[page 106]
Index to Recommendations:
| Number of Recommendations |
General recommendations | | 1-9
The third cycle | | 11-41 |
- Entitlement to in-service education and training | 10-12 | |
- Professional tutors | 13-14 |
- Professional centres | 15-22 |
- Special needs in the third cycle | 23-25 |
- Research and development | 26-29 |
- Degrees, higher degrees and advanced qualifications | 30-36 |
The second cycle | | 37-81 |
- First year of the second cycle | 37-44 |
- Second year of the second cycle | 45-50 |
- Qualifications for entry to the second cycle | 51-59 |
- Special courses in the second cycle | 60-63 |
- Second cycle awards | 64-68 |
- Implications for existing institutions (other than colleges of education) | 69-81 |
The first cycle | | 82-96 |
Teachers for further education | | 97-102 |
National and regional organisation | | 103-117 |
Award of academic and professional qualifications | | 118-122 |
The next steps | | 123-133 |
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General recommendations
1. The education and training of teachers should be seen as falling into three consecutive stages or 'cycles': the first, personal education, the second pre-service training and induction, the third, in-service education and training. (1.9, 6.5)
2. The highest priority should be given to the expansion of the third cycle, i.e. of opportunities for the continued education and training of teachers. (1.9, 2.38, 6.5)
3. The pre-service higher education and training of all teachers for the schools should extend over at least four years. (6.2)
4. The initial training of teachers in the second cycle should last at least two years (one in a professional institution and one in a school), should be the same for all intending teachers in its organisation and length, however much it might vary in content and style, and should lead to the same terminal award: a new professional degree of BA(Education). (3.12, 3.24, 3.34, 6.2, 6.10, 6.13)
5. Successful completion of the first year of the second cycle should lead to recognition as 'licensed teacher' and successful completion of the second year to recognition as 'registered teacher' and the award of the BA(Ed). (3.33-3.35, 6.10-6.11, 6.13)
6. Serving teachers in the schools and FE colleges should be directly involved in professional training and a high priority should be given to the improvement in staffing ratios which such an involvement, together with the substantial release of teachers for third cycle work, would inevitably require. (2.22, 3.47, 6.22)
7. A new two-year qualification, the Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE), together with new three-year degrees based on and developed from it, should be introduced into the first cycle, initially in the colleges of education and the polytechnic departments of education. (4.4, 4.21, 6.6, 6.13)
8. The administration and planning of the system of teacher education and training should be entrusted to Regional Councils for Colleges and Departments of Education (RCCDEs) which, besides representing professional teacher training institutions and local education authorities, should also involve all universities and polytechnics within their boundaries, together with some other membership. (5.22, 5.24, 6.17)
9. There should be a National Council for Teacher Education and Training (NCTET), linked with the RCCDEs and strongly representative of all branches of the teaching profession. (5.26, 6.18)
The third cycle
Entitlement to in-service education and training
10. All teachers in schools and full-time staff in FE colleges should be entitled to release with pay for in-service education and training on a scale equivalent to not less than one school term (say, 12 weeks) in every seven years of service
*The references given after the listed recommendations are to appropriate paragraphs of the report.
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and, as soon as possible, the entitlement should be increased to one term in five years, and the entitlement should be written into teachers' contracts of service. (2.22, 2.26, 6.16)
11. The entitlement should be satisfied only by release for substantial courses lasting at least 4 weeks full-time (or their approved part-time equivalents) and such courses should be those designated. for the purpose by the RCCDEs. (2.24, 6.16)
12. The entitlement should be in addition to shorter-term third cycle activities, whether or not involving release from teaching, and these short-term opportunities should themselves be substantially expanded. (2.24, 6.16)
Professional tutors
13. A member of staff of every maintained school and FE college should be designated a 'professional tutor' to coordinate second and third cycle work affecting the institution and to be the link with the other agencies concerned. (2.25, 2.26, 3.50, 3.52, 6.11)
14. Teachers designated as professional tutors should be among the first to be released for third cycle courses, so that they could be trained for their new responsibilities. (2.25, 3.50)
Professional Centres
15. To accommodate third cycle work, there should be a national network of 'professional centres' which would include not only the colleges and departments of education but also a number of other centres, based on existing facilities and in some cases developed from teachers' centres. (2.29)
16. Professional centres should be so located as to ensure that schools and FE colleges normally had easy access to at least one of them. (2.30)
17. All professional centres should require designation by the RCCDEs and approval for specific purposes, and some might be designated as regional, multi-regional or national centres for particular needs. (2.32)
18. All should have some full-time staff as well as making appropriate use of the part-time services of LEA advisers and teachers from schools, FE colleges and professional institutions. (2.33)
19. Professional centres based on professional institutions should normally be approved for a wide range of third cycle facilities, including most of the longer, full-time courses, and should also be involved in the training of 'licensed teachers' in the second year of the second cycle. (2.29)
20. Professional centres based elsewhere (i.e. 'locally-based' centres) should make the third cycle provision for which they were approved, and some should also be involved in the second year of the second cycle, provided they attained the standards required by the RCCDEs for this purpose. (2.32, 3.23)
21. Each locally-based professional centre should have a full-time warden, together with supporting staff of the kind indicated in 18 above, and should be able to draw on the resources available within its region. (2.33)
22. Local professional centres should be maintained by LEAs and should have management committees representing the teaching staff in local schools and FE colleges, the providing LEAs and the professional institutions with which the centres were associated. (2.33)
Special needs in the third cycle
23. Suitably placed professional institutions and centres should give a high priority to courses of training for teaching in multiracial schools. (2.10)
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24. There should be opportunities in the third cycle for immigrant teachers to equip themselves to teach in British schools. (2.10)
25. The third cycle should not only provide courses leading to the special qualifications required of teachers of some kinds of handicapped children, but should also cover the needs of teachers who wish to turn to those kinds of such teaching for which formal qualifications are not required. (2.10)
Research and development
26. Teachers in schools and colleges should have full opportunities to take part in curriculum development projects and other projects and investigations. (2.16)
