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Annex H
Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for secondary science
The initial teacher training (ITT) National Curriculum for secondary science specifies the essential core of knowledge, understanding and skills which all trainees on all courses of initial teacher training for secondary science must be taught and be able to use in their teaching.
The requirements will come into effect for all secondary ITT courses where science is designated as a specialist subject from September 1999. Although this document does not apply where science is offered as a subsidiary subject in addition to the main specialism, providers of such courses will find this curriculum a useful resource in helping them to determine the essential elements which should be included.
Providers of in must ensure that only those trainees who have shown that they have the knowledge, understanding and skills to teach science effectively are judged to have successfully completed an in secondary science course leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Detailed requirements of what trainees must demonstrate they know, understand and can do before being awarded QTS are set out in the Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status (Annex A).
This curriculum focuses on teaching and assessment methods which have a particular relevance to secondary science. Standards which apply to generic areas of teaching and assessment, and which all those to be awarded QTS must meet, are set out in the Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status (Annex A). As part of all courses, providers of in are required to prepare trainees to teach the National Curriculum for pupils and to understand statutory requirements. The ITT National Curriculum for secondary science does not, therefore, repeat the content of the pupils' National Curriculum but rather sets out the core of what trainees need to be taught, know and be able to do if they are to teach the pupils' National Curriculum effectively. The ITT National Curriculum for secondary science includes some references to information and Communications Technology (ICT) in relation to secondary science. However, from September 1998 (19), all trainees will be required to have a secure knowledge and understanding of the content of the ITT National Curriculum for the use of ICT in subject teaching (Annex B). The ICT curriculum aims to equip every newly qualified teacher of secondary science with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make sound decisions about when, when not, and how to use ICT effectively in teaching science. It is therefore the responsibility of the ITT provider to ensure that the way trainees are taught to use ICT is firmly rooted within secondary science teaching, rather than teaching how to use ICT generically or as an end in itself. In order to support providers in this, the TTA intends to produce separate, subject-specific guidance which can be used in conjunction with this document.
The ITT National Curriculum for secondary science should therefore be read alongside the Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status (Annex A) and the National Curriculum for the use of ICT in subject teaching (Annex B).
The curriculum aims to prepare science teachers as follows:
- for KS2/3 courses, as a minimumfor KS2/3 courses, as a minimum, trainees must be able to teach all the science specified in the pupils' National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 (trainees on KS2/3 courses must also cover the in National Curriculum for primary science (Annex E). as preparation for teaching the pupils' National Curriculum for science at Key Stage 2);
19. The final year of undergraduate courses will be exempt from this requirement for 1998/99 only.
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- for 11-16 and 11-18 courses, as a minimum, trainees must be able to teach all the science specified in the pupils' National Curriculum for science at Key Stage 3, and one science specialism (chosen from biology, chemistry or physics), within a broad and balanced science GCSE;
- for 11-18 courses, the subject knowledge set out in paragraphs 13, 14 and 15 is advisory only. Providers should have regard to it, have provision available in relation to it, and audit trainees' knowledge, understanding and skills in science against the content. By the end of the course, ITT providers should have assessed how far each trainee's subject knowledge matches the content required to teach science post-16, taking account of the opportunities that the trainee has had to practise teaching post-16, Capability in relation to post-16 science should be recorded on each NOT's TTA career Entry Profile.
- for post-16 science subjects other than biology, chemistry and physics (for example, geology or environmental science), ITT providers could set out a comparable list to those given in paragraphs 13, 14 and 15 to define those aspects of the subject, at degree level, that trainees should know, and be secure in their understanding of, in order to teach the subject effectively to pupils post-16. This could then be used as the basis for audit.
- for 14-19 courses, as a minimum, trainees must be able to teach all the science specified in the pupils' National Curriculum for science at Key Stage 3, one science specialism (chosen from biology, chemistry or physics), within a broad and balanced science GCSE, one science subject at A-level, one of the specialist science units within intermediate science GNVQ and one of the science units within advanced science GNVQ.
Trainees on KS2/3, 11-16 and 11-18 courses must be taught about progression in science from the KS2 Programmes of Study. Those on 11-16 and 11-18 courses, in addition, must be taught about progression in science from KS3 to KS4, and from KS4 to science post-16. Those on 14-19 courses must be taught about progression in science from KS3 to KS4 and from KS4 to science post-16, as well as routes of progression through the related 14-19 vocational qualifications.
This curriculum builds on the in National Curriculum for primary science (Annex E). Providers of secondary science ITT and trainees on secondary science ITT courses will find that document an important resource. In particular, it should be referred to when teaching about KS2/KS3 transfer issues and in order to identify effective strategies for teaching science to pupils whose attainment in science is below that expected for their age.
The curriculum has been written for providers of secondary science in in schools (partnership schools, SCITT groups and those having teachers on employment-based training), higher education institutions and elsewhere, and others who have a background in science. While every attempt has been made to avoid jargon, the correct terminology has been used where appropriate.
The curriculum is in three sections.
Section A Pedagogical knowledge and understanding required by trainees to secure pupils' progress in science Page 119
This section sets out the pedagogical knowledge and understanding which, as part of all courses, trainees must be taught and be able to apply in order to secure pupils' progress in science. By the end of their course, trainees must demonstrate that they know, understand and can apply this knowledge when teaching science at Key Stages 2, 3 or 4 and, where appropriate, post-16.
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Section B Effective teaching and assessment methods Page 123
This section sets out the teaching and assessment methods which, as part of all courses, all trainees must be taught and be able to use.
Section C Trainees' know/edge and understanding of science Page 128
This section sets out the subject knowledge and understanding of science which trainees need to support effective teaching of science for the 11 -19 age-range. Providers must audit, as appropriate to the age-range they are being trained to teach, trainees' knowledge and understanding of the science specified in paragraphs 13-16.
Where gaps in trainees' subject knowledge are identified, providers of ITT must make arrangements to ensure that trainees gain that knowledge during the course and that, by the end of the course, they are competent in using their knowledge of science in their teaching.
ITT providers will decide how best to teach the content of section C, but, where appropriate, much might be covered through the use of supported self-study and through guided reading prior to the course. While some of the content may require direct teaching, some could also be taught alongside aspects of sections A and B of the curriculum.
