed to stay up later on special occasions. During the summer months a slight relaxation might also be allowed. The hours at which it is suggested children should go to bed may seem unduly strict at first Sight, but they are based on sound principles of health and will undoubtedly benefit the children concerned. [page 6] 9. INFECTIOUS DISEASE The following table is given as a guide to parents, and sets out the periods of exclusion from school which are normally advisable in cases of infectious disease. These periods may be amended according to special circumstances, the decision resting with the Medical Officer of Health, the family doctor or the School Medical Officer. 10. ANY QUERIES relating to the School Health Service should be addressed either to the District School Medical Officer, Area Health Office, Town Hall, Palmers Green. N.13 (PALmers Green 0085); or to the local Education Officer, at: Education Offices, 269 Bowes Road, N.11 (ENTerprise 4451); Town Hall, Wood Green, N.22 (BOWes Park 4281); Town Hall, Friern Barnet, N.11 (ENTerprise 1121); Education Office, High Street, Potters Bar (Potters Bar 3348). [page 7] The School Medical Officers who carry out the school medical inspections and attend at the Minor Ailment Clinics, will also be glad to answer any parents' questions, while the teaching staff at the various schools are always ready to assist. 11. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PARENTS Failure to keep a clinic appointment means not only delay in a child's treatment, but also wastes the doctor's or dentist's time. Parents are asked to send a card, or ring the clinic if, for some reason, an appointment cannot be kept. Alternative appointments can always be arranged. Children suffering from an infectious disease should in no circumstances be taken to the clinic.