27. Teaching staff in colleges and departments of education should be enabled to undertake suitable projects of fundamental research. (2.16)
28. Research workers coming into the schools to pursue their studies should cooperate fully with the teachers. (2.16)
29. Teachers wishing to take part in this kind of activity should have in-service opportunities to familiarise themselves with research techniques. (2.16)
Degrees, higher degrees and advanced qualifications
30. The BEd degree should be extensively developed as an in-service award, based on a one-year full-time course or its part-time equivalent. (2.17)
31. Degree-granting bodies should consider the possibility of subsuming into the BEd degree a number of existing advanced diplomas in education, where these are based on substantial work of high quality, lasting one year full-time or its part-time equivalent. (2.17)
32. It should not be necessary to insist upon the inclusion of an academic subject in such courses, since they would lead to a professional award. (2.17)
33. Entry to such courses should not be restricted, either by awarding bodies or by employers, to teachers with specified qualifications or length of service, but should be determined solely by the suitability of candidates and the availability of places. (2.17)
34. Degree-granting bodies should give sympathetic consideration to existing holders of any advanced diplomas which were subsumed, in the manner suggested, into the BEd degree. (2.17)
35. Selected colleges and departments of education should offer one-year courses leading to a new in-service award of MA(Education), open to holders of the BA(Ed) immediately after completion of the second cycle or after an interval of further teaching experience. (2.18, 3.37, 6.13)
36. There should be adequate opportunities in the third cycle to take higher degrees in education, including research degrees. (2.17)
The second cycle
First year of the second cycle
37. The first year of the second cycle should be specialised and functional by being directly related to the work likely to be undertaken by the prospective teacher at the beginning of his career. (3.14, 6.10)
38. Initial training should not attempt to cover aspects of professional training which, although desirable, are better left until they can be built on school experience and personal maturity, i.e. in the third cycle. (3.15)
[page 110]
39. Theoretical studies of education, although a desirable feature of many first cycle courses, should be included in the second cycle only in so far as they contribute to effective teaching, and their main development should be in the third cycle where they can be illuminated by experience. (3.16)
40. For some students embarking on the second cycle without any previous introduction to educational studies special arrangements should be made to provide appropriate additional courses or studies. (3.17, 6.10)
41. Students should be encouraged to spend two or three weeks in a school immediately before embarking on the first year of the second cycle. (3.19)
42. Practical experience in the first year of the second cycle should provide a basis for the illustration and reinforcement of theoretical studies, and should include college-based activities. (3.19, 6.12)
43. There should be a continuous period of at least four weeks of practical experience. (3.19)
44. The RCCDEs, on the recommendation of the professional institutions concerned, should determine whether students were suitable for the next stage of training; teaching competence should not be the subject of a graded assessment but should be assessed on a simple pass/fail basis. (3.19)
Second year of the second cycle
45. After the first year of the second cycle, a student should take up his first salaried teaching assignment, as a licensed teacher, but with a deliberately reduced timetable. (3.20, 6.11)
46. The new teacher should be assigned to a specific professional centre (see 15-22 above) and released for attendance there for the equivalent of not less than one day a week, which in some cases (e.g. for teachers in widely dispersed schools in rural areas) might involve block release periods of attendance and, possibly, residence at appropriate centres. (3.21, 3.22, 6.11)
47. The professional tutor of his school (see 13-14 above), in consultation with his assigned professional centre, should work out with the new teacher the programme of continued studies which he would pursue during the year, and such a programme should be subject to scrutiny by the RCCDE. (3.22)
48. The new teacher should receive help and advice within his school from the professional tutor and other members of staff designated for this purpose. (3.20, 6.11)
49. The professional centre to which a new teacher was assigned should have the responsibility for assisting his professional development by drawing on appropriate expertise available within the region. (3.23)
50. Professional centres should give new teachers both a means of sharing experience with others and a point of reference independent of their schools and their employers. (3.23)
Qualifications for entry to the second cycle
51. The RCCDEs, acting within guide lines laid down by the NCTET, should be responsible for determining the conditions of entry to the second cycle. (3.26)
52. All students holding acceptable first cycle awards (see 54 below) should be eligible to apply for any of the second cycle places available. (3.25)
[page 111]
53. There should be the opportunity for interchange of students among institutions at the end of the first cycle and although many students might choose to take the second cycle course in their first cycle institutions there should be no formal requirement that they should do so. (3.24, 6.10)
54. Holders of university and CNAA degrees, certain specialist qualifications (e.g. in music or art), the DipHE and certain other diplomas should be formally eligible for admission to the second cycle. (3.26, 4.3, 4.4, 6.6)
55. Holders of degrees and specialist qualifications should not be given automatic preference over other applicants whose more broadly based education made them more suitable for certain kinds of teaching. (3.26, 4.3)
56. In selecting candidates for the second cycle, great weight should be given to their personal qualities, motivation and experience as well as to their formal qualifications. (3.26)
57. The RCCDEs should advise professional institutions to give preference (other claims being equal) to students who had not proceeded straight from school to higher education, but the intermission of a year or more between school and college, although desirable, should not be formally prescribed, or at least not for intending teachers alone. (3.27)
58. The RCCDEs should have discretion to accept awards other than normal first cycle qualifications, where they had good grounds for confidence that, with second cycle training, the applicants would make satisfactory teachers. (3.28)
59. The second cycle course itself should not be shortened for any candidate. (3.28)
Special courses in the second cycle
60. For applicants with postgraduate qualifications and for mature graduates, there should be special arrangements for their immediate recognition and employment as licensed teachers, on condition that they were not registered for at least two years, during which they would be required to undertake prescribed courses of study and to be assigned to appropriate professional centres. (3.29)
61. All students in the second cycle should receive a general introduction to the problems of children with learning difficulties and selected professional institutions should offer special courses in remedial education. (3.31)
62. Selected professional institutions should offer courses of preparation for those kinds of teaching of handicapped children for which formal in-service qualifications are not a requirement. (3.31)