The ITT National Curriculum for secondary science does not attempt to cover everything that trainee teachers will be taught. It is expected that providers of in will include in their courses other aspects of science, not specified in this curriculum.
This document specifies a curriculum. It is not a course model. All secondary courses of ITT where science is a specialist subject must include the content specified, but it is for providers to decide how and where the various aspects should be included. For example, although this curriculum is set out in separate sections, there is no expectation that providers will teach these discretely. Indeed, it is expected that many providers will integrate aspects of the three sections when designing science courses. Similarly, there is no intention to impose on providers of ITT the way in which the curriculum should be delivered and assessed, nor to specify the materials or activities which should be used to support the training. Providers should use this curriculum as the basis for devising secondary science courses which are coherent, intellectually stimulating and professionally challenging. It is intended that once courses have been devised to include this curriculum, then providers can work confidently from their own course documentation.
In order to ensure that the delivery of the curriculum can be managed within the available time, it is likely that secondary science courses whose content currently varies significantly from that specified in this document will need considerable revision. The ITT secondary science curriculum is intended to form the core of secondary science ITT course, not to fit round existing provision. HEls and their partnership schools may also wish to review their respective roles and responsibilities in delivering the different aspects of this curriculum.
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Initial teacher training is the first stage in the professional preparation of secondary science teachers and this curriculum provides the foundation of knowledge, understanding and skills which will enable every newly qualified secondary science teacher to teach science effectively in their first teaching post. Providers may, if they wish, go beyond the minimum standard specified in this document. They must, however, guard against over-interpretation of the content if the curriculum is to remain manageable, e.g. in paragraph 8.5.c. [trainees must be taught ... how to ... teach pupils to examine evidence for validity and reliability by considering questions of accuracy, error and discrepancy]. This should be interpreted simply in relation to the outcomes of pupils' practical work. It is not intended here that trainees should teach pupils formal definitions of reliability and validity and formal treatment of errors is not expected. The content specified should therefore be interpreted at a level which supports effective teaching of science by a newly qualified teacher in their first post.
The TTA Career Entry Profile will enable a summary of each newly qualified teacher's strengths and priorities for development during the induction year to be conveyed from initial teacher training to his or her first teaching post. During their induction year, newly qualified teachers will have the opportunity to consolidate and build on what they have learned in initial training. It is expected that, throughout their careers, teachers will continue to improve their teaching skills, and keep up to date with the subject and its pedagogy, so that they can teach science rigorously and in a way which communicates their enthusiasm for the subject to pupils, in order to stimulate pupils' intellectual curiosity and to maintain and raise standards of attainment.
Throughout the document, the examples printed in italics are non-statutory. The numbers and letters throughout the curriculum are for reference purposes only, and do not necessarily indicate a particular teaching sequence or hierarchy of knowledge, skills and understanding.
Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for secondary science
1. All courses must ensure that trainees are taught some of the reasons why it is important for all pupils to learn science, including that:
a. knowledge and understanding of science helps pupils make sense of natural phenomena;
b. knowledge and understanding of science and of the ways scientists work can help pupils understand the basis for decisions in an increasingly technological world;
c. through science pupils can develop investigative and practical skills which can help them to solve problems;
d. science is interesting and intellectually stimulating;
e. science is an important part of contemporary culture and is relevant to, and has implications for, people of all nations.
2. Progression in pupils' scientific understanding
a. All courses must ensure that trainees are taught that pupils' progress in science depends upon teaching which:
i. establishes a framework of basic scientific knowledge and principles;
ii. enables pupils to go beyond their first-hand experiences and individual interpretation of phenomena;
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iii. assists the development of scientific ideas and the understanding of accepted scientific explanations and models;
iv. requires pupils to reason and think in a scientific context.
b. In order to understand the high expectations that teachers should have of their pupils, to aid planning and to ensure that trainees know how pupils are progressing in science, trainees must be taught the importance of ensuring that pupils aged 11-19 progress:
i. from understanding of accepted scientific knowledge in a few areas to understanding in a wide range of areas including, where relevant, the links between areas;
ii. from describing events and simple phenomena to explaining events and more complex phenomena;
iii. from explaining phenomena in terms of their own ideas to explaining phenomena in terms of accepted scientific ideas or models;
iv. from a study of observable phenomena to increasing use of formal and generalised ideas;
v. from an essentially qualitative view of phenomena to, where appropriate, a more quantitative and mathematical view;
vi. from seeing science as a school activity to an understanding of the nature and impact of scientific and technological activity beyond the classroom;
vii. from experiment and investigation involving simple scientific ideas to those in which:
- more complex scientific ideas may be drawn upon;
- more than one variable may be pertinent;
- decisions have to be made about strategies and instruments for data collection;
- data is interpreted and evaluated in terms of strengths and limitations;
viii. from accepting models and theories uncritically to recognising how new evidence may require modifications to be made;
ix. from simple drawings, diagrams and charts representing scientific information or data to diagrams and graphs which use scientific conventions;
x. from using a limited range of scientific language, notation and symbols to using an extended technical vocabulary and standard notation and symbols routinely, appropriately and correctly.
3. Key aspects of science underpinning progression in pupils' scientific knowledge and understanding
a. In order to secure progress in pupils' knowledge and understanding of the key scientific ideas and the relationships between them, trainees must be taught:
i. that pupils will bring to science lessons a knowledge and understanding of science from their work in KS2;
ii. that pupils' own ideas about areas of science will often differ from accepted scientific ideas, and how to understand possible origins of pupils' misconceptions, and how they can be addressed, e.g. thinking that, in a simple circuit, the current in the return wire is less than the current in the wire to the device; thinking that plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen;
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iii. that some scientific ideas, e.g. an object moving at a steady speed in a straight line has no net force acting on it, are counter-intuitive in that they seem contrary to everyday experience; .
