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NOTE. As the following arrangements are merely provisional it has been considered advisable to adhere to the numbering of the Articles as in the Code for 1903.
111. (a) A Training College is an institution either for boarding, lodging, and instructing, or for merely instructing students who are preparing to become certificated teachers in Public Elementary Schools. The former are called Residential, the latter Day Training Colleges.
(b) A Residential College may receive day students. Training Colleges are required to include, either on their premises or within a convenient distance, a practising school in which the students may learn the practical exercise of their profession.
(c) A Hostel is an institution for boarding and lodging students attending a recognised Training College. The conditions qualifying for recognition as a Hostel are specified in Article 113(b) below.
(d) Training Colleges and Hostels must be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of His Majesty's Inspectors.
(e) An institution for boarding, lodging, and instructing blind students who are preparing to become teachers in schools for the blind may be recognised as a Training College. Grants will be paid to such a College on the same conditions, so far as circumstances permit, as those laid down for an ordinary Residential Training College.
112. A Day Training College must be attached to some University or College of University rank. The authorities of a Day Training College must be a local committee, who will be held responsible for the discipline and moral supervision of the students, for their regular attendance at professorial or other lectures, and for due care as regards the board and lodging of those students who do not reside in Hostels.
113. No grant is made -
(a) to a Training College unless the Board are satisfied with the premises, management, staff, curriculum, and general arrangements, and recognise it as a Training College; or
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(b) to a Hostel unless it satisfies the following conditions:
(i) The Hostel must have a responsible Head approved by the Board of Education.
(ii) Tho Hostel must be in a suitable position, and the premises, management and general arrangements must satisfy the Board.
(iii) Suitable provision must be made in the Hostel for not less than 10 students, who may or may not be students at a Training College.
(iv) No charge must be made to the students by the Hostel, unless previously approved by the Board.
(v) A full statement showing the general arrangements, timetable, dietary, charges to students, and fees payable in respect of the students to the Training Colleges attended by them, must be submitted to the Board annually before 1st September.
(vi) There must be a responsible Committee of Managers. This Committee need not be identical with the Committee of the College or Colleges which the students attend.
The authorities of a Training College or Hostel shall present such accounts and returns as the Board may require.
114. The recognised students in a Training College are called King's Scholars.
115. The authorities of any Training College may, with or without any further examination, admit the following persons as students:
(a) Any candidate who has obtained a place in the first or second class at the last or the last but one preceding King's Scholarship Examination;
(b) Any certificated teacher who has not previously been trained during two years, and who wishes to enter the College for a year's training;
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(c) Any Graduate, or person qualified by examination to become a Graduate, in Arts or Science of any University in the British Empire recognised by the Board for the purposes of this Article, who wishes to enter the College for a year's training;
(d) Any candidate over 18 years of age who has passed since the 1st January, 1901, one of the examinations approved by the Board for this purpose (see Schedule IV D of the Code of 1903).
The Board may limit in the case of any Training College the number of candidates admitted under each paragraph of this Article.
116. The number of Day Students to be admitted to each Training College will be fixed by the Board upon receipt of an application from the authorities of such College dated not later than the 1st of June in each year, and stating the number of students that they desire to admit.
117. Before candidates are admitted -
(a) The medical officer of the College must certify that the state of their health is satisfactory, and that they are free from serious bodily defect or deformity; and
(b) They must sign a declaration that they intend bonâ-fide to adopt and follow the profession of teacher in a Public Elementary School, or in a School certified under the provisions of the Elementary Education (Blind and Deaf Children) Act, 1893, or in a Central Class for Pupil-teachers, or in a Training College, or in the Army or Navy, or (within Great Britain) in Poor Law Schools, Certified Industrial or Day Industrial Schools, or Certified Reformatories.
118. The Board may refuse to recognise in a Training College any student who has subsequently to the publication of the result of the King's- Scholarship Examination signed an engagement to enter another
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Training College, without the written consent of the authorities of the latter College. In other respects the authorities of each College settle their own terms of admission.
119. Upon proof by the authorities of any College that candidates have not fulfilled the conditions signed by them on admission into the College, the Board may refuse to grant parchment certificates to such candidates, or to recognise them as Certificated Teachers.
120. The period of training is ordinarily two years, except for students admitted under Article 115(b) or (c). But an additional year's training may be allowed on the application of the authorities responsible for the training of the student. The consent of the Board will only be given in the case of students of special merit, for whom special educational facilities are offered. The additional year's training may, with the like application and consent, be taken, in whole or in part, elsewhere than at the College; and grants will then be paid, as the case may be, to the College, to the College and the Hostel, or to the College and the student, of the same amounts as if the student were taking his training in that year at the College.