63. Suitably placed professional institutions and centres should provide special training in the second year of the second cycle for licensed teachers working in multiracial schools. (2.10)
Second cycle awards
64. The NCTET, acting on the advice of the RCCDEs, should make appropriate recommendations to the Secretary of State for the recognition of licensed and registered teachers. (3.35, 5.28, 6.18)
65. In formulating such advice, RCCDEs should have regard to assessments by professional institutions of students' performance in the first year of the second cycle, to assessments of licensed teachers' professional competence in the second year of the cycle, made by the teachers' schools and employers, and to certificates from professional institutions and centres that the teachers had completed approved further studies during that year. (3.34)
[page 112]
66. Where there were doubts about licensed teachers' professional competence, the RCCDEs should have the power, in consultation with the employers and professional institutions or centres concerned, to prescribe a further year of work and study within the second cycle, or to refuse registration. (3.33)
67. Students who, in addition to possessing an approved qualification in higher education, successfully completed the second cycle should receive the professional degree of BA(Education), on the basis of the assessments referred to in 65 above. (3.34, 6.13)
68. With the introduction of the BA(Ed) and the MA(Ed) (see 35 above) and the further development of the BEd as an in-service award (see 30-34 above), it should not be necessary to retain the existing BEd degree as an initial qualification. (3.36, 6.13)
Implications for existing institutions (other than colleges of education)
69. The UDEs should continue to pursue fundamental research and advanced study in education, to offer second cycle courses of training and to be involved increasingly in the provision of third cycle courses, and should also be further encouraged to provide, in the first cycle, joint degree courses which included the study of education. (3.42)
70. Although the major expansion of post-graduate training should be in the colleges of education, existing UDEs should be built up, perhaps to a minimum of 200 students. (3.43)
71. UDEs should be encouraged to specialise in certain subjects or groups of subjects in which they could become centres of excellence. (3.43)
72. UDEs should have staffing ratios at least as generous as those in other university departments, and should have adequate administrative staffs. (3.43)
73. Expansion of teacher training in the polytechnics should concentrate on the development of training for FE teachers, including the provision of third cycle courses. (3.44)
74. Existing polytechnic departments of education should move away from their present emphasis on training for primary school work and towards the preparation of teachers for the older age groups in schools and FE colleges. (3.44)
75. In the development of such work, the polytechnic education departments should use the resources and facilities of their parent polytechnics. (3.44)
76. Teachers in schools and FE colleges should be closely involved in the planning and supervision of students' practical work in the first year of the second cycle, and in the induction of licensed teachers in the second year of the cycle. (3.47, 3.52)
77. Schools should be staffed generously enough to ensure that the timetabling was not dependent on a full contribution by licensed teachers. (3.47)
78. In the placing of new teachers, particular care should be taken to match them to the schools in which they will, start teaching, and practising teachers (especially the heads of the schools in question) should be involved in the process. (3.46)
79. Each maintained school and FE college should have a member of staff nominated as a professional tutor (see 13-14 and 47-48 above), with responsibilities in the second, as well as in the third, cycle. (3.50, 3.52)
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80. Every professional institution should be empowered and should have funds to recruit experienced serving teachers as associate tutors for work within the institution. (3.51)
81. Direct grant and independent schools and FE colleges in which students received practical experience in the first year of the second cycle or new teachers were employed in the second year of the cycle, should be approved for these purposes by the RCCDEs. (3.52)
The first cycle
82. Courses leading to the DipHE should combine the advantages of study in depth with those of a more broadly based education, and should thus interrelate 'special' and 'general' studies. (4.8, 6.6)
83. Institutions offering these courses should avoid any rigid curricular or organisational separation between special and general studies. (4.9)
84. Although it would be undesirable for colleges to establish separate departments of general studies, each college should have a member of staff responsible for coordinating his colleagues' efforts in this area of work. (4.9)
85. The general studies courses should aim to give students an incentive to self-education and an introduction to the main areas of human thought and activity, and should be so organised that each student could select a suitably composed course from a range of options. (4.10.-4.11)
86. Teaching methods in DipHE courses should place emphasis on discussion in seminars and tutorials, rather than on lectures. (4.16)
87. Institutions should be free to devise their own DipHE courses, on the basis of full discussion by the staffs concerned. (4.11)
88. Students' choice of options in their general studies course should be related to their choice of special studies. (4.12)
89. There should be a rationalisation of the special subjects offered by individual institutions. (4.12)
90. The range of special studies offered should include some with direct relevance to teaching as a career and such courses should include opportunities for field work in schools and other social agencies. (4.13, 6.9)
91. The DipHE course should last for two years, of which one third should be devoted to general studies. (4.17)
92. Students following DipHE courses should not be overtaught, but should have adequate time for independent study. (4.16)
93. Holders of the DipHE should, in suitable cases, be eligible for transfer, with credit for their two years' higher education, to existing degree courses in universities and polytechnics. (4.21, 6.7)
94. There should be opportunities within the college system to pursue three-year general and honours degree courses developed from the DipHE and it should be for the NCTET to designate selected colleges (at least one in each RCCDE) at which these degree courses might be offered. (4.21)
95. The staffs of colleges of education should be treated as generously as those of other institutions of higher education, and college staff should have improved opportunities for personal and professional education. (5.13)
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96. The normal requirement for entry to DipHE courses should be the possession of 2 A Levels in the GCE but there should be generous provision for exceptions in the case of mature entrants and those applicants who, although possessing different formal qualifications, are strongly motivated to teaching and give promise of becoming effective teachers. (4.23)
Teachers for further education
97. Students recruited to the colleges of education (technical) should follow second cycle courses of the normal pattern (see 4 above) or two year sandwich courses of which the first and fourth terms should be spent in college and the other four terms in post, with regular release for further training. (3.32, 6.15)