iv. that pupils' incomplete understanding of scientific ideas sometimes prevents them from making distinctions between separate scientific ideas;
v. how to ensure that pupils make distinctions between scientific ideas which are commonly confused and understand the relationships between them, e.g. that burning may result when some substances are heated but that burning and heating are distinct; that photosynthesis and respiration take place in plants, but the balance between them varies with conditions;
vi. that there are sometimes links between apparently different scientific ideas or areas of science, e.g. burning and respiration; the relationship between energy levels in atoms and flame test colours, and that they must teach pupils that ideas which apply in one context may also be used in apparently unrelated contexts, e.g. the particle model can be used to explain a range of phenomena from the expansion of materials to chemical combination;
vii. that using models, analogies and illustrations in science teaching is a powerful way to explain complex scientific principles to pupils, but that:
- all analogies have limitations, e.g. unlike the water circuit model of electricity, current does not leak if the circuit is cut, and pupils may take them too far;
- some pupils may confuse representations with the scientific ideas they aim to explain, e.g. thinking that atoms, like the models used to represent them, have hooks on them by which they join to others;
- different kinds of physical models are essential to the teaching of science to represent phenomena which are too large, e.g. tectonic plates and plate movement, too small or difficult to see, e.g. the structure of DNA, or where they present a hazard, e.g. nuclear fission;
- different aspects of phenomena may be illustrated most effectively by different types of model, e.g. when teaching crystal structure, space-filling models can be used to show packing but models with rigid connections are effective for looking at co-ordination numbers;
viii. that some illustrations and examples may require a general knowledge which some pupils may not possess, e.g. pupils in urban schools may be less familiar with animal hibernation or seasonal variation.
b. In order to secure progress in pupils' knowledge and understanding of science through science activities, trainees must be taught that:
i. activities must be designed to build on pupils' previous knowledge and understanding as well as contribute to securing pupils' understanding of major scientific ideas, e.g. work on hormonal activity and genetics at KS4 will build on discussion of human reproduction at KS3;
ii. scientific skills and processes need to be taught explicitly, e.g. how to use a range of standard scientific equipment such as microscopes, measuring cylinders, Bunsen burners; how to record, represent, analyse and evaluate data;
iii. although practical work can make a major contribution to securing pupils' progress in science, pupils' scientific knowledge and understanding cannot be developed solely through practical activities;
iv. they must identify and make explicit to pupils the key scientific ideas of any science activity.
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c. Trainees must be taught that developing pupils' use of scientific language is essential in securing progress in pupils' knowledge and understanding of science, and that:
i. the language which teachers use, e.g. to describe and explain phenomena and to question pupils, will affect the quality of pupils' knowledge and understanding, and therefore teachers should avoid teaching in ways which contribute to or exacerbate pupils' misunderstandings, e.g. using "weak" instead of "dilute" when talking about less concentrated solutions of acids; referring to energy being "used up" when describing energy transfers;
ii. scientific descriptions and explanations require a precise understanding and use of terms and linguistic structures which will often need to be taught explicitly, e.g. the use of "compere", "draw conclusions", "leads to", "reasons for", "evaluate", and that pupils' understanding of the everyday meaning of some words, e.g. competition, element, cell, distil, energy, power, work, radiation may be a barrier to their understanding of the same words used in a scientific context;
iii. the correct use of scientific terms can help pupils to organise their knowledge as their scientific understanding is developing, e.g. compounds are formed when atoms combine, but that use of scientific terms does not necessarily indicate scientific understanding.
d. Trainees must be taught that many pupils hold misconceptions about the nature of science and scientists, including:
i. thinking that scientific theories are incontestable and true for all time, whereas, although some pieces of knowledge are more secure than others, all scientific knowledge is open to challenge and revision, e.g. circulation of the blood as opposed to the mechanism of transmission of BSE;
ii. thinking that all scientific knowledge is generated by experiment and data collection, whereas many ideas are new and creative explanations of phenomena, e.g. the theory of evolution; plate tectonics;
iii. thinking that all scientific ideas are tangible and real representations of the natural world, whereas many scientific ideas are useful for describing the world but cannot themselves be observed directly, e.g. fields, forces and energy;
iv. thinking scientists make judgements in isolation, whereas in practice many decisions involve ethical, social and economic factors, e.g. whether to use animals for experiments, whether to develop weapons technology;
v. not realising that while the application of science may offer the solution to some problems it may be the cause of others.
4. As part of all courses, trainees must be taught the importance of engaging all pupils' interest in science, including:
a. developing pupils' enthusiasm for science;
b. being aware of gender differences in attitude, performance and take-up of science subjects post-16. and looking for effective ways of motivating all pupils so that they make satisfactory progress in science;
c. helping pupils to realise the contribution that different civilisations make to our knowledge in science and to value the work of scientists from different cultures.