Students of special merit may on the application of the authorities of their Training College, and with the consent of the Board, be allowed to take their second year of training, in whole or in part, in an institution for training teachers of the deaf approved by the Board for the purpose.
Students who pass successfully through two or three years of training receive special mention thereof on their certificates.
For the purposes of this Article the period from January to June 1895 is counted as one year.
121. King's Scholars who are qualified to attend the Certificate Examination are required to attend that examination, unless prevented by illness or other cause approved by the Board.
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122. Grants are placed to the credit:
(a) of each Residential College of £100 for every master, and of £70 for every mistress, who, having been trained in such College as a resident King's Scholar, and of £20 for every master and every mistress who, having been trained in such College as a day King's Scholar, during two years, is recognised as a Certificated Teacher, and completes the prescribed period of probation and obtains a parchment Certificate (Article 63).
(b) of each Hostel of £80 for every master, and of £50 for every mistress, who, having been trained in a Training College as a King's Scholar, and having been resident in such Hostel during two years, is recognised as a Certificated Teacher, and completes the prescribed period of probation and obtains a parchment Certificate (Article 63).
An additional grant of half of each of the above amounts is placed to the credit of the College or Hostel on account of each such master or mistress who has received an additional year's training under Article 120.
123. Teachers who have been trained for one year only may, if they satisfy the requirements of Article 60, obtain parchment Certificates after probation, or may be reported by the proper Department, upon the same terms as others; and grants, of half the amounts specified in Article 122, may be placed to the credit of the College in which they were trained, or Hostel in which they were resident, as the case may be, provided they entered as King's Scholars for one year's training under Article 115(b) or Article 115(c) of the Code for 1903 or the corresponding Article of any previous Code.
124. (a) Grants are paid in respect of King's Scholars:
(i) to Residential Colleges, in respect of resident students and day students;
(ii) to Day Colleges, in respect of day students;
(iii) to Hostels, in respect of day students resident in the Hostels.
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(b) Grants are also paid through the authorities of Residential and Day Colleges to King's Scholars who are day students and are not resident in Hostels.
(c) The Grants are for the year ending 31st July.
125. Subject (as regards Residential Colleges and Hostels) to the limitation imposed by the next Article, the Annual Grants are as follows:
(a) For each King's Scholar in residence in a Residential College for continuous training throughout the year, a Grant of £50 (men) or £35 (women) to the College.
Where a King's Scholar has for any sufficient reason been unable to be in residence for the whole session, a proportionate Grant may be made on his or her account.
(b) For each day student enrolled as a King's Scholar in a Residential or Day Training College for continuous training throughout the year:
(i) a Grant of £10 to the College;
(ii) where the student is resident in a Hostel, a Grant of £40 (men) or £25 (women) to the Hostel;
(iii) where the student is not resident in a Hostel, a Grant of £25 (men) or £20 (women) to the student, this Grant being paid through the authorities of the College.
126. (a) The Annual Grants to a Residential College or a Hostel are paid out of the sums placed to its credit (Articles 122, 123); and the Annual Grant for each year is limited by the balance standing to the credit of the College or Hostel at the beginning of that year, after adjustment in respect of Grants for previous years.
(b) This article does not come into operation, as regards any College or Hostel, until after the College or Hostel has been recognised for five years.
(c) An enlargement of a College or Hostel may, with the approval of the Board, be treated as a new College or Hostel.
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127. The annual grant is paid by instalments, as follows, subject to the submission of such lists of King's Scholars as may be required, and subject also, as regards Residential Colleges and Hostels, to the limitations imposed by Article 126.
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128. In addition to the annual grants, separate grants for Drawing and Science are made at the following rates to Training Colleges for every King's Scholar who has satisfactorily passed through all approved course in -
(a) Drawing, 10s.;
(b) Mathematics or Theoretical Mechanics, 25s.;
(c) Any other Science subject, including General Elementary Science when taken with another Science subject, 35s.;
(d) General Elementary Science only, and no other Science subject, from 35s. to 55s. according to the report of the Inspector upon the Science equipment of the College, upon the facilities provided for adequate scientific instruction, upon the amount and character of the practical work of the students in the course, and upon the quality of the scientific instruction given.
Grants will not be made under (b) and (c) of this Article in respect of the instruction of any King's Scholar in more than two subjects.
129. The following Table shows the amounts of the grants which, in consequence of the change made in 1895 in the date of the Certificate Examination, are
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placed to the credit of Residential Colleges instead of those specified in Articles 122 and 123, in the case of students -
(a) whose first or second year of training included the period from January to June, 1895,
(b) whose third year (Art. 120) or single year (Art. 115(b)) of training consisted of the same period.
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