98. Entry to such courses should depend upon the possession of acceptable first cycle qualifications and successful completion of the courses should lead to the award of the BA(Ed); credit should be given for specialist FE qualifications obtained by long part-time courses after the age of 18. (3.28, 3.32)
99. The categories of 'licensed' and 'registered' teachers should apply to teachers from these courses who worked in schools, but not for the present to those employed in further education. (3.31, 6.14)
100. For teachers recruited directly to further education there should be the opportunity, and eventually the requirement, to undertake professional training after entry into service, although the requirement might have to be limited at the outset in both its scope and application. (2.27, 6.15)
101. All FE teachers in full-time service should be entitled to release for in-service education and training on a scale not less than that recommended for teachers in the schools (see 10 above). (2.26, 6.15)
102. The present pattern of part-time training courses for part-time teachers should continue and grow where necessary to meet the demand. (2.26)
National and regional organisation
103. There should be Regional Councils for Colleges and Departments of Education (RCCDEs) and a National Council for Teacher Education and Training (NCTET). (5.22, 5.26, 6.17, 6.18)
104. RCCDEs should be large enough to contain a sufficient number and variety of institutions, schools and LEAs but not so large as to be unwieldy. (5.23)
105. RCCDEs should appoint their own administrative staff and directors. (5.19, 5.29, 6.17)
106. Each RCCDE should bring into partnership all the colleges, universities, polytechnics and LEAs in its region, together with representatives of teachers, the Open University and the CNAA nominees of the Secretary of State and DES assessors. (5.24, 5.25, 6.17)
107. LEAs maintaining colleges outside their boundaries should be represented on the RCCDEs for the regions in which their out-county colleges were located. (5.24)
108. The NCTET should consist of about 20 members, selected by the Secretary of State from among those nominated by the RCCDEs for the purpose. (5.26)
109. The NCTET and each RCCDE should have two strongly constituted and appropriately composed committees, the academic committee and the professional committee, together with suitable sub-committees. (5.27, 6.18)
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110. The NCTET and the RCCDEs should be responsible for the recognition of all professional teaching qualifications. and for making recommendations on the planning and rationalisation of all second and third cycle provision and of first cycle work in the colleges of education and the polytechnic departments of education. (5.28, 5.29, 6.18, 6.19)
111. The main academic responsibilities for first cycle work in the colleges should fall to the RCCDEs and the colleges themselves, subject to approval by the RCCDEs should conduct examinations and appoint examiners. (5.30)
112. The administrative costs of running the NCTET and the RCCDEs should be met by direct grant from the DES. (5.29)
113. The financial arrangements for the system should allow the colleges of education to move towards the maximum possible freedom in the management of their own financial affairs. (5.34)
114. Logistic and educational decisions affecting the system should be so related that the second and third cycle activities may be properly planned and rationalised. (5.34)
115. Lines of communication should be established between the new structure and the long established Regional Advisory Councils for FE. (5.39)
116. There should be national coordination of the arrangements for certain kinds of specialised FE training. (5.38)
117. Decisions about the total level of resources to be committed to the system should be taken by central government and by local authorities acting jointly; thereafter, the RCCDEs, acting within guidelines issued by the NCTET, should have a recognised responsibility for making recommendations to all their constituent members on the allocation of resources within their regions. (5.34, 6.19)
Award of academic and professional qualifications
118. The NCTET should be empowered to award the DipHE, the BA(Ed) and the MA(Ed). (5.20, 5.28, 5.30, 6.20)
119. The RCCDEs should be enabled to remit the academic/awarding function in respect of some or all of their colleges to the CNAA or to constituent universities. (5.20, 6.20)
120. Colleges designated by the NCTET to provide degree courses based on and developed from the DipHE should seek validation of these awards by the CNAA or by constituent universities of their RCCDEs. (5.20, 6.20)
121. The NCTET, acting on the advice of the RCCDEs and other appropriate professional advice, should have the responsibility for deciding which first, second and third cycle qualifications, however awarded, were professionally acceptable. (5.28, 6.20)
122. The DipHE should be awarded as a unified qualification, dependent upon the successful completion of a minimum number of units but, when awarded, should also be endorsed with any special subject successes achieved. (4.22)
The next steps
123. If it were decided in principle to implement this report, an early step should be the issue of a consultative document on the constitution, powers and geographical boundaries of the proposed RCCDEs. (5.40)
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124. Because the formal constitution of the new agencies would have to await the reorganisation of local government from April 1974, an interim National Council should be established, for a limited term of office, at the earliest possible date. (5.40)
125. Interim Consultative Councils for the regions should also be established quickly, to take action on behalf of the future RCCDEs. (5.41)
126. The interim National Council should be empowered to award the DipHE and the BA(Ed). (5.40)
127. The first students for the DipHE should be enrolled in September 1973, all intending teachers should embark on the new kind of second cycle courses in 1975 and the first awards of the BA(Ed) should be made in 1977. (5.42)
128. As far as possible, teachers to be trained under the present system and entering the schools in 1973, 1974 and 1975 should have the benefit of the improved style of induction proposed for the second year of the second cycle. (5.42)
129. LEAs should begin to nominate professional tutors for their schools and FE colleges, to plan an expansion of third cycle activity, to study locations for possible professional centres and to take steps to develop suitable existing teachers' centres into professional centres. (5.43)
130. LEAs should also appoint additional teachers so that the schools would not have to rely upon a full contribution from licensed teachers to cover the basic requirements of their timetables. (5.43)
131. LEAs should be particularly generous in staffing and supporting schools with a high turnover of staff. (5.43)
132. The professional institutions should begin to redesign their courses and procedures in anticipation of the impending changes. (5.43)
133. The Consultative Councils, on behalf of the future RCCDEs, should draw the professional institutions into a preliminary study of development plans for their regions. (5.43)
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Unless otherwise stated the references are to paragraph numbers.
Advanced Diplomas 2.17, 6.13.
Advanced Qualifications (see also Higher degrees, MA(Ed)) 2.17.
Area Training Organisations
boundaries, 5.4, 6.17.
history, 5.1.
in-service training, contribution to, 5.6.
membership, 5.3, 6.17.
reviews, 1.3, 1.5, 4.11, Appendix 1.
universities role in, 5.1, 5.14-5.20.