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5. Methods of developing pupils' understanding of science
Trainees must be taught how to select and implement appropriate teaching strategies in order to take pupils' learning forward, including:
a. how to use skilfully framed open and closed, oral and written questions for different purposes, including how and when to use questions which:
i. elicit and make explicit pupils' existing knowledge or ideas, including identifying misunderstandings about scientific ideas;
ii. help pupils make connections between new and prior knowledge, e.g. making connections between existing knowledge of burning and the chemical reactions in respiration;
iii. require intermediate steps in a causal sequence to be made explicit, e.g. explaining how beta radiation can be used to check the thickness of aluminium sheeting;
iv. stimulate discussion and require pupils to articulate and consolidate their understandings through prediction, application and making justifications or repudiations based on scientific evidence;
v. focus pupils' attention on different features or aspects of the activity, investigation or science being taught by asking for qualitative or quantitative information;
vi. require pupils to broaden their understanding by applying their knowledge of scientific ideas and processes in new contexts;
b. how to provide effective exposition to promote pupils' scientific understanding and to remedy misconceptions, including:
i. how to simplify complex scientific ideas while retaining integrity of meaning;
ii. how to sequence complex scientific ideas into smaller steps;
iii. how and when to use analogies and metaphors to illustrate a complex scientific phenomenon, taking account of their strengths and limitations for scientific purposes;
iv. how and when to use physical models for scientific phenomena;
v. how and when to use teacher demonstrations and pupil demonstrations, e.g. to demonstrate a phenomenon and stimulate discussion about it; to illustrate a technique; where there is a potential hazard; to make effective use of time and resources;
vi. the appropriate use of video and IT-based simulations, e.g. in order to demonstrate phenomena and processes that may be too slow, too fast, too dangerous or too expensive to undertake in the science classroom or laboratory;
vii. how to use starting points which relate school science to everyday experiences and to the technological applications of science;
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c. how to use experimental and practical work for effective learning, including how to:
i. decide whether the use of experimental or other practical work is the most effective way of meeting identified objectives and supporting progression in pupils' scientific understanding, e.g. when teaching a new scientific idea, pupil-led investigation is unlikely to be the most effective way of doing so; new skills are best taught discretely, rather than as part of a wider investigation;
ii. Identify the teaching objective(s) for any experiment, investigation or practical activity, e.g. to teach a scientific skill; to teach the whole process of investigation; to illustrate a scientific principle; to find something out, and select the most effective form of practical or field work to teach particular aspects of science;
iii. teach scientific skills and methods explicitly and ensure that pupils make progress in their use, including how to:
- ensure that pupils know how to use them safely, correctly and appropriately in their science work, including teaching the appropriate use of instruments to increase pupils' accuracy in observation and measurement;
- design experiments and investigations so that they are likely to yield sufficient reliable evidence to enable pupils to explain these in terms of scientific knowledge and understanding;
- teach pupils to identify relevant variables in different contexts;
- teach pupils to judge the range of observations and measurements they need to make, when and why these need to be repeated, and how to deal with anomalous or discrepant results;
- teach pupils to examine evidence for validity and reliability by considering questions of accuracy, error and discrepancy;
- teach pupils to identify increasingly quantitative patterns and relationships when appropriate;
- teach pupils to draw conclusions and to relate these to underlying scientific ideas;
- teach pupils to use information technology for more effective collection, analysis and presentation of data, e.g. data logging; producing graphs from spreadsheets;
- consider with pupils, where necessary, the reasons why the outcomes of a particular activity do not demonstrate what was intended, e.g. because of faulty equipment. poor experimental design or poor technique;
d. ways in which pupils' literacy can be developed as an integral part of science teaching and how to teach those aspects of literacy necessary for pupils to make progress in science, including how to:
i. use structured activities to teach pupils to read science texts effectively;
ii. select, extract and collate the salient information from texts and images, e.g. from books, CD-ROM, and how to make useful notes when reading;
iii. teach pupils to write effectively in science, including how to:
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- teach and support the different styles of writing commonly used in science. e.g. description, explanation and discussion, including teaching pupils to use those particular features of language which are commonly used in scientific writing, e.g. correct use of scientific terms and those everyday terms, such as "energy", which have a particular meaning in science;
- help pupils write and demonstrate their understanding of scientific ideas by varying the type of writing required, e.g. the use of posters; imaginative writing; writing for the school newspaper and other audiences; not always insisting on the use of the passive voice;
- teach pupils to select images and examples to illustrate points clearly and imaginatively;
e. ways in which pupils' numeracy and other mathematical abilities can be developed as an integral part of science teaching. Including:
i. with reference to the pupils' National Curriculum for mathematics, knowing the standards in mathematics that should be expected of pupils of a particular age/phase and what might need to be taught;
ii knowing how to reinforce and apply in science the particular mathematical knowledge and understanding needed for pupils to make progress in understanding scientific principles, including:
- numerical awareness, e.g. size of numbers, estimation of likely magnitudes of numbers, appropriate degree of precision;
- ratio and proportion, e.g. surface area to volume ratios;
- re-arrangement of simple formulae, and their use to represent both properties and magnitudes of physical quantities, e.g. the relationship between speed, distance and time;
- plotting and interpreting graphs, including visual determination of lines of best fit;
- use of percentages;
- understanding probability, e.g. how probability of one event occurring may be independent of preceding events;
- determining uncertainty;
- determining.averages, modes and medians;
- when it is not appropriate to use a calculator, e.g. in making estimates of derived quantities, such as speed or in converting units;
iii. how to recognise common difficulties which pupils have with the mathematics necessary to their progress in science, and to understand how they arise and how to address them, including among others:
- using ideas of proportion, e.g. in calculating reacting quantities;
- use of very large or very small quantities expressed in standard form including calculator manipulation of these;
- estimating orders of magnitude of physical quantities;
- the significance of, and the distinction between, numbers and physical quantities, e.g. the meaning of metres per second. or newton metres; why velocity is measured in ms-1 and acceleration is measured in ms-2;
- converting units of volume, e.g. em³ to dm³;
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f. how to teach pupils to communicate their scientific understanding, including through concise, scientifically accurate oral and written presentation and the accurate and appropriate use of tables, diagrams and line graphs;
g. how to explore and handle sensitive and controversial issues, e.g. genetics and genetic engineering, evolution and creationism.
6. Managing science in the classroom
Trainees must be taught:
a. how to plan well-structured individual science lessons and sequences of lessons in the short, medium and longer term which:
i. Identify clear and realistic learning objectives and ensure that the introduction of any new topic incorporates the essential features of the scientific ideas which pupils must ultimately grasp and links to previous knowledge relevant to the scientific idea;
ii. secure deeper understanding of the connections within and between different areas of science, including through purposeful scientific enquiry;
iii. allow rigorous application of scientific knowledge and understanding to new and real contexts and problems;
b. how to structure their teaching and use interactive methods with whole classes, groups and individuals effectively for different purposes, including how to:
i. introduce the lesson to command attention, to set out what science is to be learnt and, where appropriate, to review and draw upon previous work;
ii. provide opportunities for follow-up, guided practice and consolidation in science, including how to:
- use diverse activities on a scientific topic in order to consolidate and extend understanding;
- provide pupils with opportunities to solve problems by applying their scientific knowledge, understanding and skills to new situations;
- intervene constructively, e.g. to monitor progress or inject pace and challenge, not just when pupils request help;
- provide remedial instruction for pupils who have not grasped the material being taught;
iii. summarise and review during and towards the end of lessons, the science that has been taught and what pupils should have learnt, and to use this to engage pupils in the presentation of their work, to identify and rectify misunderstandings, and to give pupils insight into the next stage of their learning;
c. how to use science resources effectively, including:
i. knowledge of the range of available science resources and their potential usefulness in teaching science, e.g. scientific equipment and apparatus, textbooks, science schemes, teachers' resource books, worksheets, ICT, video, educational broadcasts, visits to museums and science centres and real life materials and situations, including the outdoor environment;
ii. criteria for selecting and evaluating such material to determine whether or not use of a particular resource will support the effective achievement of identified teaching objectives;
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d. how to use information and communications technology (ICT) to support pupils' learning in science, and the ways in which ICT can be used to support science teaching (20);
e. how to manage practical work effectively, including how to:
i. assess the risks associated with experimental and practical work, how to avoid hazards and ensure pupils and others are not at risk;
ii encourage pupils to use living materials responsibly in biological investigations;
iii. familiarise themselves with the activity and/or location and to ensure that plans include the equipment needed by pupils and their access to it;
iv. manage the time needed to complete the work, including effective briefing of pupils, review of the results obtained and clearing up.