Wales, 5.44.
holders of qualifications in, admission to second cycle, 3.26.
teachers of, third cycle, 2.19.
BA(Ed), 3.33-3.35.
DipHE, 4.22.
of teaching competence, 3.19.
award, conditions of, 3.34-3.35, 6.13.
awarding body, 5.20, 5.28, 5.40, 6.18, 6.20.
FE teachers, 3.28.
reciprocity for admission to third cycle, 5.9.
timing of first awards, 5.42, 6.20.
initial qualification, 3.36, 3.37, Note of extension.
small teaching groups, 3.3, 4.12.
students, choice of college, 5.16.
third cycle qualification, 2.17, 3.36, 5.28,6.13.
universities, effect on, 5.18.
University of Wales, 5.45.
Bilingualism 2.8, 5.36.
Binary System 1.7, 5.3, 5.34.
Burnham Committee 2.22.
Careers Work 2.10, 2.19, 3.15.
Central Grants Committee 5.39.
Colleges of Education (see also Voluntary Colleges, Professional Centres)
amalgamation, 5.37, Note of extension.
degrees, other than BA(Ed), 4.21, 5.36, Note of extension.
entry requirements, 4.23.
[page 118]
Colleges of Education - cont.
facilities, sharing of, 5.39.
finance, 5.33-5.35.
growth, 1.6, 3.43, 6.21, 6.23, Appendix 5.
professional centres, representation on management committees, 2.33.
probation, role in, 3.8-3.9.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.13, 5.14, 5.24-5.25, 5.28, 5.30, 6.19, Appendix 7.
resources, influence on allocation of, 6.19.
schools, relations with, 3.7-3.9, 3.45, 3.51.
specialisation, 3.38, 4.6, 4.12, 4.21, 5.10, 5.29, 5.36, 6.9.
staff, 2.16, 2.33, 3.2, 3.7, 3.36, 3.51, 4.11, 4.12, 5.13, 5.15-5.16, 6.12.
teachers, employment of, 2.19, 2.29, 3.50, 3.51.
third cycle, contribution to, 2.4, 2.29, 5.36.
universities, relations with, 3.36, 3.42, 5.1, 5.3, 5.12, 5.14-5.20, Note of extension.
Colleges of Education (Technical)
courses, 6.15.
future, 5.38.
professional centres in, 2.30.
Compulsory Training
FE teachers, 2.27-2.28, 6.14-6.15.
graduates, 2.13, 3.29.
Concurrent Course
DipHE and, 4.6, 4.13-4.15, 6.9.
virtues and weaknesses, 3.2, 6.3-6.4, 6.9.
of the committee's proposals, 1.2, 6.25-6.26.
CNAA (see also Degrees)
DipHE, admission of holders to degree courses, 4.21.
DipHE and degrees based on it, validation, 5.20, 5.31, 6.20, Note of extension.
establishment, 1.7.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.25, Appendix 7.
Counselling 2.10, 3.15.
changes, third cycle needs, 2.8.
study of, 1.8.
teachers, participation in development, 2.2, 2.16.
Cycles (see also First, Second and Third)
balance, 3.17, 3.38, 3.40, 5.29.
continuity, 3.17, Note of extension.
definition, 1.9, 6.5.
Degrees (see also BA(Ed), BEd, Higher degrees, MA(Ed))
academic, for all teachers, 6.13.
as first cycle qualifications, 3.26, 4.3, 5.28, 6.6, Note of extension.
DipHE, based on, 4.21, 5.20, 5.29, 6.7, 6.13, 6.20, Note of extension.
joint, in education and other subjects, 3.42, 4.3, 6.6.
third cycle, 2.17, 2.36.
[page 119]
alleged threat to colleges' academic freedom, 5.15, 5.19.
balance of training requirement, 3.3.
planning functions, 5.5.
RCCDEs, assessors on, 5.25, 6.19, Appendix 7.
third cycle, contribution to, 2.4, 2.5.
Designated Third Cycle Courses, 2.24, 5.28, 6.18.
DipAD 1.7, 5.28.
aims, 4.8.
award, conditions of, 4.22.
awarding bodies, 4.24, 5.20, 5.30, 5.31, 5.45, 6.20, Note of extension.
colleges, effect on, 6.22-6.23.
course structure, examples of, 4.17, Appendix 6.
courses, colleges' freedom to devise and examine, 4.8, 4.24, 5.30.
courses, rationalisation of, 4.12.
currency, 4.18-4.22, 4.24, 5.9, 6.7, 6.22.
educational studies, 4.9, 4.10, 4.13, 4.17, 6.6, 6.9, Appendix 6.
entry requirements, 4.23, 5.35.
individual work, 4.16.
institutions other than colleges of education, in, 4.1, 5.9, 5.31.
length, 4.17.
practical observation, 4.13-4.14, 6.9.
principles, 4.4-4.6, 6.6.
teachers, for FE, 6.14.
teachers, for intending, 4.6, 4.13, 4.15, 4.17, 6.9.
teaching methods, 4.16.
timing of first awards, 5.42, 6.20.
Direct Grant Schools 3.52.
'Diversification' 6.8.
Education Departments
in colleges, 3.3, 4.12.
in polytechnics, see Polytechnics.
in universities, see Universities.
Educational Studies
in existing initial courses, 3.2, 9.4, 6.9.
in first cycle, 3.12, 3.43, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.9-4.10, 4.13-4.15, 4.17, Note of extension.
in first year of second cycle, 3.16, 3.17, 3.19, 6.10.
in third cycle, 2.2, 2.7, 3.16.
Educational Technology 1.8, 2.7, 3.19.
Entry Qualifications (see also Selection).
BEd 3.36.
DipHE, 4.23, 5.35.
of existing college students, 5.2.
second cycle, 3.26-3.28, 4.3, 4.4, 5.9, 5.20, 5.28, 6.18.
third cycle, 2.17, 5.9.
[page 120]
Committee's sources, 1.3, 1.4, appendices 1-3.
on concurrent course, 3.2.
on in-service training, 2.3, 6.25.
Finance (see also Cost)
ATOs, 5.29.
central grants committee, 5.39.
colleges, 5.33-5.35.
NCTET and RCCDEs, 5.19, 5.29.
NCTET, responsibilities of, 5.32.
RCCDEs, responsibilities of, 5.10, 5.32.
voluntary colleges, 5.36.
First Cycle (see also Degrees, DipHE)
colleges of education, planning, 5.29.
courses, types of, 4.3-4.4, 6.6, Note of extension.
FE Colleges (see also FE Teachers)
professional centres, access to, 2.30.
professional centres in, 2.30, 5.7, 5.38.
professional tutors in, 2.26, 3.52.
second cycle, employment of teachers in second year, 3.52.
third cycle, contribution to, 2.20, 2.36, 2.38, 5.38.
FE Staff College 2.15.
FE teachers (see also Teachers)
compulsory training, 2.27-2.28, 6.14--6.15.
first cycle courses, 6.14.
polytechnics, contribution to training, 3.44, 5.38.
professional centres, access to, 2.30--2.31.
professional centres, part-time work for, 2.33.
professional centres, representation on management committees, 2.33.
RCCDEs, representation on, 5.8, 5.25.
second cycle, admission to, 3.28.
second cycle courses, 3.32, 3.52, 6.15.
specialists, training, 5.38.
third cycle, entitlement to, 2.26.
third cycle, initial training, 2.14, 2.27-2.28.
third cycle, joint courses with school teachers, 2.30.
transfer to schools, 6.14.
General Certificate of Education 4.23.
Graduates (see also Degrees)
existing training arrangements, 1.8, 3.6-3.10.
in infant and primary schools, 3.17, 4.3.
second cycle, admission to, 3.26, 4.3, Note of extension.
second cycle, special courses, 3.29, 3.46.
third cycle, needs, 2.8, 2.13.
DipHE students, 5.35.
intending FE teachers, 2.27.
mature graduates, 3.29.
[page 121]
Handicapped Children 2.10, 3.31.
HMI 2.4, 2.15.
Higher Degrees
holders of, second cycle courses, 3.29, 3.46.
third cycle, opportunities to obtain, 2.2, 2.17.
Higher Education (see also First cycle)
prospective expansion, 4.3, 6.21, 6.24, Note of extension.
HND 5.28.
History of Education see Educational studies
Home Economics 4.6, 5.36, 6.9.
Immigrants (see also Multiracial schools)
immigrant teachers, third cycle provision, 2.10.
In-Service Training see Third cycle
Independent Schools 3.52.
Industrial Training Boards 1.7.
ILEA 5.24, Appendix 7.
Institutes of Education (see also ATOs.)
third cycle, contribution to, 2.4.
universities, relations with, 5.18.
of student teachers, 4.5, 6.8, 6.21.
Language Arts, 2.7, 2.36, 3.5.
Languages (see also Bilingualism)
teachers of, 2.19, 3.14.
Librarianship 2.10, 3.15.
Licensed Teachers (see also BA(Ed)
continued studies, 3.22, 6.11.
direct grant and independent schools, employment in, 3.52.
FE teachers, position of, 3.32, 6.14.
professional centres, assignment to, 3.21-3.22, 6.11, Note of extension.
Secretary of State, recognition by, 3.35, 5.28, 6.10, 6.18.
selection for first posts, 3.46.
status, 3.20, 3.33, 6.11.
Local Education Authorities (see also Reorganisation, Welsh Joint Education Committee)
advisers, employment of, 2.35.
alleged threat to colleges' academic freedom, 5.15, 5.19.
ATOs, membership of, 5.4, 5.5.
colleges, financing of, 5.33-5.35, 6.19.
in-service training, evidence on, 2.3.
licensed teachers, assessment of, 3.34.
licensed teachers, selection of, 3.46.
[page 122]
Local Education Authorities (cont.)
professional centres, provision of, 2.30-2.31, 5.43.
professional tutors, nomination of, 5.43.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.14, 5.23-5.25, 5.28, 6.19, Appendix 7.
third cycle, role in, 2.4, 2.5, 5.43.
MA(Ed) 2.18, 3.37, 5.28, 6.13.
Mature Students (see also FE Teachers, Graduates, Grants)
DipHE courses, exceptional admission to, 4.23.
training, relevance of, 3.14.
Mathematics 2.9.
McNair Report 1.5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.26, 5.44, Note of extension.
of the committee, 1.4.
Micro Teaching 3.19.
students', 3.26, 4.3, 4.19, 6.7.
Multi-Racial Schools 2.10.
holders of qualifications in, admission to second cycle, 3.26.
teachers of, third cycle, 2.19.
NACTST 5.26.
BA(Ed), award of, 5.28, 5.40, 6.18, 6.20.
colleges, designation for degree work, 4.21.
committees, 5.27-5.31, 6.18, 6.20.
cost, 6.25.
DipHE, award of, 5.20, 5.30, 5.40, 6.20.
finance, 5.29.
FE training, co-ordination of, 5.38.
MA(Ed), award of, 5.28.
membership, 5.26, 5.40.
need for, 5.5, 5.26.
professional centres, designation of, 2.32.
professional qualifications, approval of, 5.28, 6. i 8, 6.20.
resources, influence on allocation of, 3.38, 5.10, 5.32, 5.34.
second cycle, control of entry qualifications, 3.26, 3.29, 5.20, 6.18, 6.20.
second cycle, planning of, 3.38-3.40.
student places, distribution of, 3.38, 3.40, 5.29.
timetable for establishment, 5.40.
Nuffield Foundation 1.8.
Open University
establishment, 1.7, 5.3.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.25, Appendix 7.
second cycle, contribution to, 3.29.
third cycle, influence in, 2.36.
Outposts, 5.38.
[page 123]
Parliamentary Select Committee 1.3, 1.5.
Philosophy of Education see Educational Studies
Physical Education 2.8, 2.9, 4.6, 5.36, 6.9.