7. Assessing and evaluating teaching and learning in science
Trainees must be taught:
a. how to use formative, diagnostic and summative methods of assessing pupils' progress in science, including:
i. identifying from pupils' oral and written work and from observation of their practical scientific skills, the basis for their understanding of scientific ideas;
ii. undertaking day-to-day and more formal assessment activities so that specific assessment of scientific understanding can be carried out for all pupils including the very able, those who are not fluent in English and those with SEN;
iii. preparing oral and written questions and setting up activities and tests which check for:
- misconceptions and errors in scientific knowledge and understanding;
- understanding of scientific ideas and the connections between different ideas in science;
- understanding of the processes and scientific ideas associated with experiments and investigations and the ability to link experimental evidence with scientific understanding;
- competence in the technical skills associated with experimental work;
iv. making summative assessments for reporting of individual pupils' progress and achievement in science, e.g. through the use of National Curriculum tests, teacher assessment and other forms of individual pupil assessment;
v. marking and monitoring pupils' assigned classwork and homework, providing constructive oral and written feedback and setting targets for pupils' progress;
b. how to recognise the standards of attainment they should expect of their pupils in science, including, as appropriate:
i. the expected demands in relation to each relevant level description for KS3 in science and how to judge levels of attainment;
ii. the expected demands in relation to national qualifications at 16-plus and 18-plus;
20. From September 1998, all courses of initial teacher training must cover the ITT National Curriculum for the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in subject teaching (Annex B). The final year of undergraduate courses will be exempt from this requirement for 1998/99 only. For secondary trainees, the ITT National Curriculum for the use of ICT in subject teaching applies to their specialist subject.
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iii. how to identify pupils who are under-achieving or very able in science;
iv. how research evidence, national, local, comparative and school data about attainment standards in science is used to identify under-achievement and to set clear expectations and targets.
8. Opportunities to practise
As part of all courses, trainees must be given opportunities to practise, through taught sessions or in the classroom, those methods and skills described above.
9. All trainees enter a course of initial teacher training for secondary science with:
- (for undergraduate courses) the academic requirements for admission to first degree studies;
- (for postgraduate courses) a UK degree or equivalent and an educational background which provides the necessary foundation for work as a teacher of science in the secondary phase.
Although all trainees will have learned a substantial amount of science in their previous education, and those on postgraduate routes as part of their degree, different trainees will have covered different areas to different extents. For example, some trainees may have academic backgrounds where the science content was largely applied, e.g. engineering. For some, the narrowness of their background knowledge may mean they do not feel confident about, or competent in, the science which they are required to teach. All trainees need to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses in their own subject knowledge, to analyse it against the pupils' National Curriculum and examination syllabuses. and to be aware of the gaps they will need to fill during their training. Trainees need to be alert to the differences between having a secure knowledge of the subject and knowing how to teach it effectively.
10. Audit
a. For trainees on KS2/3 courses, ITT providers should audit trainees' knowledge and understanding of science against the science content specified in the KS2 and KS3 and KS4 Programmes of Study.
b. For trainees on 11-16 courses, 11-18 courses and 14-19 courses, ITT providers should audit trainees' knowledge, understanding and skills in science against the KS3 and KS4 Programmes of Study and the relevant science "A" level core.
c. In addition, for trainees on 14-19 courses, providers should audit trainees' knowledge and understanding of the science required to teach science post-16 specified in paragraphs 13-16 below as appropriate.
In each case, where gaps in trainees' subject knowledge are identified, providers of in must make arrangements to ensure that trainees gain that knowledge during the course and that, by the end of the course, they are competent in using their knowledge of science in their teaching.
In addition, for 11-18 courses, the subject knowledge set out in paragraphs 13,14 and 15 is advisory only. Providers should have regard to it, have provision available in relation to it, and audit trainees' knowledge. understanding and skills in science against the content. By the end of the course, ITT providers should assess how far each trainee's subject knowledge matches the post-16 content, taking account of the opportunities the trainee has had to practise teaching science post-16. Capability in relation to the post-16 content should be recorded clearly on the NQT's TTA Career Entry Profile.
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11. As part of all courses, trainees must be given opportunities to:
a. use correctly scientific and technical terms which, in addition to those in the National Curriculum Science Order, are necessary to enable them to be clear in their explanations to pupils, to discuss secondary science at a professional level, and to read inspection and classroom-focused research evidence with understanding;
b. Identify how the different areas of science relate to each other (unifying principles and concepts), so that they can make conceptual links across the subject, present pupils with a coherent perspective on the subject matter taught, and ensure progression in pupils' learning;
c. articulate their understanding of scientific ideas, reflect upon them, and revise them where necessary;
d. use technology such as calculators and computers when appropriate, recognising when they might be inappropriate, and become aware of the strengths and limitations of such technology;
e. enjoy science so that they can teach it with enthusiasm;
f. access sources of information, e.g. internet, links with Europe and other institutions, which support teaching (research and inspection) and help maintain the currency of their knowledge of teaching materials.