ATOs, membership of, 5.3, 5.4.
colleges of education, amalgamation with, 5.37.
establishment, 1.7, 5.3.
professional centres in, 2.30.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.14, 5.24, 5.25, 5.30, 6.17, 6.19, appendix 7.
third cycle, contribution to, 2.4, 2.36, 2.38, 3.44.
Polytechnic Departments of Education (see also Colleges of Education, FE Teachers, Professional Centres)
ATOs, membership of, 5.3.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.14, 5.25, 5.28, Appendix 7.
second cycle, role in, 3.44, 5.38.
Pooling 5.33, 5.35.
Postgraduate Training (see also Graduates, Second Cycle)
existing courses, 1.8, 6.4.
Probation 3.8-3.10, 3.52, 6.12, 6.22.
Professional Centres
cost, 6.25.
licensed teachers, assessment of, 3.34.
management, 2.33.
multi-racial schools, training for, 2.10.
NCTET, recognition by, 2.32, 5.7.
number and distribution, 2.31.
purposes, 2.29-2.34.
RCCDEs, membership of professional committees, 5.28.
RCCDEs, recognition by, 2.32, 2.33, 3.23, 5.7.
resources, 2.31.
second cycle, role in, 3.21-3.23, 6.11.
staffing, 2.33.
timetable for establishment, 5.42, 5.43.
Professional Tutors
direct grant and independent schools, in, 3.52.
FE colleges, in, 2.26, 3.52.
nomination, 5.43.
second cycle, role in second year, 3.22, 3.50, 6.11.
third cycle, role in, 2.25, 3.50, 6.11.
training, 2.25, 3.50, 3.52, 5.43.
Psychology of Education see Educational Studies
Raising the School Leaving Age 1.8, 2.11.
Reading see Language Arts
Re-Entrants to Teaching 2.12.
Regional Advisory Councils for FE 5.39.
[page 124]
BA(Ed), recommendation of award, 3.34-3.35, 5.28.
committees, 5.27-5.31, 6.18, 6.20.
cost, 6.25.
DipHE, administration of, 5.20, 5.30.
distribution, criteria for, 5.23-5.24.
finance, 5.19, 5.29, 6.17.
licensed teacher status, recommendation of, 3.35, 5.28.
licensed teachers, approval of study programme, 3.22.
membership, 5.25, 5.27, 6.17, Appendix 7.
NCTET, nomination of members, 5.26.
premises, 5.19.
professional centres, recognition of, 2.32-2.33, 3.23.
reciprocity in acceptance of qualifications, 5.9.
resources, influence on allocation of, 5.10, 5.32, 5.34, 6.19.
second cycle, approval of institutions for, 3.52.
second cycle, determination of entry qualifications, 3.26-3.28, 3.29, 5.20, 5.28, 6.24.
second cycle, planning, 3.38-3.40.
staff, 5.19, 5.29, 5.46, 6.17.
third cycle, designation of courses, 2.24, 5.28.
third cycle, planning, 2.37, 3.40.
timetable for establishment, 5.4d-5.42.
Wales, 5.24, 5.46.
Registered Teachers
FE teachers, position of, 3.32, 6.14.
Secretary of State, recognition by, 5.28, 6.18.
status, 3.33, 6.11.
Religious Education 2.9.
Reorganisation of Local Government
ATO boundaries, effect on, 5.4, 6.17.
RCCDE boundaries, effect on, 5.23, 5.24.
timing, 5.40.
Reorganisation of Secondary Education 1.8, 2.11.
college staff, involvement in, 2.16, 2.29, 5.13.
degrees, 2.17.
teachers, involvement in, 2.16.
teachers, need to be informed about, 2.7.
UDEs, in, 3.42-3.43.
Robbins Report 1.7, 5.1, 5.2, Note of extension.
Sandwich Courses
FE teachers, 3.32, 6.15.
incorporating first year of professional training, Note of extension.
MA(Ed), 3.37.
School of Education (see also ATO, Institutes of Education, UDEs)
university, relations with, 5.18.
[page 125]
School Experience (see also Licensed Teachers)
existing arrangements, 3.7, 6.12.
first cycle, during, 3.19, 4.13-4.14.
second cycle, before entry, 3.19.
second cycle, in the first year, 3.19, 3.21, 6.10, 6.12.
organisation, 5.28.
Schools (see also Teachers)
DipHE, view of, 4.19.
direct grant and independent, 3.52.
licensed teachers, assessment of, 3.34.
licensed teachers, transfer of, 3.33.
multiracial, 2.10.
nursery and primary, 1.8, 2.9, 2.23, 3.47, 4.3.
organisation, changes in, 1.8,2.11.
probation, role in, 3.8-3.9.
professional centres, access to, 2.30.
professional centres in, 2.30, 5.7.
professional centres, sharing facilities with, 2.31.
school-based tutors, 3.48.
second cycle, implications for, 3.46-3.50, 5.43, 6.22.
second cycle, role in second year, 3.20-3.22.
third cycle, implications for, 2.21-2.25, 3.49, 5.43, 6.22.
universities, relations with, 3.42.
Schools Council 1.8, 2.4, 2.16, 3.42.
Science 2.9, 2.19.
Second Cycle (see also BA(Ed), Licensed Teachers, Registered Teachers)
assessment, 3.19, 3.34-3.35, 5.28.
colleges, implications for, 3.45, 5.36.
cost, 6.25.
educational studies, 3.16-3.17, 6.10.
entry requirements, 3.26-3.28, 4.3, 4.4, 5.9, 5.20, 5.28, 6.18.
extension of, 3.33.
first year, 3.13-3.19, 6.10.
FE teachers, special courses for, 3.32.
handicapped, special courses for teachers of, 3.31.
higher degrees, special courses for holders of, 3.29.
length, 3.12.
mature graduates, special courses for, 3.29.
planning, 3.38-3.40, 5.43.
polytechnic departments of education, implications for, 3.44.
principles, 3.11-3.13, 6.10-6.12.
professional centres, role of, 3.21-3.23, Note of extension.
professional tutor, role of, 3.22.
remedial education, special courses in, 3.31.
school experience, 3.17, 3.19, 6.12.
schools, implications for, 3.20, 3.46-3.50, 3.52.
second year, 3.20-3.23, 6.11-6.12.
specialisation among institutions, 3.31, 5.10, 5.36.
students, guidance to, 3.17.
students, selection of, 3.26-3.28, 4.3, 6.24, Note of extension.
timing of introduction of new courses, 5.42.
university departments of education, implications for, 3.41-3.43.
[page 126]
of teachers to fields outside teaching, 2.2, 2.19.
Select Committee on Education and Science, 1.3, 1.5.
first posts, teachers for, 3.46.
second cycle, students for, 3.26-3.28, 4.3, 6.24, Note of extension.
Short, Rt. Hon. Edward 1.3, 4.11.
Social Science Research Council 3.42.
Social Workers 4.13-4.14.
Sociology of Education see Educational Studies
Supplementary Courses 2.17.
Supply of Teachers
A Level entry requirement, effect of, 4.23.
control of, 3.25, 5.32, 6.24.
DipHE, implications of, 4.7.
improvement in, implications of, 6.21-6.22.
LEAs, action to be taken by, 5.43.
NCTET and RCCDEs, interpretation by, 3.38, 5.29, 5.32, 6.19.
second cycle, implications of, 3.47, 3.49
shortages, 1.6, 1.8, 2.9.
third cycle, implications of, 2.22-2.23, 3.49.
Teachers (see also FE Teachers, Licensed Teachers, Professional Tutors, Registered Teachers, Schools)
ATOs, representation on, 5.5.
colleges and departments of education, work in, 2.19, 3.51.
direct grant and independent schools, 3.52.
NCTET, representation on, 6.18.
professional centres, part-time work in, 2.29, 2.33.
professional centres, representation on management committees, 2.33.
RCCDEs, representation on, 5.8, 5.14, 5.25, 5.28, 5.30, 6.19, Appendix 7.
research, involvement in, 2.16.
second cycle, involvement in selection of students, 3.26, 3.47.
second cycle, role in, 3.20, 3.22, 3.47, 6.11, 6.22.
secondment to fields outside teaching, 2.2, 2.19.
selection of new teachers, involvement in, 3.46, 3.49.
teaching practice, place in, 3.7.
third cycle, entitlement to release for, 2.22, 2.24, 6.16, 6.22.
third cycle, need for, 2.1, 2.6-2.17.
Teachers Centres 2.30, 2.38, 5.7, 5.43.
Teaching Council 3.33 footnote, 6.11 footnote.
Teaching Practice see School Experience
Third Cycle (see also BEd, FE teachers, MA(Ed))
activities, range of, 2.2.
administration, 2.37, 5.6, 5.29, 6.16.
advanced qualifications, 2.17-2.18.
cost, 2.38, 6.25.
[page 127]
Third Cycle (cont.)
courses, designation of, 2.24, 5.28, 6.18.
courses, length, 2.24, 6.16.
degrees, 2.17-2.18.
evidence about, 2.3.
existing arrangements, weaknesses of, 2.5.
FE colleges, contribution to, 2.36.
FE colleges, implications for, 2.26-2.28.
importance of, 1.9, 2.1, 2.38, 3.1, 3.4, 6.5, 6.16.
needs of, 2.6-2.18.
planning, 3,40, 5.6, 5.23, 5,43.
polytechnics, contribution to, 2.36.
professional centres, role of, 2.29-2.30, 2.32, 2.34.
professional tutors, role of, 2.25-2.26.
professional tutors, training for, 2.25, 3.50, 5.43.
providing bodies, 2.4.
research, 2.16.
residential requirements, 2.34.
resource centres, 2.35.
schools, implications for, 2.21-2.25, 6.22.
short-term activities, expansion of, 2.24, 6.16.
teachers, entitlement, 2.22, 5.28, 6.16.
universities, contribution to, 2.36.
of DipHE holders to polytechnics and universities, 4.21, 6.7.
of licensed teachers, 3.33.
of students for second cycle, 3.24-3.25, 5.9, 5.10, 6.10.
of students on licensing, 3.23, 3.35.
Universities (see also BEd, Degrees, Open University)
ATOs, role in, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 6.17.
colleges, amalgamation with, 5.37.
colleges, relations with, 3.36, 5.1, 5.3, 5.12, 5.14-5.20.
DipHE, admission of holders, 4.21, 6.7.
DipHE and degrees based on it, award of, 5.20, 5.31, 5.45, 6.20, Note of extension.
expansion, 1.7, 5.4.
institutes and schools of education, relations with, 5.18.
polytechnics, relations with, 5.3.
professional centres, work of staff in, 2.33.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.12, 5.14, 5.24-5.25, 5.30, 6.17, 6.19, Appendix 7.
schools, relations with, 3.42. .
students, motivation of, 4.19.
University Departments of Education (see also Colleges of education, Professional centres)
growth, 1.6, 3.43, Appendix 5.
joint degrees, 3.42.
RCCDEs, membership of, 5.12, 5.14, 5.25, 5.28, Appendix 7.
research, 2.16, 3.42-3.43.
second cycle, recruitment to, 3.24-3.25.
second cycle, role in, 3.41-3.43.
specialisation, 3.38, 3.43, 5.29.
staffing ratios, 3.43.
teachers, employment of, 2.19, 3.51.
third cycle, role in, 2.29, 3.42, 3.43.
[page 128]
Visits 1.4, Appendix 4.
Voluntary Colleges (see also Colleges of Education)
finance, 5.34, 5.36.
growth, 1.1, 1.6.
place in new system, 5.36.
Voluntary Service 3.27, 4.14.
Wales (see also Bilingualism)
college council, 5.24, 5.46.
University of, 5.20, 5.44-5.47.
Weaver Report 5.19.
Welsh Joint Education Committee, 5.46.
Willey, Rt. Hon. FT 1.3.
Youth Work 4.14.