12. As part of all courses, trainees must demonstrate that they know and understand the nature of science, including that:
a. science is based on an interaction between the collection of evidence and representations of the world which are human constructions. Some representations of the world are much better supported by evidence than others and offer more powerful explanations than others;
b. some scientific knowledge is descriptive, e.g. Pluto, cells and particles are all descriptions of objects whose existence is taken for granted even though they may be too difficult to observe directly; some scientific knowledge is based on agreed definitions and relationships, e.g. force;
c. scientific knowledge can never be considered to be absolutely certain. It is always potentially fallible and there are only degrees of certainty.
13. In order to teach biology effectively post-16, trainees must know and be secure in their understanding of the following aspects at degree level:
a. biochemistry:
i. structure and synthesis of building blocks (proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids);
ii. the role of ATP;
iii. Inter-relationship between major metabolic pathways;
b. cellular processes:
i. functioning of cell membranes;
ii. transport mechanisms within and between cells;
iii. enzyme kinetics;
iv. structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts;
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c. biological control systems:
i. feedback and control in homeostatic mechanisms;
ii. operation of hormonal and nervous (voluntary and autonomic) control systems and their inter-relationship;
iii. neurotransmission and hormonal action at a cellular level;
d. genetics and evolution:
i. genetic mapping and gene modification;
ii. genome concept;
iii. population genetics and polymorphism;
iv. evolutionary selection and speciation mechanisms;
e. taxonomy:
i. morphological and molecular systematics;
ii. phyllogenetic relationships;
f. ecological principles:
i. Inter-relationships and dependence;
ii. cyclic processes in the biosphere and biotransformations;
iii. ecological energetics;
iv. population dynamics;
v. global patterns of biodiversity;
g. structure and function:
i. evolutionary significance of levels of organisation;
ii. mechanisms for gene expression;
iii. significance of cellular differentiation;
iv. developmental processes;
v. significance of surface area: volume ratios in relation to processes at all levels of organisation from sub-cellular to the whole organism;
h. In addition, all trainees should know (21):
i. accepted systematic use of taxonomic levels;
ii. key identifying characteristics of the major groups of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms;
iii. basic statistical theory relating to distributions and sampling;
iv. when and how to use statistical techniques, such as student's chi-squared and F tests, to analyse variance and examine correlation and regression in behavioural and ecological data.
21. Knowledge of these aspects need not be at degree level.
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14. In order to teach chemistry effectively post-16, trainees must know and be secure in their understanding of the following aspects of the subject at degree level:
1. a. structure and bonding:
i. models of atomic structure;
ii. models of electron configuration;
b. thermodynamics and equilibria:
i. chemical thermodynamics;
ii. thermodynamic and kinetic factors in the behaviour of reactions;
iii. thermodynamic factors influencing the extent of reactions;
c. kinetics:
i. mathematical models of chemical kinetics;
ii. the use of models of molecular behaviour to predict reaction kinetics;
d. properties of elements and compounds in relation to the periodic table:
i. the history of the periodic table;
ii. properties of the elements and major compounds in relation to their position in the periodic table;
e. organic synthesis, including reaction mechanisms:
i. explanations of the chemistry of functional groups in terms of electron structure;
ii. explanations of reaction mechanisms of functional groups in terms of electron structure;
iii. routes by which organic compounds can be synthesised from simpler or more readily available compounds;
iv. the range and nature of organic compounds;
f. analytical chemistry, including spectroscopic methods:
i. how, in principle, the major spectroscopic techniques work, and how they are used in elucidating structure;
ii. quantitative analysis;
g. biochemistry:
i. the control of energy transfers in redox reactions in biochemical pathways;
ii. the structure and function of major groups of biological macromolecules and their constituents;
iii. in principle, the role of nucleic acids in protein synthesis, the structure of DNA and RNA and their relationship to the genetic code.
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15. In order to teach physics effectively post-16, trainees must know and be secure in their understanding of the following aspects of the subject at degree level, through studies in either a pure or applied context:
a. dynamics and statics:
i. the use of vector notation to analyse problems in statics and linear and rotational dynamics;
ii. the principles underlying special relativity;
iii. mechanical waves and wave motion;
b. quantum physics:
i. simple relationships concerning the quantisation of energy and waves and the evidence for these relationships;
ii. the use of quantum physics in explaining phenomena, e.g. interactions of matter and waves at atomic levels and properties of semiconductors;
iii. possible interpretations of quantum phenomena and their possible physical significance;
c. thermodynamics:
i. the zeroth, first and second laws;
ii. relationships between macroscopic variables and functions of state and their use in applications, e.g. understanding and analysing thermal properties of fluids and solids, heat engines, heat transfer;
iii. microscopic, dynamical models of states of matter and their use in explaining macroscopic laws and relationships;
d. forces and fields:
i. properties and descriptions of gravitational and electromagnetic fields;
ii. the four forces of nature and comparisons of their range, properties and strengths;
e. matter:
i) macroscopic extrinsic and intrinsic properties of materials and their use in designing and making things;
ii) qualitative comparisons of microscopic models of materials and their use in explaining the difference in macroscopic properties;
iii) transport phenomena through materials, e.g. thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity;
f. electrical circuits:
i) alternating currents in circuits containing capacitance and inductance;
ii) analysing and syntheSising electrical and electronic circuits in terms of their components and their components' functions and characteristics;
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g. In addition, all trainees should know or be able to acquire an understanding of (22):
i. basic calculus or iterative methods for solving quantitative analytical problems;
ii. basic statistical techniques for processing data and estimating errors;
iii. models of physical phenomena which are still under debate, e.g. the standard model of the fundamental particles, including quarks; the big bang theory of the universe; high temperature super-conductivity etc.
iv. the ways in which scientists and/or engineers have cOntributed to our present understanding of physical theories and/or technological processes and capability, ego Maxwell, Hertz and Marconi and electromagnetic waves; Carnot, Kelvin, Rankine and Sankey and heat engines; Curie, Rutherford and Bohr and the structure of the atom; Bell and Ryle and pulsars; Hawking and Penrose and cosmological models.
22. This need not be at degree level.
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Annex I
Requirements for all Courses of initial Teacher Training
This Annex sets out requirements for all courses of initial teacher training (ITT). These requirements come into force for all courses from 1 September 1998.
The document is divided into four sections:
A. Trainee Entry and Selection Requirements
This section sets out the entry requirements for all courses of initial teacher training and details the selection criteria to be applied by all providers. These are minimum requirements and providers will wish to develop additional criteria.
B. Course Length and Coverage
This section lists the types of course which may be offered and the minimum requirements for each type of course. The minimum requirements for all courses of primary ITT are set out at paragraphs 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.3.3. Where, in addition to the specified minimum, providers of primary In choose to offer one or mere non--core, non-specialist subjects, the standards trainees must meet before being awarded Qualified Teacher Status are set out in the Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status (Annex A) at A.2.g. and in the introduction to Section B. Providers may also wish to offer more limited coverage of other subjects, than that required for non-core, non-specialist subjects, e.g. a few hours of taster training in a foundation subject, safety training in PE and/or design & technology. The nature and extent of any such training can be recorded on the newly qualified teacher's TTA Career Entry Profile. The specified types of course provide a basis for further continuing professional development. It is expected that teachers will continue to develop and broaden the range of their expertise throughout their careers.
C. Partnership Requirements
This section applies to training which takes place in partnership between schools (23) and higher education institutions or other providers, and sets out requirements relating to the involvement of schools, including the amount of time which trainees must spend in schools.
D. Quality Assurance Requirements
This section applies to all courses of initial teacher training. It sets out the arrangements which providers must put in place to ensure that training is of high quality, is regularly reviewed and that the award of Qualified Teacher Status is securely based.
Similar requirements apply to employment-based routes into teaching, such as the planned Graduate Teacher Programme.
23. Throughout this document, requirements relating to partnerships between HEIs and "schools" apply equally to partnerships between HEIs and Further Education colleges, VI form colleges and departments within schools and colleges.
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A. Trainee Entry and Selection Requirements
I. General
1.1 In the case of all courses of initial teacher training (ITT), providers are required to ensure that:
1.1.1 all entrants are able to communicate clearly and grammatically in spoken and written standard English;
1.1.2 all entrants have attained the standard required to achieve at least a grade C in the GCSE examination in mathematics and English; (24)
1.1.3 all those born on or after 1 September 1979 who enter primary and KS2/3 courses of ITT after 1 September 1998, have attained the standard required to achieve at least a grade C in a GCSE examination in a science subject (including combined science). The science qualifications which were approved by the Secretary of State under Section 400 of the Education Act 1996 for the year in which the qualification was awarded are acceptable to meet this requirement (24);
1.1.4 all entrants meet the Secretary of State's requirements for physical and mental fitness to teach as detailed in the relevant Circular (currently DFE 13/93);
1.1.5 entrants have not previously been excluded from teaching or working with children;
1.1.6 systems are in place to seek information on entrants' criminal backgrounds which might prevent employment as a teacher or with children or young persons (currently set out in DfEE Circular 11/95). Guidance can be found in DFE Circular 9/93;
1.1.7 selection procedures include representatives from those centrally involved in the training process, including school staff;
1.1.8 all trainees possess the personal, intellectual and presentational qualities suitable for teaching; providers should seek evidence of relevant experience with children;
1.1.9 as part of selection procedures, all candidates admitted to a course have been seen at an individual or group interview (25);
1.1.10 in order to ensure a high rate of course completion and award of Qualified Teacher Status, selection procedures and data, including entry qualifications, completion rates, newly qualified teachers' destinations and employers' satisfaction with newly qualified teachers, are monitored and action is taken to ensure that high calibre entrants are recruited to courses of ITT.
II. Postgraduate courses
1.2 In the case of postgraduate courses of ITT, in addition to the requirements set out at 1.1, providers should satisfy themselves that:
1.2.1 entrants hold a degree of a United Kingdom university or a higher education institution with degree awarding powers, or a degree of the CNAA, or a qualification recognised to be equivalent to a UK or CNAA degree;
1.2.2 the content of entrants' previous education provides the necessary foundation for work as a teacher in the phase(s) and subject(s) they are to teach.
III. Undergraduate courses
1.3 In addition to the requirements set out at 1.1, providers should satisfy themselves that:
1.3.1 entrants fulfil the academic requirement for admission to first degree studies; and
24. For prospective trainees without standard qualifications, providers should set their own equivalence tests. The TTA will audit samples of tests to ensure that standards are appropriate.
25. There is no need to interview all those who apply for courses and who are eligible.
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1.3.2 in the case of two-year courses, entrants have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least one year of full-time higher education studies. The content of entrants' higher education studies must provide the necessary foundation for work as a teacher in the phase(s) and subject(s) they are to teach.
I. Types of course
2.1 All providers must:
2.1.1 ensure, where applicable, that courses comply with requirements set out in any relevant ITT National Curriculum which is in force;
2.1.2 ensure that course content, structure and delivery, and the assessment of trainees, are designed to develop trainees' knowledge, skills and understanding to ensure that the standards for the award of Qualified Teacher Status are met; (26)
2.1.3 ensure that courses involve the assessment of all trainees against all the standards specified for the award of Qualified Teacher Status;
2.1.4 ensure that trainees meet all the standards specified for the award of Qualified Teacher Status before successfully completing a course of ITT;
2.1.5 ensure that all those trainees who successfully complete a course of ITT leading to Qualified Teacher Status receive a TTA Career Entry Profile.
2.2 All primary ITT courses must prepare trainees to teach at least one specialist subject and ensure that trainees are assessed against the relevant standards in relation to subject knowledge set out in the Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status (Annex A), Section A.2. Specialist courses may also include advanced study of subject pedagogy and the foundations of preparation for subject co-ordination. The particular areas of strength which trainees acquire through specialist subject study can be recorded on the TTA Career Entry Profile.
2.3 Courses must cover one of the age ranges below:
2.3.1 3-8 - these courses must include specialist training for early years (nursery and reception) (27), the core subjects across KS1 and KS2 as specified in the ITT National Curriculum, and at least one specialist subject (28) across KS1 and KS2; in addition they must equip trainees to teach across the full primary curriculum in this age range;
2.3.2 3 or 5-11 - as a minimum, these courses must cover the core subjects across KS1 and KS2 as specified in the primary ITT National Curriculum, must equip trainees to teach across the entire primary age range with an emphasis on 3- or 5-8 or 7-11, and must include at least one specialist subject across KS1 and KS2. 3-11 courses must include specialist training for early years (nursery and reception); (27 & 28)
26. Qualified Teacher Status is awarded on successful completion of a course of ITT with a TTA accredited provider. This award is either concurrently with or after the award of a first degree of a UK university or a higher education institution with degree awarding powers, or a degree of the CNAA, or a qualification recognised to be equivalent to a UK or CNAA degree.
27. Additional specialist standards relating to early years (nursery and reception) for trainees on 3-8 courses and 3-11 courses are included in the Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status (Annex A).
28. A specialist subject could be one of the core subjects or an additional subject.
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2.3.3 7-11 - as a minimum, these courses must cover the core subjects across KS1 and KS2 as specified in the primary ITT National Curriculum, and must include at least one specialist subject across KS1 and KS2; (28 & 29)
2.3.4 7-14 - as a minimum, these courses must cover the core subjects as specified in the primary ITT National Curriculum, and a specialist subject at KS2 and KS3; (28)
2.3.5 11-16 or 18 - these courses must cover at least one specialist subject;
2.3.6 14-19 - these courses must cover at least one specialist subject, the 14-19 qualifications framework, including the relevant KS4 and post-16 examination syllabuses and vocational courses, and the relevant key skills required by 14-19 qualifications.
II. Length of postgraduate courses
2.4 The minimum amount of time which will be spent on courses of ITT is:
2.4.1 38 weeks for all full-time primary postgraduate courses;
2.4.2 36 weeks for all other full-time postgraduate courses.
C. Partnership Requirements
3.1 In the case of all courses of ITT, higher education institutions and other non-school trainers must work in partnership with schools (23) ensuring that:
3.1.1 schools are fully and actively involved in the planning and delivery of ITT, as well as in the selection and final assessment of trainees. The full partnership should regularly review and evaluate the training provided;
3.1.2 the division and deployment of available resources has been agreed in a way which reflects the training responsibilities undertaken by each partner;
3.1.3 effective selection criteria for partnership schools have been developed which are clear and available to all partners and trainees,and which take account of indicators such as OFSTED reports, test and examination results, exclusion rates, commitment to and previous successful experience of involvement in ITT;
3.1.4 where partnership schools fall short of the selection criteria set, providers must demonstrate that extra support will be provided to ensure that the training provided is of a high standard;
3.1.5 where schools no longer meet selection criteria, and extra support to ensure the quality of the training process cannot be guaranteed, procedures are in place for the de-selection of schools;
3.1.6 effective structures and procedures are in place to ensure efficient and effective communication across partnerships.
Time spent in schools
3.2 The amount of time spent by trainees in schools during their training, excluding school holidays, must be at least:
3.2.1 32 weeks for all four-year undergraduate courses;
3.2.2 24 weeks for all three-year undergraduate courses;
3.2.3 24 weeks for all full-time two-year secondary and KS2/3 undergraduate courses;
3.2.4 24 weeks for all full-time secondary and KS2/3 postgraduate courses;
3.2.5 18 weeks for all full-time primary postgraduate and two-year primary undergraduate courses;
3.2.6 18 weeks for all part-time postgraduate courses.
29. Where providers choose to offer one or more non-core, non-specialist subjects in addition to the specified minimum, trainees being assessed for Qualified Teacher Status should be able to demonstrate a secure knowledge of the subject to a standard equivalent to at least level 7 of the pupils' National Curriculum, and meet all the other required standards, but, if necessary, with the support of a teacher experienced in the subject concerned. For RE, the required standard is broadly equivalent to the end of Key Stage statements for Key Stage 4 in SCAA's Model Syllabuses for RE. The newly qualified teacher's TTA Career Entry Profile can indicate priorities for induction in each of these subjects. Providers may also wish to offer more limited coverage of other subjects than that required for non-core, non-specialist subjects, e.g. a few hours of taster training in a foundation subject, safety training in PE and/or design and technology. The nature and extent of any such training can be recorded on the trainee's TTA Career Entry Profile.
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D. Quality Assurance Requirements
4.1 For all courses of ITT, providers must ensure that:
4.1.1 the quality of provision across all aspects of the course is of a consistently high standard and complies with all the requirements set out in this Annex;
4.1.2 the training process is kept under regular review to ensure that the division of training responsibilities continues to reflect the strengths of those involved, that the standards and quality of the training process are identified and that, where necessary, action is taken to secure improvements;
4.1.3 trainees are given opportunities to observe good teachers at work and to work alongside them, to participate in teaching with expert practitioners in their chosen phase(s) and subject specialism(s), and to undertake substantial and sustained periods of class teaching in more than one school, observing, teaching and assessing pupils of differing abilities across the full age range for which they are being trained;
4.1.4 the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in ITT are set out clearly and are available to all participants, including trainees;
4.1.5 all those involved in training understand their roles and responsibilities and have the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to discharge these competently;
4.1.6 only those schools (23) and teachers who can offer appropriate training and support for trainees are used to provide ITT;
4.1.7 there are sufficient books, information technology resources and other specialist teaching resources, relevant to the age ranges and subjects offered, to enable all trainees to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to at least the standard required for the award of Qualified Teacher Status;
4.1.8 the competence of trainees is rigorously, accurately and regularly assessed in order to evaluate their progress towards achieving the standards required for Qualified Teacher Status and to enable training to be focused on trainees' achievement of those standards;
4.1.9 internal and independent external moderation procedures are in place to ensure consistent, reliable and accurate assessment against the standards for Qualified Teacher Status;
4.1.10 quality issues raised through internal and external moderation are investigated, and that the outcomes of these investigations are used to establish appropriate short term, medium term and long term priorities for improving courses;
4.1.11 plans for course improvement are acted upon and monitored, evaluated and reviewed against criteria for success, and that targets are demonstrably met;
4.1.12 information about the effectiveness of newly qualified teachers in their first year of teaching is collected and used to improve training courses.